Neoseeker : Ninjara Hoi! FAQs : Ninjara Hoi! FAQ/Walkthrough

Ninjara Hoi! FAQ/Walkthrough

by KeyBlade999   Updated to vFinal on
           __    _ _       _                     _   _       _   _
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  • Game: Ninjara Hoi!
  • Console: NES/Famicom
  • File Type: Formatted FAQ/Walkthrough
  • Author: KeyBlade999 (a.k.a. Daniel Chaviers)
  • Version: Final
  • Time of Update: 12:14 AM 7/13/2014
  • File Size: 288 KB


While I do write all of my guides for free, it does take a lot of time and effort to put them together. If you're feeling generous and want to show your appreciation, I am gladly accepting donations. I don't know exactly what the donations will be used for, but just know that you would definitely be helping me make more quality FAQs! Even the smallest donation amounts are appreciated, and they are a great way to say how much you appreciate the work I do. If you do decide you'd like to donate, please send the donations through PayPal at the e-mail address listed below. Thank you so very much for at least considering this!!

Donation/Contact E-Mail


Welcome to another guide of mine. The subject of this particular one is Ninjara Hoi!, a very recently translated Famicom RPG, made in the style of the more well-known Dragon Warrior, which itself spawned a number of clones back in the '80s and '90s. It is known as a bit of a pariodical game in same vein as Tengai Makyou, with much of its humor centered around on various pop and historical figures of Japanese culture (which were modernized in the translation). It's also apparently made by the same team who developed the game Momotarou Densetsu: The Legend of Peach Boy, which is much of the reason why I've wanted to play this game for a while, knowing its humor and gameplay fairly well.

It's been over twenty-five years since this game's launch in 1990 by the ASCII Corporation. And since then, not a single FAQ has been written for it. Well, there's always a first time for everything, no? Ever since the start of the NES FAQ Completion Project on GameFAQs some years ago - a project designed to get a guide out for every single NES game out there - many people have now been helped because older, rarer, less popular games have gotten guides. So many games, in fact, that all of the North American games have been covered, as have the European games, leaving only those that are homebrews and mostly those released in Japan and the Koreas.

And so, that is how I came upon this game. Thanks for listening to my ramblin'; hope you enjoy!

Basics of the Game

Game Controls

Button Effects
D-Pad Move around and move cursosrs in menus.
A Button Open an action menu and confirm choices in menus.
Enter/exit Clockwork Tank when you get it.
Begin flying or land the Clockwork Jet when you get it.
B Button Cancel commands and leave menus.
Select Button N/A
Start Button N/A

Game Saving/Loading

Ninjara Hoi! - along with a number of other Famicom titles by ASCII - uses an expansion plug-in for the Japanese Famicom known as a Turbo File. This Turbo File is essentially a memory card, compatible with a number of other ASCII titles at the save time to store save data from the game. Those attempting to play this game on an actual non-Japanese NES or most emulators will not be able to save their game in the traditional ways as intended by the game; you will have to leave the console on or use save-states, respectively, to retain game progress.

An alternate method of saving - also available by speaking with a Reviving Jizo - is "Diary" saving. Diary-saving is NOT like traditional battery-backed SRAM (save-RAM, the save file that is stored on a game even when the console is turned off). It actually is very misleading in that regard. Rather, a Diary save will only function until the console is turned off completely: it remains there even if you reset. It's good for allowing you to move between save files. However, for long term play, you will need save-states or a Turbo File, or raise your electric bill by leaving the console on outright.

Should you wish to delete the in-game saves - not the Turbo File, the "diary" entries - hold Select and Start and reset the Famicom. The saved data should be deleted. Or just turn it off. Same thing. >_> Why they included a special code for that is beyond me.

Field Interfacing

In the field - which is simply defined as being out of battles - most of your interfacing (other than walking around) will be done via an action menu, which will be opened up with the A Button. At the top, you will see a brief summation of your current status: your name, level, HP, and JP from left to right, with your Gold ("G") below. There are six options at the bottom of the screen:

  • Talk (Top-Left): Talk with the person you are currently facing.
  • Items (Top-Right): Look at your item stock and use them as needed.
  • Jutsu (Middle-Left): Jutsu is essentially magic in this game, and consumes JP.
  • Status (Middle-Right): Look at your status in-depth.
  • Search (Bottom-Left): Investigate the tile beneath your feet: used to find items.
  • Scrolls (Bottom-Right): Use a scroll.

Here are the more in-depth details on each.

Talk: You can use this to communicate with people, and thereby obtain information. In a humorous game such as this, it is suggested that you talk with everyone at least once. Plus, they can also reveal helpful info!

Items: When you enter this menu, you can choose any of the up-to-eight items you have. There will be four options for an item: "Use" (use or equip the item), "Eat" (used for curative items), "?" (learn the item's effects), and "Drop" (discard the item). Items have a variety of functions and, while they're mentioned in this FAQ, using the "?" option can be helpful to learning their effects for yourself.

Jutsu: Jutsu is a kind of magic for this game. Each Jutsu has a varying effect, too. Jutsus will be learned at the various dojos in various towns, and each use will consume your JP. As some Jutsus are used more and more, they level up and gain higher levels of effectiveness. When you're in the field, you'll only be allowed to use certain Ninjutsus, Tengu Jutsus, and Kunoichi Jutsues.

Status: In the top-left, you will see your current Level (a measure of your power) and Gold ("G" - currency). In the top-middle box, you will see your EXP., current HP, max HP, current JP, max JP, Attack, Defense, and Speed. HP is a measure of your health; when it hits zero, you are warped to the last Reviving Jizo used. JP is used as a currency for Jutsu; hence, Jutsu Point. Attack influences the damage of your Fight command, Defense influences the damage you receive in battle, and Speed influences battles' turn order and your escaping abilities. In the top-right, you'll find the important "Treasure" items you'll get as you play. In the bottom-left, you can find your known Jutsus, and then the info on Tengus if you press A. At the bottom-right is your current equipment: each piece of equipment will be of one of four types, and you can only have one of any type equipped (for a total of four pieces of equipment). In any case, your stats (top-middle) will increase as you earn EXP. from beating enemies, and then level up.

Search: Searching will examine the tile you are standing on to find an item. This, like in most Dragon Warrior clones, is very rarely used except for plot purposes and in-dungeon treasure chests, so don't bother with it too much unless you need to. It's a pretty big game, after all! =P

Scrolls: View the scrolls in your possession.

Battle Interfacing

During battles - which can be randomly found in the overworld and certain other areas, and are forced at other times - you will enter a screen where you can see the enemies' sprites. You can fight a variable number of enemies, which means that it's encouraged to not escape many battles to thusly level up. In any case, you have six options available to you...

  • Fight (Top-Left): Attack.
  • Item (Top-Right): Use an item, often for a healing or damaging purpose.
  • Jutsu (Middle-Left): These consume JP and have varying, useful effects.
  • Condition (Middle-Right): See if you've been ailed or the like.
  • Cover (Bottom-Left): Allows the user of this command to take the damage for another weaker or more important ally.
  • Escape (Bottom-Right): Attempt to flee the battle. Escape is not guaranteed, but is proportionate to your Speed stat.

Later in the game, when you earn an ally, they will have access to the same actions except Jutsu, which is exclusive to the main character (Kazemaru). Additionally, certain items and Jutsus will only target one ally, so be sure to take that into consideration.

The goal of any battle is simple: attack the enemy and defeat them all. You will mostly do so with the Fight command, or the Item or Jutsu commands in some other cases. (Note that Jutsu is learned at dojos throughout the game, and consumes some of your limited JP.) When you choose an action, you must select a target. Note that the game is a bit odd about this. Normally, if the enemies are of different species, you can select each of them with a guaranteed chance of hitting any of them (assuming they fail to evade). However, if you find three enemies of the same species, you only can only choose the species given to you (i.e. Skull Knight if all three are Skull Knights), meaning you only have a 33% chance of hitting any. Because focusing your attacks on single enemies removes them from the battle faster and thus lessens harm to you, it is better to flee from battles that are heavily reliant on the same enemy species.

(As a footnote, the game will never specify what stats an enemy has: you have to go on what's given to you for that. In this FAQ, I used my emulator and knowledge of how RAM in games is generally organized to derive their stats for myself. While I don't know the exact mechanics, you can always assume this: higher Attack means more damage dealt, higher Defense means less damage dealt to whoever is hit, and higher Speed means that this person will more likely go first in battles. The troubles I go through for FAQs. <3)

When the battle is won, you will earn EXP. and Gold (G) for winning. EXP. is used to level you up; thus, as you win battles, you will get stronger. Or, to put it another way, no pain, no gain. =P Gold is used as currency to buy stuff. These are the main motivations as to why someone should not flee battles unless they're in danger of losing their health. (And yet, leveling up will also refill your HP and JP, so that could be something to consider in desperation.) Each enemy will yield its own amount of EXP. and Gold; basic algebra would suffice as for how to learn which enemy gives how much of each, but I've also used the RAM to save trouble on both of our parts in that regard. =P

Other Things of Note...

Items/Limits: Items are obtained by various means, typically through getting them in the field, as battle rewards (rarely), or from shops. The game will pile both your equipment and your consumable items into the same slots. At any given time, you can only carry eight items: any more and you cannot obtain the item. This doubles while you have an ally in your party (16 items: there will be a "Next Page" options). Items can be sold at the pawn shop owner within a town's shops, or kept in the item depository you can find in inns, whichever you prefer. Equipment is generally best sold when you obtain a better variety of it for this exact reason.

Death in the Party: When Kazemaru is the lone party member, like he is for much of the game, and his HP hits zero, you will be returned to the last town you visited. If all party members die when you have multiple members, that is when this teleportation occurs: otherwise, you will have to wander around with dead member(s). Those with no HP will not be functional in battle. To revive someone whose HP is gone, you can use a Reviving Ball. You can also speak with the Reviving Jizo found in each town and you will have to pay an amount of money equal to 16 times their level, like below.

Level Payment Level Payment Level Payment Level Payment Level Payment
Lv. 1 16 Gold Lv. 11 176 Gold Lv. 21 336 Gold Lv. 31 496 Gold Lv. 41 656 Gold
Lv. 2 32 Gold Lv. 12 192 Gold Lv. 22 352 Gold Lv. 32 512 Gold Lv. 42 672 Gold
Lv. 3 48 Gold Lv. 13 208 Gold Lv. 23 368 Gold Lv. 33 528 Gold Lv. 43 688 Gold
Lv. 4 64 Gold Lv. 14 224 Gold Lv. 24 384 Gold Lv. 34 544 Gold Lv. 44 704 Gold
Lv. 5 80 Gold Lv. 15 240 Gold Lv. 25 400 Gold Lv. 35 560 Gold Lv. 45 720 Gold
Lv. 6 96 Gold Lv. 16 256 Gold Lv. 26 416 Gold Lv. 36 576 Gold Lv. 46 736 Gold
Lv. 7 112 Gold Lv. 17 272 Gold Lv. 27 432 Gold Lv. 37 592 Gold Lv. 47 752 Gold
Lv. 8 128 Gold Lv. 18 288 Gold Lv. 28 448 Gold Lv. 38 608 Gold Lv. 48 768 Gold
Lv. 9 144 Gold Lv. 19 304 Gold Lv. 29 464 Gold Lv. 39 624 Gold Lv. 49 784 Gold
Lv. 10 160 Gold Lv. 20 320 Gold Lv. 30 480 Gold Lv. 40 640 Gold Lv. 50 800 Gold

Jutsu: Jutsu is this RPG's take on the magic command you'd find more often in other RPGs: Final Fantasy, for instance. Jutsu is much similar to that. It can be learned at the dojos in some towns, assuming that the dojo master is there, or some Tengus in other loci. Jutsu - as applicable - can be used in the field, in battles, or both, and it will consume some of your limited JP. However, as you use the spell more often, it will level up and become better: the levels will be noted by initially being Normal (which is just the implied level I give it), then becoming Hyper, Super, Ultra, and Miracle. This latter fact is only applicable to Ninjutsu and Kunoichi Jutsu; Tengu Jutsu, which plays a more functional role, will not level up, and only some of those Ninjutsus and Kunoichi Jutsus. When a Jutsu levels up, you almost always use that new form of the Jutsu except in a few rare cases: this new form may cost a little more JP, be stronger, be more accurate, or have new side-effects, among other things. You can see the specific details about the Ninjutsus, Tengu Jutsus, and the Kunoichi Jutsus in their respective sections - note that only Kazemaru can use Ninjutsus and Tengu Jutsus, whereas only Akane can use Kunoichi Jutsus.

Known Problems with the Game: This game has a few minor glitches of note: nothing that would derail your gameplay, but could cause confusion. Firstly, the use of the Trippy Balls is known to alter the palette and colors in the game; expect that. In particular, it will possibly make text invisible. You know, trippy. =P You can remedy this by simply walking around for a bit: the effect is only temporal.

Next, later in the game, you will earn the Burrow Tengu Jutsu: this is about halfway-to-2/3 through the game. This allows you to avoid random-encounter battles. However, in certain situations, its use can cause the game to hang: for example, the game might hang if you are under its effects and attempt to enter a boss battle. It is also a temporal thing: just know to walk around until the Jutsu loses its effect before entering any forced battles.

Also, if you name your character and your partner with names less than six letters, then the game will assume the rest of the name to be filled with spaces. For example, the phrase from the introduction (in English, if you're named BOB), were it displayed properly...

  "It is the story of a boy known as BOB. Long ago, there once..."
... would actually look like this:

  "It is the story of a boy known as BOB   . Long ago, there once..."
Notice the gap between "BOB" and the period (".") in the second example, which is how the game renders the text with too-short names. Just so you know.


One Quick Note!

To those who happen to be reading this FAQ, I would like to note that I am using the English translation of this game available through by Pennywise, aishsha, and others. For this reason, I will provide translations (for relatively important scenes: others are simply summed up or skipped) for the common player based on this translation, in case you cannot - for whatever reason - apply the translation to your own game and also have poor/no skills at reading Japanese (like me =P). While such translations should be expected of FAQs for Japanese RPGs, also keep in mind that the authors of this translation, in a way, localized the translation so the humor therein would be retained for non-Japanese audiences, and my in-FAQ translations will reflect this.

Game Start-Up

At the title screen, press Start to begin the game. You will first be able to choose the speed at which messages scroll with the Up/Down buttons on the D-Pad, after which you'll be able to select whether you want to load a new game (top) or start a new game (bottom). Assuming you're doing the latter, you will next enter your name. Note that your name is limited to six characters - if it's any less, the game's text will look "odd" when your name is mentioned, as blanks will be put in to fill out the remainder of your name. Additionally, the game won't let you enter a name that is all one character (i.e. "AAAAAA"). The same is true for your partner and friend, a dog. If you opt to not choose a name, you will be using the default name: the main character's is Kazamaru, and the dog's is Jubei. After, the game begins....

The Star Scroll

Sectional Flowchart

Introduction Translation

Spoiler. Highlight text to view

Female News Anchor - "Welcome to the 9 PM weather forecast for the evening news! Your weather for tomorrow is nothing but sunshine. A great day for some outdoor fun! Coming up next is the premiere of 'Ninjara Hoi!' Enjoy the show!"

Male News Anchor - "Good evening! My name is Tadao Takashimadaira! It is my pleasure to present to you 'Ninjara Hoi!' It is a wacky Japanese game from 1990! It is the story of a boy known as Kazemaru. Long ago, there once was a Shinobi Kingdom created and ruled by the greatest ninja ever, Rahoi. But his kingdom fell when the evil Skull Shogun laid siege to the land and turned Rahoi to stone. However, before the petrification was complete, Rahoi entrusted his only son to his loyal follower, Stinkosai. Stinkosai and the others fled to the remote edges of the land. The Skull Shogun desperately searched for them, wanting to erase Rahoi's bloodline. And that is where our story begins! Well, folks, I hope you're all very excited! It's time for me to go. We'll see you at the movies! W-wait, no..."


[Scene changes to a house in the Wind Hamlet.]

[Stinkosai Tozawa just cut loose a loud fart!!]

Stinkosai - "Kazemaru! Good God! You rascal! ... Did you say you want to go on a quest to defeat the Shogun? Excuse me for farting, but you made me lose control of myself with that talk! So you're set on conquering the Skull Shogun? I see... Well, since you're so determined, I can't stop you! BUT! Kazemaru! Before you leave, I have a favor to ask of you! Please go to the nearby village of Encaenia and see the man they call Saizo to get a secret message from him! I won't let you leave unless you bring it to me within an hour! Get a move on! Time's a-tickin'!

Wind Hamlet

Item Name Cost Effects
Shuriken 16 Gold Damages multiple enemies, usually for ~20 damage.
Makibishi 30 Gold Used to escape from battles. 75% success rate.
Fujizoom 30 Gold Allows you to warp between important locations on the map.
Dango 8 Gold Restores 8 HP.
Onigiri 16 Gold Restores 16 HP.
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Bokuto Weapon 50 Gold +2 - - Kazemaru
Katana Weapon 100 Gold +4 - - Kazemaru
Hachimaki Headband 8 Gold - +1 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Katabira Torso Armor 50 Gold - +2 - Kazemaru
Coral Katabira Torso Armor 90 Gold - +3 - Kazemaru
Waraji Footgear 20 Gold - - +5 Kazemaru

In case you don't remember, Stinkosai requested that you get him Saizo's secret message in an hour. While that's all well and good, the destination village is essentially next door, so don't worry too much.

After regaining control of your character, feel free to speak with the guy at the right side of the room. (He speaks of getting his orange belt - a symbol of strength, in regards to karate - through the mail, in case you can't tell.) Leave the house to the front lawn with the path in the shape of a swastika. At the south part of town is a white person, known as a Reviving Jizo, who you can save the game at.

Were you to enter the shop in the southeast corner, you would find the Shinobi Arms store - an equipment store - at the left, and the Shinobi Tools store - an items store - at the right. In the southwest corner of town is an inn where you can spend a small sum of money to stay the night and restore your HP and JP in full. You can also access a depository in the inn to save your items, and another for your Gold, which can then be withdrawn, not just here, but anywhere else where such a place exists! While you do not have any money - and thus both facilities currently lack any use to use - it is important to get familiar with them nonetheless.

In the northeast and northwest mountains making up the town are dojos where you can learn ninjutsu, this game's variation on magic that you'd find in most RPGs. However, the dojo master is not here; other towns will have such dojos for you to learn at, however. Anyhow, since you have nothing else to do here, simply head to the overworld. As you leave town, be sure to do so via the south end: there, you'll find a person next to the ring of trees surrounding the village. This is a Reviving Jizo: you can speak with these to learn how much EXP. you need to reach the next level and to save your game. Be sure to use them often (if you have a Turbo File).

Encaenia Village

[_] Secret Message

Item Name Cost Effects
Dango 8 Gold Restores 8 HP.
Onigiri 16 Gold Restores 16 HP.
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.

When you enter the overworld, don't worry too much about random encounters: in this particular region of the overworld, you won't deal with them. Just walk north to the next village: it's all of three steps away. >_>

When you enter the village proper, there's not a lot to do, but speaking with the townspeople can give some useful advice to RPG beginners. (Of course, if you're playing an RPG out of your language, you've probably played quite a few before! =P) Anyhow, in the northwesternmost house, speak with the man to get a riddle: should you answer it, you'll be told where Saizo is. The riddle is "Green on the vine, red on your plate! What six-letter vegetable am I talking about?" -- the answer is "Tomato". (On the English translation, note that it is case-sensitive.)

The man will then reveal himself to be Saizo, and you will be given a Secret Message. As you go south out of the village, there will be some ninjas awaiting you: speaking with them reveals that this small task, by order of Stinkosai, has made you a full-fledged ninja! (What the hell?)

Return to the Wind Hamlet

[_] 100 Gold

When you return to the Wind Hamlet, you can enter Stinkosai's house - speak with him to end this minor quest. In the case that you did make it within the hour (it really shouldn't have taken more than 15 minutes), you'll be permitted to go defeat the Shogun and will be given 100 Gold. If you didn't finish in under an hour, you just don't get any money. >_> When you're done, let's return to the overworld...

Our First Overworld Trek

[_] Express Tengu Jutsu

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Scythe Skull 7 22 14 16 3 2 None
Skull Leader 5 7 7 7 3 1 None
Skull Underling 4 5 1 3 2 1 None

When you return to the overworld, note that you will now encounter enemies as you go through the overworld. Buying the Bokuto weapon and several Dangos from the Wind Hamlet is highly recommended to increase damage output (thus shortening battles) and to ensure your own life. Shuriken can also be helpful for multi-enemy fights. This is by far better than running since you can earn money and EXP. to ease your traveling, and there isn't a true "Game Over" in this game, so the risk is relatively little, at least at this point. The only real exception for now is the rare Scythe Skull, which drastically overpowers you, typically two-hit-killing you.

^sr1|Express Tengu and his true form.

In any case, begin by going northward. As you go through the larger mountains encircling this area, you'll find a Jizo statue, which you can speak with - at least in the overworld - to be able to get some useful hints, this hint being what you get from this Jizo. Further north, if you keep along the dirt path, you will find a Jizo. Go along the grassy path to the east and through the forest and then into the house at the end to find the Express Tengu. By speaking with him, you will have to play a little game with him to find his true form, a blue-clothed old man as when you speak to him initially - just press A when you see it. It might take a few tries, but it's doable and repeatable. When you win, you'll get the Express Tengu Jutsu, which functions like the Fujizoom item, which lets you travel to a town or village you've been to already for 10 JP. You could easily use the inns there to cheaply heal your JP back if needed. Thus, it's great for emergencies or the need to save quickly!

Backtrack through the overworld to that fork in the path near the second Jizo statue. Go north and along the path to find Manji Cave.

Manji Cave

[_] Rice Cake [_] Onigiri

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Bad Luck 20 0 28 28 0 1 None
Good Luck 1 0 0 0 0~99 0 None
Scythe Skull 7 22 14 16 3 2 None

To the curious, the Jizo outside the cave notes that you will find two enemies - Good Luck and Bad Luck - inside, who are a bit special compared to the other enemies. Bad Luck is known to steal pretty much all of your Gold from your wallet, and your Speed is likely too low to guarantee an escape, so something like the Makibishi will help here to stop you from losing your Gold, maybe. On the off-chance you win the fight, you'll regain all lost Gold. Good Luck is quite the opposite: during a fight with him, you'll have to stop the digits of a number in the same manner as one would a slot machine; just press A to stop them. When all have stopped, you'll earn the equivalent amount of Gold, which will thus be between 0 and 99, since only two digits are operated.

Other than those enemies, you'll find plenty of Scythe Skulls throughout, and they are still rather powerful, meaning you'll probably lose most battles against them. It would be wise to bring along some Shurikens from Wind Hamlet to deal with them.

When you enter the cave, begin by walking along the linear path north and east and you will find a four-way intersection. Go south first and Search on the chest at the end of the path to find a Rice Cake item, which restores 25 HP! (That actually ought to be close to your actual max HP right now, assuming you're Level 4 as I am.) Similarly, if you go north of that four-way, you'll find an Onigiri on the ground, which heals 16 HP as you should already know. East of the four-way are the stairs, which lead to the overworld. Enter the nearby village.

Star Town

[_] Star Scroll

Item Name Cost Effects
Antidote 6 Gold Cures you of being Poisoned.
Dango 8 Gold Restores 8 HP.
Onigiri 16 Gold Restores 16 HP.
Rice Cake 24 Gold Restores 25 HP.
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.

When you enter Star Town, be sure to use the nearby Reviving Jizo to save if you can. In the southeast corner of the town is the inn, which will cost 5 Gold, and there's an items shop in the southwestern portion of town; a couple of Antidotes wouldn't be too bad an idea. In any case, if you were to speak with the locals around here, you'd learn that Star Town is a town that is absolutely fanatic about baseball, although since the Skull Clan's been coming around not many have been able to enjoy it. You'd also learn that you can find all five of Ninja Master Rahoi's scrolls to learn the ultimate ninjutsu, one of which would be in this town!

Enter the Star Dome in the center of the town, which is the town's baseball field. Speak with the foul-mouthed Clemenichi on the mound and you'll be shoved to home base. As he throws the baseball, properly time your pressing of A or B so that you swing and hit a home-run. He will accuse you of being on something before throwing you the Star Scroll! ^_^ After getting all of the damn foul language out of your system, leave.

The Dream Scroll

Sectional Flowchart

Moving Further In The Overworld

[_] Express Tengu Jutsu

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Bare Bones 11 8 30 30 10 2 None
Battle Frog 8 26 18 24 5 2 Frog Oil
Frog Tamer 16 19 20 24 5 3 None
Jiraiya Skull 9 21 24 26 7 2 None
Ninja Dog 7 22 10 26 4 1 None
Poisonous Frog 7 15 22 26 6 1 None
Scythe Skull 7 22 14 16 3 2 None

When you arrive in the overworld, expect to begin fighting much-harder enemies than before; the Scythe Skull is relatively easy for now, as it happens. It would be best to grind yourself to somewhere around Levels 8~10 for now to deal with this. After, go along the path to the first Jizo statue you see, who will note that the Badabing Hamlet is to the northwest. Go northwest along the practically-dotted path in the forest to find it.

As a note, if you need quick Gold, you can get the item Frog oil from the Battle Frogs when you beat them. You don't have multiple party members as of yet, so selling it for a nice 90 Gold is a considerable thought.

Badabing Hamlet

[_] Badabing Ninjutsu [_] Foxfire Ninjutsu

Item Name Cost Effects
Gunpowder Ball 8 Gold Heavy damage to a single enemy. Deals ~24 HP of damage.
Antidote 6 Gold Cures you of being Poisoned.
Throwing Knife 990 Gold Very heavy damage to a single enemy: best for bosses. Deals ~80 HP of damage.
Makibishi 30 Gold Used to escape from battles. 75% success rate.
Fujizoom 30 Gold Allows you to warp between important locations on the map.
Rice Cake 24 Gold Restores 25 HP.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Katana Weapon 100 Gold +4 - - Kazemaru
Shinobi Katana Weapon 320 Gold +6 - - Kazemaru
Hachimaki Headband 8 Gold - +1 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Coral Katabira Torso Armor 90 Gold - +3 - Kazemaru
Shell Katabira Torso Armor 200 Gold - +5 - Kazemaru
Waraji Footgear 20 Gold - - +5 Kazemaru

When you arrive, speak with the Jizo as usual to save, since you may as well. As usual, there is an inn nearby, which will cost you 15 Gold this time. In the southeastern corner of town, you can find the full set of shops you haven't seen since the Wind Hamlet. The arms shop is little different, but it contains two improvements: the Shinobi Katana and the Shell Katabira, which would be nice to grab. The new items at the tool shop are two new attacking items, neither of which are of particular want at the moment; I'd stick with maybe two Gunpowder Balls and some Rice Cakes.

In the northwestern cave of the town is a dojo where you can learn some Ninjutsu. Speak with the man within to confirm your training.

BOSS - Badabing Ninja

Badabing Ninja
Max HP 50
Attack 24
Defense 26
Speed 24
Gold 0
EXP. 4
Items None

The Badabing Ninja will mostly have two actions he can do. The first is a basic attack; assuming your armor situation is ideal, you won't take much more than 5 damage per hit. He will hit usually every two or three turns, instead favoring the Badabing Jutsu as his other move to heal some HP. This is most irritating thing, especially at lower levels as it can mean that your damage is quickly undone.

Playing this battle is more of a waiting game than anything: for the most part, the damage done won't need to be healed until you're hit for the third or fourth time. Other times, it's mostly attacking and hoping the damage doesn't get undone; in this instance, being a bit slower than the Badabing Ninja can be helpful at the start since his Jutsu would be used before you attack. =P Other methods of killing would probably include the expensive attack items.

For winning, you will earn the Badabing Ninjutsu, which is used to heal your HP! Nice! =D Heal up at the inn and go to the northeastern cave for another boss battle within the Ninjutsu Dojo there!

BOSS - Foxfire Ninja

Foxfire Ninja
Max HP 60
Attack 26
Defense 20
Speed 19
Gold 0
EXP. 5
Items None

The Foxfire Ninja will rely heavily on one technique: his Foxfire Ninjutsu, which will deal around 16 damage to you. This will mean you essentially have to quickly kill him, since his normal attack also does 7~10 damage. By "quickly kill", I mean you really ought to buy some attacking items and use them here to assure a quick death.

For winning, you'll get the Foxfire Ninjutsu. This Ninjutsu is used for offensive purposes, unlike the other one you learned in this town; it does start relatively weak (about half as powerful as Fight), but it gets absolutely deadly at higher levels. That will about do it, though. Head out of town when you're ready.

The Path of Napalm

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Bare Bones 11 8 30 30 10 2 None
Battle Frog 8 26 18 24 5 2 Frog Oil
Frog Tamer 16 19 20 24 5 3 None
Jiraiya Skull 9 21 24 26 7 2 None
Ninja Dog 7 22 10 26 4 1 None
Poisonous Frog 7 15 22 26 6 1 None
Scythe Skull 7 22 14 16 3 2 None

When you leave the Badabing Hamlet, go back east to the dirt path and follow it northward for a while; you'll eventually happen upon our next destination, Napalm Hamlet.

Napalm Hamlet

[_] Napalm Ninjutsu

Item Name Cost Effects
Limpy Flower 30 Gold Lowers an enemy's Attack and Defense, increasing their damage taken and lessening their output.
Net 98 Gold Makes it so that an enemy cannot attack for a brief time.
Antidote 6 Gold Cures you of being Poisoned.
Throwing Knife 990 Gold Very heavy damage to a single enemy: best for bosses. Deals ~80 HP of damage.
Fujizoom 30 Gold Allows you to warp between important locations on the map.
Rice Cake 24 Gold Restores 25 HP.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Katana Weapon 100 Gold +4 - - Kazemaru
Shinobi Katana Weapon 320 Gold +6 - - Kazemaru
Coral Katabira Torso Armor 90 Gold - +3 - Kazemaru
Shell Katabira Torso Armor 200 Gold - +5 - Kazemaru

As usual, be sure to use the inn (25 Gold) and shop as you enter the small hamlet. There's not much new in the shops, though you might find those Limpy Flowers and Nets useful for some battles, and the next Jutsu-earning battles in particular. In the northwestern cave, you can fight the Dojo Master...

BOSS - Napalm Ninja

Napalm Ninja
Max HP 65
Attack 40
Defense 26
Speed 26
Gold 0
EXP. 6
Items None

The Napalm Ninja will probably be the first of the Dojo Masters that has a legitimate chance at overpowering you at this point in the game. His normal attack will deal around 10~15 damage, and his Napalm Ninjutsu.... Well, that I think may have been nerfed during the development and debugging process a little too heavily since it was only about half as powerful as his attack. Still, neither are things you'll want to screw with. Generally, opening with Foxfire is a good idea: it should deal somewhere around 15~25 damage in this instance, and you'll probably hit the second time if you miss. From there, it will be better to devote your JP to the use of Badabing when you need to heal during a simple Fight offense.

After winning, you'll gain the Napalm Ninjutsu. As was shown in the battle, the Napalm Ninjutsu is a simple attack that costs 12 JP; at the moment, Foxfire will suffice for your offensive Ninjutsu, since Napalm is a lot inferior. At the same time, though, Napalm will eventually be useful as a multitarget attack since that is its intent: it will always be weaker than Foxfire, but it can also hit multiple enemies at once quite easily. 

Other than this stuff, the Napalm Hamlet doesn't have much in it, so head back to the overworld.

Island Hoppin'

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Bare Bones 11 8 30 30 10 2 None
Battle Frog 8 26 18 24 5 2 Frog Oil
Frog Tamer 16 19 20 24 5 3 None
Jiraiya Skull 9 21 24 26 7 2 None
Ninja Dog 7 22 10 26 4 1 None
Poisonous Frog 7 15 22 26 6 1 None

When you return to the overworld, head north and east and you will find a lengthy bridge. As you attempt to cross it, a man will come from Napalm with terrible news...

Spoiler. Highlight text to view

Man - "Kazemaru! I've got terrible news for you! It's about Master Stinkosai! The Skull Shogun attacked Wind Hamlet and turned him to stone!


[The scene switches to a television report, like at the start.]

Tadao Takashimadaira - "Good evening! It's me, Tadao Takashimadaira! Things are starting to get hairy here, folks! As awful as it sounds, the Skull Shogun set his wrath upon the little Wind Hamlet and Stinkosai! Of course, I already knew that because I saw the trailer! Hahaha! Now we return you to your program, right inside Stinkosai's house! Enjoy the show folks! It's just getting started!"


[The scene switches to Stinkosai's home in Wind Hamlet.]

Stinkosai - "Forgive me, Kazemaru! It was my foolishness that led the Skulls here! And now, look at what has happened! The Shogun is doing all that he can to stop Rahoi's son from learning the ultimate Jutsu! Kazemaru! Please listen to me! The son of Rahoi is none other than you! I've been protecting your identity here in this hamlet ... but it's only a matter of time before the Shogun finds out who you are! We're in a race for our future, but you can't do it all alone! You have a sister who can help you! Your younger sister, Akane, is somewhere in this land! Hanzo Tsuzura was tasked with raising her, just as I did with you. If the both of you join your powers together, you will have the power to stop the Skulls and take our land back! Make me proud Kazemaru!

After that long scene, you'll be back in the Wind Hamlet. You'll need to backtrack manually to Napalm Hamlet and cross the bridge, or you could just use the Express Tengu Jutsu or a Fujizoom to get there faster. Whichever. In any case, once you get across, we'll properly begin the hunt for Akane.

Across the Bridge

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Battle Rat 10 33 28 28 7 3 None
Grinning Bones 8 18 18 32 9 1 None
Rat Tamer 24 22 30 28 4 4 None
Shinobi Rat 11 22 22 30 10 2 None

On a quick general note, you will begin to fight Rat Tamers (among the other enemies listed here) after you cross the bridge. The Rat Tamers in particular are capable of summoning additional Battle Rats into the battle, so taking the Tamers out first is generally a good idea.

Once you've crossed that long bridge from Napalm to the new island, you'll find a Jizo statue noting that Limpy Hamlet is just ahead. Technically, it's to the southeast. but whatever: it's there, so going there isn't too bad an idea!

Limpy Hamlet

[_] Limpy Ninjutsu

Item Name Cost Effects
Boom Ball 6,300 Gold Hits a single enemy for moderate damage, around 20~30 points. Can be used multiple times.
Big Kite 6 Gold In the overworld, use this to zoom around to see the land nearby, then press A to land where you started.
Antidote 6 Gold Cures you of being Poisoned.
Throwing Knife 990 Gold Very heavy damage to a single enemy: best for bosses. Deals ~80 HP of damage.
Food Capsule 50 Gold Restores 40 HP to a single target.
Fujizoom 30 Gold Allows you to warp between important locations on the map.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Shinobi Katana Weapon 320 Gold +6 - - Kazemaru
Nunchaku Weapon 560 Gold +8 - - Kazemaru
Hachigane Headband 60 Gold - +2 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Shell Katabira Torso Armor 200 Gold - +5 - Kazemaru
Ivory Katabira Torso Armor 420 Gold - +7 - Kazemaru

Do the usual stuff when you enter the village: sleep  at the inn (30 Gold), save at the Reviving Jizo, and go shopping. The shop has some new weapons and armor you might want to consider, but the benefits - assuming you already have ideal equipment - are minor at +2 Attack and +3 Defense, something you could just grind for in the overworld. The new usable items are an improved HP-restorer in the Food Capsule, the Big Kite (which is relatively pointless), and the Boom Ball, which can be used many times to deal damage to single-enemies.

Also, there's a dojo in the northwest corner of town where you can fight!

BOSS - Limpy Ninja

Limpy Ninja
Max HP 70
Attack 38
Defense 38
Speed 32
Gold 0
EXP. 7
Items None

The Limpy Ninja, as his name suggests, will rely a good bit on the Limpy Ninjutsu. It works much akin to the Limpy Flower item you could have bought before: it will lower your Attack and Defense, making you weaker and take more damage at the same time. Coming loaded with a couple of Food Capsules wouldn't be too bad an idea to counteract the damage, although you're mostly screwed on the Attack decrement. He often will use this several consecutive times as well: akin to Pokémon strategy in that same manner, it will essentially magnify the effect and make you all the more ... well, limpy! For example, after two uses at Level 9 with ideal equipment (38 ATK, 38 DEF), I was hitting for about 4 damage and being hit for about four times that. o_o;

So, how to deal with this? Coming in with all guns blazing is about the best thing you can do: by beating him before he can actually use Limpy or the like, he'll never get the chance to use it and weaken you; Fight won't do it unless you've been grinding a lot. A Throwing Knife is a pretty sure-fire kill, and the Foxfire Ninjutsu works well, too, even if it is a bit inaccurate.

After the battle, you'll earn the Limpy Ninjutsu - initially costing 6 JP and taking 26 uses to level-up, it will reduce the target's Attack and Defense in battle, which, as demonstrated in this particular one, can be devastating to lone foes! Other than this, though, there's little reason to stay. So don't.

More in the Overworld...

[_] Exit Tengu Jutsu

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Battle Rat 10 33 28 28 7 3 None
Fire Breather 12 19 28 29 8 3 None
Grabber Skull 28 26 26 38 13 4 None
Grinning Bones 8 18 18 32 9 1 None
Porky Skull 10 26 32 27 12 2 Rice Cake
Pusher Skull 11 30 36 30 16 2 None
Rat Tamer 24 22 30 28 4 4 None
Shinobi Rat 11 22 22 30 10 2 None
Thrower Skull 14 22 48 40 20 2 None
Water Skull 14 28 30 38 18 3 None


When you return to the overworld, head south and along the western dirt path for a bit. If you speak with the Jizo along the way - a Confirmation Jizo - he will mention the Express Tengu and his Tengu Jutsu you can learn from him. He can be found southeast of Manji Cave's south entrance, along the path in the forest there - see Our First Overworld Trek for more. To the southeast of there, you should see some form of two lakes: like in the nearby screenshot, you can see a house - that of a Tengu - to the southeast of there. Go there!

Within, you will find the Exit Tengu: confirm that you are here to learn his Exit Spell and he will ask you to hand him an item whose name begins with "Da-". The only such item we've found insofar in the game is the Dango item which can be bought at Star Town and earlier areas for 8 Gold: use the Express Tengu Jutsu or a Fujizoom to get to one of those an back. (Those using the Fujizoom may prefer Wind Hamlet, since it sells Fujizooms.) For obtaining one and then speaking with him again, you will learn the Exit Tengu Jutsu, which allows you to exit any area (in the same manner as the Escape Ball item) for 9 JP.

Back in the overworld, go north and west to the dirt path we were following earlier. Then just follow it southward to Dream Town.

Dream Town

[_] Dream Scroll [_] 0~24 other randomized treasures

Item Name Cost Effects
Guts Ball 7,000 Gold If you would be killed on the turn this is used, you will survive with 1 HP left.
Funny 'Shroom 180 Gold Confuses the enemy, meaning they may attack their allies or unintended other targets.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Food Capsule 50 Gold Restores 40 HP to a single target.

As per the usual, when you enter the town, save at the Reviving Jizo, heal up at the inn (50 Gold), and shop in the Tea House. When you're done, feel free to speak with the local townspeople: in general, this reveals that Rahoi had left some kind of precious treasure here, in the town's treasurt, and that you need to solve riddles to get to it.

There are ghosts in the northern portion of town who will give you hints as to the answer: here are the various hints you can receive:

  • Speaking with the southeastern ghost - clearly some man gone out of his mind with his delusions of being Jesus Christ - will yield this question: which group (among the Mongols, the Europeans, and the Americans) never managed to make it to Japan? The Mongols didn't, so answer that and you will learn that the numbers in the password are all odd.

  • Speaking with the southern ghost near the path in the trees will yield that the number is three digits.

  • The ghost just northwest of that one will first ask who wrote The Book of the Five Rings. Frankly, I was soooo tempted to try J.R.R. Tolkien (thinking it to be a ploy on his works in the The Lord of the Rings series), but the ghosts weren't amused. =P Anyhow, the answer is "Musashi Miyamoto". You will then learn that the sum of the [three] digits in the number is fifteen.

  • The next ghost to the north will (eventually) ask you which of the three names shown was a Japanese warlord. Of course, the answer is Oda Nobunaga. (Guess that gives some credit to the Nobunaga's Ambition series.) You then learn that the product of the three digits in the number equals 105. Quickly, then, mathematically:
    • X + Y + Z = 15
    • X * Y * Z = 105
    • Simple trial-and-error will allow you to deduce that the digits are 3, 7, and 5: their sum is 15 and their product is 105. The question is the order...

  • The next ghost to the northeast will ask as to which of the three styles of poetry - haiku, shi, and sonnets - are Japanese. Answer with the top option, "haiku", to get another hint. All three numbers are prime numbers, which means that their only factors (as far as natural numbers (positive integers > 0)) are 1 and themselves. The previously deduced 3, 5, and 7 apply to this rule, so let's move on. ... Though, yeah, that would've given it away: the only prime numbers between 0 and 9 inclusive are 2, 3, 5, and 7. =P

  • The next ghost to the northwest with the girly name... Okay, he's pointless. Moving on.

  • The next ghost to the east, named Alexandre Dumbass (poor guy), will eventually remember his riddle: who can take the place of the emperor, at least in regards to general royal proceedings? It's a role generally delegated to regents in times of illness, so go with that, the top option. The ghost will allow you to know that the three numbers in the password are two apart from each other. So this works for 3, 5, and 7: 3 + 2 = 5, and 5 + 2 = 7. Moving on.

  • The baseball-loving ghost just nearby will ask you this question: who was Musashi Miyamoto's main rival? (Musashi Miyamoto being a famous baseball star in Japan.) The answer is Kojiro Sasaki, the top option. You'll finally get a hint as to the order of the digits themselves: the first digit is larger than the second, and the second is larger than the third. Thus, if the number were XYZ, X > Y > Z, which means that the numbers descend in value. Since we know the digits to be 3, 5, and 7, we simply reverse the order: the answer to the password is 753! (7 > 5 > 3)

Approach the large pagoda in the center of this area and speak with the man at the door and he will ask you the password. Three zeroes will appear on the screen: use the D-Pad to manipulate them into reading "753".

Inside the treasury, you will find a massive store of 25 treasre chests!!! Search on them to find ... well, it actually varies quite a bit. The last thing you'll find in any of them is the Dream Scroll; from there on out, they'll all be empty. The contents of each are also randomized to an extent, so it's all a lot of luck.

Anyhow, when you're done, return back to the overworld.

The Song Scroll

Sectional Flowchart

Yeah ... it's a long one!

In the Wetlands

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Caster Skull 12 18 32 42 22 2 None
Drunken Skull 15 28 50 46 22 4 None
Fire Breather 12 19 28 29 8 3 None
Grabber Skull 28 26 26 38 13 4 None
Halberdier 13 31 33 34 11 3 None
Thrower Skull 14 22 48 40 20 2 None
Water Skull 14 28 30 38 18 3 None

Our next journey isn't too long. Continue eastward along the path from Dream Town to find a Jizo statue; they will mention that the Runaway Hamlet is nearby, and someone you know is there! The Runaway Hamlet can be found just to the south in the middle of some sand, so go there!

Runaway Hamlet

[_] Runaway Ninjutsu

Item Name Cost Effects
Infinite Star 5,800 Gold Instantly kills multiple enemies at once. Can be used as an infinite number of times.
Hand Mirror 180 Gold When an enemy attacks you with a Jutsu on the turn you use this, they are hit with the Jutsu they used!
Antidote 6 Gold Cures you of being Poisoned.
Plum Pill 300 Gold Restores 8 JP to a single target.
Kikatsugan 200 Gold Restores 80 HP to a single target.
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Ivory Fang Weapon 480 Gold +11 - - Takamaru
Nunchaku Weapon 560 Gold +8 - - Kazemaru
Kusarugama Weapon 940 Gold +10 - - Kazemaru
Ivory Katabira Torso Armor 420 Gold - +7 - Kazemaru
Chain Katabira Torso Armor 840 Gold - +9 - Kazemaru
Shinobi Waraji Footgear 420 Gold - - +10 Kazemaru

When you arrive in the area, you'll be interested to find that many of those here are actually dogs. Huh. If you've been paying attention to the actual effects of some equipment, you'd know that Takamaru could equip some of it; Takamaru is actually a ninja dog, and these types of partners will mostly be able to equip headbands and fangs, since they can't ... well, wear much else. >_> Otherwise, shop and heal as you want to; the usual new items are in, plus a few interesting battle items, though their use is relatively niche or pointless for their cost.

If you enter the north-central house of the village, you can speak with the dog inside, Tazu, the dog who allied Rahoi on his own journeys. She won't join you, being too old, but her son Takamaru is more than willing to join! He will join at Level 1, so keeping him alive in most battles will take a bit of work, but his stats are a bit more buffed than yours initially were as a form of compensation.

Now, as usual, you can head into the northwestern cave to find a dojo for learning Ninjutsu! But first, a brawl!

BOSS - Runaway Ninja

Runaway Ninja
Max HP 70
Attack 38
Defense 38
Speed 32
Gold 0
EXP. 7
Items None

The Runaway Ninja will rely more on his physical brute to defeat you, as a result of the effects of Runaway Ninjutsu being essentially pointless to an enemy during battle. Generally, you'll be able to expect 10~15 damage from those physical attacks.

Opening the battle with the Limpy spell will be very helpful to you in this fight, since it will greatly reduce the boss's physical and defensive prowess after two successful uses, though the effect is only temporal. Alternatively, if you have any battle items like a Throwing Knife spare, that would help out a ton. But, otherwise, this mostly devolves to a hit-and-heal fight.

After the battle, you will learn the Runaway Ninjutsu. Unlike the other Ninjutsus learned thus far, its use is mostly one of function, and it cannot be leveled up: it, for 9 JP, will learn you run away from a battle with a 75%-or-so success rate, which isn't too bad. Anyhow, we're done in this town. Back to the overworld: there, just go east to Arhat's Road.

Arhat's Road

[_] Fancy Watch [_] Antidote [_] Plum Pill [_] Caterer's Card [_] 100 Gold [_] Antidote
[_] Food Capsule

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Blue Moth 14 36 20 51 18 3 None
Caster Skull 12 18 32 42 22 2 None
Grabber Skull 28 26 26 38 13 4 None
Hellfire Skull 14 23 20 60 12 3 None
Newborn Moth 90 66 10 46 8 17 None
Scaler 34 48 40 60 26 8 Antidote
Water Skull 14 28 30 38 18 3 None
Yellow Moth 17 28 39 49 16 4 None

Arhat's Road - 1F: This area, and the Road as a whole, is pretty linear. In the first area, just go to the southeast corner to find the stairs.

Arhat's Road - 2F: Go east to find the stairs.

Arhat's Road - 3F (West): Go southeast to the stairs.

Arhat's Road - 4F: Go south and west to find a fork in the path caused by two westbound paths. In reality, they both end up at the same place, so take whichever. As another path opens up to the south (assuming you took the southern path), though, go west, north, and east to find that chest you probably saw in the alcove: it contains a Fancy Watch. It simply allows you to see how long it has been since you started the game. Pretty interesting, eh? I've clocked in at 10 hours, 33 minutes so far. ... >_>;; Feel free to use it, though; it has infinite uses.

Round back to the west, south, east, and go south into the clearing. Further south of there is a bit of a labyrinth, but it's actually easy to navigate once you deal with it a little. However, as you go along, stepping on any of the rocks (I suppose they're eggs?) will initiate a battle against the difficult Newborn Moth, so look out! Stick with all of the westernmost exits to get an Antidote, then go north and east and south into another alcove for a Plum Pill. Repeat the process to find some useful Frog Oil, then go back into that horizontally-long clearing from before the labyrinth of eggs.

From there, head east along the southern wall and you'll find another path in similar design to the labyrinth's, but it's quite linear actually. It leads to a Caterer's Card chest at the end. Once you've snatched it (wonder why moths would need that?), go back to the horizontal room and east and across the bridge.

On the other side, immediately go north to find a chest; Search its contents to find 100 Gold. Go back to the bridge, then along a path to the east when first possible. It will end up winding north into a clearing. There, go to its northeast and northwest corners to find two chests containing an Antidote in the northeast corner and a battle versus a Newborn Moth (if you want it) in the northwest corner. Go north from this room to another, then follow the path west from there to find some stairs.

Arhat's Road - 3F (East): Open up the nearby chest to find a much-needed Food Capsule, then go east and upstairs.

Arhat's Road - 1F: Yeah, you somehow skipped 2F. Anyhow. Go east and south to the overworld.

Overworld: When you arrive out of Arhat's Road, finally, go south out of the mountain valley to the oceanside. Head a bit east from there to the Doppel Hamlet.

Doppel Hamlet

[_] Doppel Ninjutsu

Item Name Cost Effects
Smoke Ball 480 Gold Used to escape from battles. 100% success rate in escapable battles.
Windup Mouse 12 Gold Allows you to freely view the terrain in caves and castles.
Bamboo Pill 800 Gold Restores 16 JP to a single target.
Revive Ball 20,000 Gold Revives an ally from being KO'ed with 1 HP. Better heal them soon!
Kikatsugan 200 Gold Restores 80 HP to a single target.
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Ivory Fang Weapon 480 Gold +11 - - Takamaru
Kusarugama Weapon 940 Gold +10 - - Kazemaru
Wind Katana Weapon 1,320 Gold +12 - - Kazemaru
Hachigane Headband 60 Gold - +2 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Chain Katabira Torso Armor 840 Gold - +9 - Kazemaru
Koga Katabira Torso Armor 1,600 Gold - +12 - Kazemaru

As always, begin your time in this hamlet with a much-needed rest at the inn (75 Gold) and some shopping. There's not a lot new in terms of equipment, though. If you were too lazy to use Fujizooms or the Express Tengu Jutsu to get Takamaru a Hachigane headband, now's the time, and it would be a very good idea to get him an Ivory Fang since he's still likely underpowered compared to you. Otherwise, it's minor improvements you could pass on if you have the next-best thing.

Anyhow, there's not much else here ... except a brawl in the northwestern cave, as usual, for some Jutsu!

BOSS - Doppel Ninja

Doppel Ninja Clone
Max HP 96 19
Attack 55 55
Defense 50 50
Speed 58 58
Gold 0 0
EXP. 16 0
Items None None

The Doppel Ninja is the most powerful enemy you've fought so far, but that's not what is so threatening about him... The primary threat in this battle is his ability to create a clone of himself; he'll often do this early in the battle. This clone will have duplicated stats as well, except for his HP which will be about 20% of the original's. This also makes him a strategic threat since you will be forced to choose just "Doppel Ninja" when you attack, meaning you won't know which of the two, if either, you'll hit.

The biggest threat against this strategy is anything you can do that is inherently multitarget: that means the Infinite Star and the Shuriken items. Extreme use of these items will be pretty much the only way to win. Let's look at it mathematically: normally, the Doppel Ninja hits you for 10~15 HP. Two brings that to 20~30 HP damage per turn. That's a three-turn kill assuming you're around Level 15. With you being only 50% likely to target the main one, it's either go for the costly strategy in the Infinite Star, or go for the luck-based strategy in a fight-and-heal battle.

To the curious: if you beat one of the clones, the text "Weez in da heat of battle!" appears, at least in the English translation I have. Dunno. Just seems kinda ... uh ... not very ninja-like, I suppose. =P

After the battle, you will learn the very, very, very, very useful Doppel Ninjutsu! For just 6 JP, you will be able to create a clone of yourself in battles! It will have about 20% of your HP and its other stats will match your own. In doing this, the enemies will have more trouble aiming at the real Kazemaru (only 50% chance, since there's two of you) and, if the clone lives longer than the turn on which it is summoned, it can  also attack on its own! >:)

With this very cool Ninjutsu in ... well, I'm not where you keep it ... leave the hamlet. Once in the overworld, just go north and east to find Genbu's Castle.

Genbu's Castle

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Cow Skull 32 36 71 44 18 4 None
Deserter Skull 19 52 88 46 20 6 None
Dropper 14 28 62 56 23 5 None
Kunoichi Skull 17 20 39 62 28 4 None
Skull Templar 20 48 45 50 20 5 None

Genbu's Castle - 1F: When you arrive in the castle, speak with the gray-looking dude at the front. This guy will force you to allow him to join; he is Jizo. For the most part, his role will be a plot thing; in battles, he will just Cover for you and he cannot die, so that's a bit helpful. Anyhow. On with the show 'n' stuff.

Begin by going eastward for a while. As you go, you'll notice an open doorway to the north; nothing is beyond, and when you attempt to leave it, the castle will also be left, so don't bother. The same is true of the next such doorway you meet as you continue along the very linear path. As you go further west from there and up another set of stairs, you'll be right at a fork: one going upstairs to a door, and another going just east to a door. Use the latter doorway and you will end up on the roof. Go east from there and through another doorway.

On the other side, go east, upstairs, and west to go through another door. In the room beyond, you'll find Genbu, one of the four Skull Devas!

BOSS - Genbu

Max HP 150
Attack 76
Defense 90
Speed 50
Gold 70
EXP. 66
Items None

It's 'bout time we had a boss that wasn't just some Ninja in some hamlet somewhere! >:) Even so, Genbu is the most powerful enemy we've seen thus far, and the bulkiest as well. He likes to rely on his Shikigami technique; this will hit both members of your party for about 25 damage apiece. His own basic attack is almost as threatening, albeit single-target, but Jizo will sometimes step in and take the damage for you. (You won't need to heal him throughout the battle, so this is wholly a good thing.)

Grinding away this boss's HP will take a bit of work on your part: for the most part, at around Levels 15~17, you won't see him taking much more than 10~15 damage from your attacks, although he tends to return that in double. Early in the fight - like for the first two or three turns - you can rely on the Foxfire Ninjutsu and Takamaru's Fight to dole out some heavy damage. From there on out, though, you should rely mostly on Kazemaru for Foxfire and Takamaru for some healing each turn; if you have some Frog Oils somehow, that would work great, but otherwise Takamaru will likely alternate healing until you run out of items, in which case the roles will need to switch so that Kazemaru uses his Badabing Jutsu while Takamaru attacks.

After the battle, Genbu flees while Tobimasa - a famous architect - cries out from beyond the wall. After Jizo frees him, he'll join you in much the same role as Jizo did: a Coverer in battles. In any case, leave the castle by any means you wish: you can backtrack manually or use the Exit Tengu Jutsu, whichever.

Evaporation of the Moat

[_] Jingle Tengu Jutsu

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Caster Skull 12 18 32 42 22 2 None
Cow Skull 32 36 71 44 18 4 None
Drunken Skull 15 28 50 46 22 4 None
Fire Breather 12 19 28 29 8 3 None
Grabber Skull 28 26 26 38 13 4 None
Halberdier 13 31 33 34 11 3 None
Pilgrim Skull 17 31 74 34 20 4 None
Skull Templar 20 48 45 50 20 5 None
Thrower Skull 14 22 48 40 20 2 None
Water Skull 14 28 30 38 18 3 None

When you return to the overworld, Tobimasa will evaporate much of the water surrounding Genbu Castle, which will allow us to continue our journey ever-forward. Go back to Doppel Hamlet to heal and restock, then head north - not east - of Genbu Castle. As you near the shoreline, go east to the end of the peninsula.

Here will be a Tengu's house: this is the one of the Jingle Tengu. Confirm with him that you would like to learn his Jutsu: however, you must have absolutely no cash on you to be able to do that. If you have money, go back to Doppel Hamlet and deposit it all in the money depository in the northwestern corner of the inn, then return to the Tengu's house without winning any battles (just escape from them). For doing so, you'll learn the Jingle Tengu Jutsu - this cannot be used in towns, but it costs no JP and you will gain 1 Gold per step you take without going into a battle. It will be a bit inconvenient if you need to grind for money (since battles happen pretty often and it's only 1 Gold per step), but it might be a helpful extra boost.

Backtrack to the general area around Genbu Castle and head east this time.

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Amanojaku 100 20 100 60 0 1 None
Bikininja 45 20 45 60 22 5 None
Bluffy 40 1 60 80 1 1 None
Forgive-Me-Ninja 70 20 60 58 0 1 None
Gale Skull 17 31 40 96 12 7 None
Kate Ninjalet 40 100 60 32 32 8 None
Mickey Rat 64 30 40 58 12 6 None
Muscle Skull 40 80 58 46 26 18 None
Substitute Ninja 60 32 46 48 21 5 None
Tattooed Skull 19 52 50 52 21 6 None

As you go through this area with new (mostly joke) enemies, be sure to be wary of the Amanojaku enemy - the background music will change when you fight him. He is known to steal your money before fleeing; you can regain it if you beat him, though! A similar trait is true of the Forgive-Me-Ninja. Another special enemy you may find is Bluffy, who's just really a joke enemy. >_> You'll also find a Substitute Ninja (who scolds you when you attack). There's also the Bikininja, who yells "Pussy!" every time you attack her. Then there's Kata Ninjalet, who likes to sing in-battle:

"Every night
I kill you
in my dreams!
I can see you now
that is how
I know I can
kill you now!
That is how
I know this fight
will go on and on..."

You can even find a Mickey Rat, who will use the Fantasia spell - a reference to the Disney movie Fantasia - to make characters immobile.

Anyhow, when you reach the first Jizo statue east of Genbu. First go northeast and follow the dirt path. As the path winds to the southeast, another Jizo will be nearby to notify you of a Tengu's house to the east of there. Follow the broken dirt path there to meet with the Waterwalk Tengu. He quickly decides to not teach you his Jutsu - since he didn't pre-order Ninjara Hoi (this game) and is now pissed off... But he quickly warms to you and decides that, if you can make him laugh, you'll get your Jutsu. But he thinks you're not ready for that and suggests playing another 10 hours. ... Hm... In any case, let's not bother for now. Dude's a jerk.

Back in the overworld, go to the southwest of that southeastbound path you were following earlier: we'll be doing a bit of side-tracking before you go to ... Turd Village. ... Anyhow. You'll soon find a castle. If you look throughout the forest around there, if you look carefully at the gaps, you'll notice that there is Japanese katakana there with the word "kohosochi" written. Not sure what it means, but just something the curious may wonder about. South of that castle, the Firewakame Mall - which we'll visit later - is Showdown Village.

Showdown Village

Speaking with the locals reveals that you have come just in thyme for the annual Grand Pun Slam! (See what I did thar?) Feel free to speak with the various locals for a number of pants-carpingly funny (or terrible) puns. (Aha! I can't stop! ... Okay, fine, it krills my brain to think up all of these puns. I'll stop.)

You can enter the contest by going into the northernmost building and speaking with the guy at the desk. The contest is rather easy; in fact, just enter anything and you'll win. I entered just "A" and won. So, that's really about it here. Go north of the town to find the Firewakame Mall.

Firewakame Mall

Item Name Cost Effects
Health Sandals 500 Gold Restores HP as you walk in the field ... but Speed goes to 0, making you last to move in battle!
Moonwalker 2 Gold Gimmick item: it makes you appear to move backward in the field. (Doesn't affect D-Pad usage.)
Trippy Balls 2 Gold Gimmick item: "makes you trip balls!" (It just makes everything look differently colored.)
Tabi Socks 2 Gold Gimmick item: you walk at half-speed in the field. No real use otherwise.
Whiffle Bat 600 Gold Gimmick item: equipped as a weapon, though its use is unknown.
Fortune Cat 500 Gold Just keep it along with your other items to earn 25% more money from battles.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Bokuto Weapon 25 Gold +2 - - Kazemaru
Katana Weapon 50 Gold +4 - - Kazemaru
Hachimaki Headband 4 Gold - +1 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Hachigane Headband 30 Gold - +2 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Katabira Torso Armor 25 Gold - +2 - Kazemaru
Waraji Footgear 10 Gold - - +5 Kazemaru

^sr3|The hidden B2F option!

Mall - 1F: The Firewakame Mall is akin to the Department Stores of the earlier-generation Pokémon games: a big shop with a variety of things to buy! When you arrive, go into the first doorway to the east and speak with the man within to choose a floor to go to. You can choose from the Roof/3F, 2F, 1F (where you entered, which has no shops), and B1F. ''(There is a hidden B2F option you can reach: it is the blank line at the end of the floor-choosing text box - see the screenshot to the right to get what I mean.) Choose whichever fits your needs.

Mall - 2F: Here, the first room you can reach is an inn costing 1 Gold. The second is the Shinobi Arms shop. Why you would want the outdated equipment there is beyond me - I mean, it's really outdated, so much so that the half-price thing doesn't even make it worth bothering with. Except with the Hachiganes, the best headbands you can have insofar.

Mall - Roof: The area to the right is the Batting Center. For 100 Gold, you will have four balls thrown at you and you can swing at them. Depending on how many hits you get, you will get a variety of prizes:

Balls Hit Prize Normal Cost Prize Effects
0 Nothing!
1 Hand Mirror 180 Gold When an enemy attacks you with a Jutsu on the turn you use this, they are hit with the Jutsu they used!
2 Smoke Ball 480 Gold Used to escape from battles. 100% success rate in escapable battles.
3 Chain Katabira 840 Gold Torso Armor for Kazemaru. Defense +9.
4 Tempest Katana ??? Weapon for Kazemaru. Attack +16.

Mall - B1F: When you enter, there is an items shop through the door to the west. You'll mostly find a bunch of gimmicky items there, so if you have the money to spare, go ahead and trip out on the Trippy Balls or something. The Fortune Cat is the only thing truly worth keeping for long-term use there, since it automatically boosts your money earnings by 25% just by being on-hand.

Mall - B2F: Here, after choosing that hidden option noted earlier, you can go to the Hamper Casino. There, for 100 Gold, you will be able to open a whopping 25 chests; similarly to the Dream Town treasury, the contents are randomized, but, yeah, there's lotsa goodies in there! =D When you're done, it's time to leave to the overworld.

Heading for ... Turd Village

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Amanojaku 100 20 100 60 0 1 None
Bikininja 45 20 45 60 22 5 None
Bluffy 40 1 60 80 1 1 None
Cow Skull 32 36 71 44 18 4 None
Forgive-Me-Ninja 70 20 60 58 0 1 None
Gale Skull 17 31 40 96 12 7 None
Kate Ninjalet 40 100 60 32 32 8 None
Mickey Rat 64 30 40 58 12 6 None
Muscle Skull 40 80 58 46 26 18 None
Pilgrim Skull 17 31 74 34 20 4 None
Skull Templar 20 48 45 50 20 5 None
Substitute Ninja 60 32 46 48 21 5 None
Tattooed Skull 19 52 50 52 21 6 None

Once you've finally returned to the overworld, it's time to go to the crappy Turd Village. From the Firewakame Mall, head northeast to the winding southeastbound path and follow it further to the southeast. You'll find a Jizo soon who will complain about the smell of Turd Village. From here, you must simply go along the linear path across the bridges and the islands to find Turd Village.

Turd Village

... *covers nose*

When you arrive here, feel free to speak with the Turdfolk (yes, they are, quite literally, fecal matter) for some moderately-amusing comments. If you were to head into the northwestern house of the village, you can find the Prince of the Turds, Shitose. He will help you by joining your party so you can get through the nearby cave to continue your journey. As before, his purpose is merely for the plot, meaning he will only Cover during battles, cannot be controlled or healed, and has hidden stats.

In the center of the village, you'll find the inn, which costs 85 Gold. (Though, to be honest, I would bring my own sheets if I were you. =P) In the southeasternmost house, you can speak with the turd there to cover yourself in Luminous Moss, which is supposed to repel poison. (Whether it actually works is beyond me.) Beyond these things, there's little to do here.

Go east and south through the overworld to find our next destination, the Turd Pit.

The Turd Pit

[_] Windup Mouse [_] Escape Ball [_] Food Capsule [_] Bamboo Pill [_] Throwing Knife
[_] Bamboo Pill [_] 200 Gold [_] Pine Pill [_] Caterer's Card

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Hog Skull 17 21 46 58 12 8 None
Muscle Skull (Overworld) 40 80 58 46 26 18 None
Muscle Skull (Turd Pit) 22 31 58 64 20 7 None
Trickster Skull 6 16 88 80 1 20 None

.... *gags*

Turd Pit - 3F: When you arrive, go to the far east to the water, then go north along the linear-but-winding path. As you reach the next spring of water, go north first to find a "DEAD END" and a chest containing a Windup Mouse. Backtrack to the entrance and continue by going northwest and along the path to a fork, then going northwest from there. You will find a sign marking this as a "DEAD END" and a hamper containing an Escape Ball. Head back to the fork and go northwest, then north as much as possible, defaulting to west when needed. You will soon find a ladder going downstairs; ignore it and go north to find a Food Capsule. Go far east to the northeast corner to find a Bamboo Pill in a hamper there. Go back west to the stairs from before and use them.

Turd Pit - 2F: As a note of trivia, you can ease your navigation by looking at the shapes of the ... rivers of brown water, I suppose you could call them. They are in the shapes of the Japanese katakana for "u", "so", and "chi" going clockwise. You will start out just to the southwest of "chi".

Here, go north, east, and south along that wall that is surrounding that water and you will find a hamper. Open it to find a valuable Throwing Knife! Go back northwest to the ... brown water for "chi" and then west and into the hall there to another such lake, this for "so". Then go west from there to another hall and north there. You will eventually run into a Bamboo Pill at the northwest corner. From here, run faaar off to the east and you'll eventually hit some water. From there, begin going southeast until you end up at a "Y"-shaped fork that runs off to the north, which ends at a hamper. Open it for 200 Gold.

Go back to the turd-lake in the shape of the katakana for "u" - we turned north there, remember? Now go south there. When you reach the water, there will be two southbound paths to follow: follow the western one to wander upon a hamper, though be careful as it's trapped and thus initiates a battle. Go northeast from there to a north/east fork; go east and along the path to find some stairs that go down. (The nearby hamper also contains a battle.) Go on down.

Turd Pit - 1F: When you arrive, it would probably be a good idea to heal up, since you probably fought quite a few battles on the way. In any case, go north and speak with the man there, Byakko of the Skull Devas!

BOSS - Byakko

Max HP 180
Attack 99
Defense 77
Speed 71
Gold 96
EXP. 82
Items None

This fight will be pretty difficult, though, given our progress in regards to Level, Byakko is not nearly as overwhelming as Genbu likely was. Byakko will mostly rely on a basic Fight attack for this fight, though, even around Level 20~23 (where you should be) with ideal armor, you'll still take around 25~30 damage per hit, which is a four-hit-kill.

Opening with that Throwing Knife you recently got - as well as other super-special valuables you likely got from that Hamper Casino in Firewamake or other towns via shops - will be great! At this point, that should be dealing around 40 damage, which is about as twice as much damage as you'll be dealing to him. For the most part, this battle will become a fight-and-heal thing: have Takamaru focus on the attacking while Kazemaru uses Badabing to do the healing as needed, or Fight if there's no real danger.

After Byakko leaves, go north to the water and Shitose will depart from the party, leaving you with a hint as to the location of the exit: to push on the walls. Specifically, walk onto that brown-looking tile nearby. Go along the path from there to another such tile, then that will take you to the other side of the wall you saw earlier.

Here, you will see two paths: one to the north, and one to the northeast. First go north and into the clearing there to find two hampers to open: they contain a Pine Pill and a Caterer's Card. Along the aforementioned path to the northeast, you will find the stairs to go outside, so use 'em.

Fresh Air At Last!!

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Poisonous Snake 20 40 72 66 24 8 None
Sea Snake 28 42 59 60 24 9 None
Shark Skull 20 47 48 56 18 11 None
Shinobi Torpedo 28 58 42 70 26 10 None
Snakehead Skull 25 51 60 60 20 11 None

It's okay now! You can unplug your nose and your mouth, for we've finally returned to the overworld! When you finally leave the Pit, go east and north to find a Reviving Jizo on the shoreline. If you head further north, you'll find yourself on a lot of low-rising land that just winds around. Kinda like we're in a dungeon again, huh? But, in reality, there's not much here and nothing special along each path. Both paths are about equally long and wind up at the same place:  at another long bridge. Before crossing it, though, go south and to Song Town.

Song Town

Item Name Cost Effects
Sacrifice Doll 96 Gold Prevents the attack against you on this turn from damaging you. Has one use.
Birdlime 80 Gold Slows an enemy down.
Kikatsugan 200 Gold Restores 80 HP to a single target.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!
Bamboo Pill 800 Gold Restores 16 JP to a single target.

In case you don't know why no background music is playing when you arrive, you need to remember that this game is a parody. Thus, the lack of music is for humor: a song-centered town without background music. Or, as Tadao near the entrance of the town puts it, "Do NOT panic! Your Famicom is not broken!" Speaking with the locals reveals that this is because the Skulls kidnapped one of the members of this town's five-man band.

In any case, on to business. The town's inn is in the northeast corner of town and costs 100 Gold. The Tea House, which has a couple of new, interesting items, is in the west-central part of town. In the center of the town is a large, white pagoda; enter it and speak with the men within. It seems that the Song Scroll was inside the instrument of the fifth member of this five-band band's instrument, the same one who was kidnapped. He has probably been taken to the Skulls' underground lair. The way to get to him and the scroll is the Clockwork Sub built by Tobimasa; you are permitted to take it, and it's just outside of the town.

The sub is just south of the town: sail due south to the "Y"-shaped island to the Lake Cave.

The Lake Cave

[_] Bamboo Pill [_] Windup Mouse [_] Smoke Ball [_] Pine Pill [_] Windmill Star
[_] Kikatsugan [_] Kikatsugan [_] Escape Ball

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Poisonous Snake 20 40 72 66 24 8 None
Sea Snake 28 42 59 60 24 9 None
Shark Skull 20 47 48 56 18 11 None
Shinobi Torpedo 28 58 42 70 26 10 None
Snakehead Skull 25 51 60 60 20 11 None

The path through the cave is pretty easy to begin with. Go south for a while until the river narrows significantly and spills into a clearing; go west from there and along the path to eventually end up at a three-way fork. Go east and onto the dark, black land to get a Bamboo Pill from the hamper. Return to the fork and go south, east, south, and west along the path. Another way to land will open up to the north.

Go north and land. (It seems you need to be on the leftmost tile of the river when you land.) Focusing on this area as a side-scrolling platformer may help your perspective. In any case, go to the left and past the first ladder, then down the next two. Continue along the path to find a Windup Mouse in a hamper at the end, then backtrack to the skipped ladder and ascend. When you get to the nest floor, go to the far right to find a Smoke Ball. Return to the ladder and ascend to the very top, then go right and down another ladder to find a hamper in a small, secluded alcove; it contains a Pine Pill.

Return to the submarine now. Go south, then west until a pathway to the north opens up. Go along it and land at the shoreline. (Again, at the far west portion.) Go left, skipping the first ladder to go down the second to find a Windmill Star. Then go to the top of both ladders to find a Kikatsugan at the top of the western one, and another Kikatsugan at the end of the path of the eastern ladder.

Return to the sub and go south, west, and north along the path. Eventually, a narrow path will open up to the north, and it will have a ladder along it: climb it and go along to the Skull Deva, Suzaku.

BOSS - Suzaku

Max HP 255
Attack 108
Defense 76
Speed 88
Gold 134
EXP. 106
Items None

Suzaku will mostly rely on his Fight move in this battle, and it's a pretty nasty one. Assuming you're around Levels 23~25 as you should be - yes, the person in each village recommending you levels is wrong - you'll take about 30~40 damage per hit, depending on your equipment and the like.

For the most part, this will devolve into a bit of a grind. Early on, I would suggest at least attempting to use the Doppel Ninjutsu to create a clone of yourself; this would at least help Kazemaru to avoid being hit, and if he's not targeted at all that essentially gives you a third ally. When that works, the clone should focus on the use of various Fight moves, while the real Kazemaru works on the curative front and Takamaru attacks. At these levels, a fight will take about 10 turns (~25 damage per hit), so you shouldn't have to worry about your JP too much. Healing itself won't be needed but about every other turn, assuming the same person is hit twice in a row, so the fight will be noticeably shorter. It's still a bit of a grind, but by no means difficult.

After the battle, a flood of water will suddenly occur as Suzaku flees - drowning him, perhaps? >:) - and allowing you into a new area. Return to the ladder and to the submarine, then go west and into the new area. There, you can speak with the fifth band member, Musiko, who will end up joining your party for the time being. The hamper nearby will contain an Escape Ball, which you can use to get outside.

... Wait a moment. Why didn't Musiko just use that?

Seriously. It's a big plot hole.

Restoring Song Town's Music

[_] Song Scroll

Item Name Cost Effects
Sacrifice Doll 96 Gold Prevents the attack against you on this turn from damaging you. Has one use.
Birdlime 80 Gold Slows an enemy down.
Kikatsugan 200 Gold Restores 80 HP to a single target.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!
Bamboo Pill 800 Gold Restores 16 JP to a single target.

Once you've left the Lake Cave, with Musiko in your party, return to Song Town. There, heal up and shop as desired, then go into the pagoda you were in before with the now-five-man band. Speak with the man in the southwest corner there to obtain the Song Scroll, the third of the five scrolls Rahoi left behind. Additionally, the background music for Song Town will be restored, allowing you to not believe your console is broken. Yeah. What a shame. Anyhow, finish up what you have here so we can continue!

The Rainbow Scroll

Sectional Flowchart

Crossing to a New Island

[_] Burrow Tengu Jutsu

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Groggy Skull 22 60 75 80 41 12 None
Headbutt Skull 23 40 80 80 28 14 None
Poisonous Snake 20 40 72 66 24 8 None
Sea Snake 28 42 59 60 24 9 None
Shark Skull 20 47 48 56 18 11 None
Shinobi Torpedo 28 58 42 70 26 10 None
Skull Dog 24 42 68 66 20 9 None
Skull Monk 50 48 70 66 38 10 None
Snakehead Skull 25 51 60 60 20 11 None

When you return to the overworld, go north and along the very long bridge to the next main island. When you arrive near the Jizo, head east to find the house of the Burrow Tengu. Speak with him and you'll have to play a game to learn his Jutsu: you must guess the music. When you hear the background music, choose where it's from. In my case, it was the main battle theme (the top option), then the town theme (second option), then the overworld theme (third option). You will then learn the Burrow Tengu Jutsu: for 13 JP, you can walk 30 steps without finding any enemies.

Anyhow, when you return to the overworld, go west and along the dirt path. You will soon find Bamboo Hamlet, the home of your sister Akane.

Bamboo Hamlet

Item Name Cost Effects
Windmill Star 70 Gold Moderate damage to multiple enemies.
Sun Ball 240 Gold Instantly kills a single enemy.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Throwing Knife 990 Gold Very heavy damage to a single enemy: best for bosses.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Wind Katana Weapon 1,320 Gold +12 - - Kazemaru
Kunoichi Sword Weapon 1,360 Gold +15 - - Akane
Squall Katana Weapon 2,800 Gold +17 - - Kazemaru
Koga Katabira Torso Armor 1,600 Gold - +12 - Kazemaru, Akane
Ninken Katabira Torso Armor 3,000 Gold - +20 - Takamaru
Wind Waraji Footgear 1,240 Gold - - +20 Kazemaru, Akane

When you arrive, do the usual stuff you would normally do: stay at the inn (85 Gold) and go shoppin'. Now would probably be a good idea to go splurging via some means: you have a new weapon for Kazemaru (though if you have the Tempest Katana from the Firewakamae Mall, don't bother), the ability to buy he and Akane some new armor, and even the ability to boost Takamaru's Defense a lot with his own equipment! It's not something to pass up!

Speaking with the locals reveals grim news, however. (It may cause you to delay the purchase of Akane's equipment.) Akane has apparently been kidnapped by the Skull Clan, as well as Tobimasa, and they're being held captive in Seiryu Castle. Even worse, they're making Tobimasa build them a weapon ... a very powerful weapon, within a near-impregnable fortress.... Oh carp. (Not a typo.)

In any case, there's nothing left to do here: leave.

To Seiryu Castle!

[_] Sprint Tengu Jutsu

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Birdhead Skull 37 62 120 78 42 16 Birdlime
Claw Skull 23 52 60 80 36 17 None
Groggy Skull 22 60 75 80 41 12 None
Headbutt Skull 23 40 80 80 28 14 None
Kusarigama Skull 24 60 55 70 33 13 None
Poisonous Snake 20 40 72 66 24 8 None
Shurikener 22 68 72 84 36 18 Windmill Star
Skull Dog 24 42 68 66 20 9 None
Skull Monk 50 48 70 66 38 10 None

When you return to the overworld, go west and north and across the bridge. Here, you'll find a Jizo noting the nearby Skull Maze: for now, let's ignore it and go through the wetlands to the west. At the end of the house of the Sprint Tengu. He offers you a baseball quiz... Oh, crap, I'm a complete nerd. o_o;; In any case, here's the quiz and the answers.

  • Question #1: Which of these is only related to baseball?
    • Answer Choices: "Stealing a base"; "Getting to second base"; "Running the bases"
    • Correct Answer: "Stealing a base"

  • Question #2: What's it called when a runner gets touched out?
    • Answer Choices: "Hide-and-seek"; "Tag"; "Musical Chairs"
    • Correct Answer: "Tag"

  • Question #3: What's answer term for a breaking ball?
    • Answer Choices: "Knifeball"; "Forkball"; "Sporkball"
    • Correct Answer: "Forkball"

  • Question #4: What do you call a team's first pitcher in the game?
    • Answer Choices: "Opening Pitcher"; "Starting Pitcher"; "Casey Killer" (lol)
    • Correct Answer: "Starting Pitcher"

  • Question #5: What do you call it when the losing team scores zero points?
    • Answer Choices: "Shutout"; "Blackout"; "Crapout"
    • Correct Answer: "Shutout"

After successfully finishing the quiz, you will learn the Sprint Tengu Jutsu - for 6 JP, your walking speed will double. Not much, but in case the game's a bit slow for you...

^sr4|This way!

Back in the overworld, go back east-southeast to that Jizo mentioning the Skull Maze. As you can see, there are a number of paths going north you can go through, which is why it's a maze. You can skip through the skulls if you want to, but beware that you'll lose 5 HP per skull. The correct path is a bit to the east: if you look at the forest's trees' shapes, you'll notice that they have distinct shapes. The one you want to go along is the one in the nearby screenshot, of the up-pointing arrow.

As you attempt to cross the bridge and the river. (Jubei, the dog you named at the start, will block you if you've not gotten the Song Scroll yet, FYI.) In the middle of that area, you can find Skull Village 1. (It's safe to enter.)

Skull Village 1

Item Name Cost Effects
Skull Flute 1,200 Gold Instantly causes a battle in areas where battles can be fought.
Skull Hachimaki 60 Gold Equippable headband: Upgrades Ninjutsus one level ... but you can't use the Ninjutsus, so it's just gimmicky.

Before I say anything, I will advise you against stepping on the dark red-and-black tiles, like those making up the eyes of the emblem of the skull in the center of the village. Were you to speak with some of the locals, you would know that this village has been taken over and cursed by the Skull Shogun: the villagers are mostly under his complete control, though there is a resistance movement.

Shop-wise, there's not much here; the items from the Tea House (the southeastern building) are pretty pointless, and the inn is so costly (1,000 Gold) that it's wiser to just use Express to go to and from another town and here to use an inn. =/ Still, healing would be wise. In the northern pagoda, you can speak with the lone resident there and affirm that you would step on a picture of the Skull Shogun to start a battle.

BOSS - Corona Skull

Corona Skull
Max HP 140
Attack 94
Defense 102
Speed 100
Gold 122
EXP. 92
Items None

The Corona Skull won't have a complex offense: mostly, it'll just Fight you and deal 20~30 damage per attack. It can use a Rapid Fire technique to hit both Kazemaru and Takamaru for about 20 damage, but that's about it. The main difficulty with fighting this boss, though, is how bulky it is: it kinda reminds me of Spiritomb from Pokémon, who isn't a great attacker but can definitely outlast some attacks that OHKO others, thus being more able to hurt you.

Fighting this boss should be pretty simple, though, especially if you recently used an inn. (Just hopefully not this town's...) Basically, just keep it simple: have Takamaru attack every turn, with Kazemaru initially summoning a clone via the Doppel Ninjutsu, then having the real Kazemaru attack or heal every other turn while the clone attacks. If the clone dies, don't worry too much since the boss will be near enough to death to make the effort nearly pointless.

Item Name Cost Effects
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Throwing Knife 990 Gold Very heavy damage to a single enemy: best for bosses.
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!

After the battle, it will seem that you broke the curse on the townspeople, turning them back to your side; in fact, if you go outside, you'll find that the emblem of the Ninja Villages has already replaced the Skull Clan's emblem in the center of the village! Speaking with the villagers will also allow the village to be renamed in your honor; it will now be Kazemaru Village 1! In fact, the Tea House's stock will even change, as reflected by the table above. Plus, the inn now only costs 1/1000th of what it did, now only costing 1 Gold! =D

In the southwestern house, you can also speak with the man within to learn the Binding Ninjutsu! It will, of course, follow a battle!

BOSS - Binding Ninja

Binding Ninja
Max HP 80
Attack 64
Defense 98
Speed 83
Gold 0
EXP. 26
Items None

At first glance, it would seem that the Binding Ninja would be a pretty easy one to fight; his stats are not nearly as good as most of our recent bosses, or even the Ninjutsu Ninjas. Of course, you're probably forgetting that Kazemaru is alone in the fight as usual. Plus, the Binding Ninja does have the benefit of the Shadowstitch Ninjutsu on his side: for several turns - not one, but three or so - you will be unable to move, and thus the Binding Ninja will get quite a few hits in. 

Keeping your HP above 75% will be pretty critical during this fight, especially when the Shadowstitch Ninjutsu is used as you'll lose a good 60~80 HP in that interval. Granted, he probably won't get to use it but one time, at least in my case, and that was literally right at the end. Basically, just keep it up with your Fight attacks and heal whenever your HP gets below 3/4 of its max.

Winning nets you that useful Binding Ninjutsu. It works similarly to the Shadowstitch Ninjutsu seen in that battle: for 8 JP, you will be able to immobilize all of a particular enemy type in battle. It works great, thusly, in battles dominated by enemies of the same type, or against bosses, since the stoppage is for several turns.

That'll do it for here.

To Seiryu Castle! (Continued)

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Claw Skull 23 52 60 80 36 17 None
Kusarigama Skull 24 60 55 70 33 13 None
Puppet Skull 24 48 70 92 38 14 None
Shurikener 22 68 72 84 36 18 Windmill Star
Skull Shaman 27 70 70 88 66 22 None
Skull Unsui 30 63 88 76 58 19 None
Winter Skull 22 48 64 90 30 16 None
Wounded Skull 24 62 100 69 48 17 None

A quick look around the area would reveal that Kazemaru Village 1 is in the middle of a moderately-sized wetland, with three paths into the Skull Maze beyond: one to the north, one to the southeast, and one to the southwest. These paths - aside from the one to thenorth - are about the same length, and all end up in the same location. The southwestern path, while winding, is the easiest the navigate, so I'd use that if I were you.

The paths will converge at a long bridge. Cross it, then enter the castle beyond.

Seiryu Castle

[_] Zapper

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Alcoholic Skull 66 92 76 78 46 38 None
Armored Skull 34 66 130 80 86 32 None
Clockwork Robot 110 140 100 70 0 22 None
Murasame Skull 26 68 76 85 51 19 None
Skull Shaman 27 70 70 88 66 22 None
Skull Squire 32 92 88 88 42 18 None


I'll go ahead and say it now: a long, difficult dungeon with two bosses awaits you. It would be a good idea to go back now and stock up a lot on Frog Oils - probably around 10~15 - and to grab some Throwing Knives to deal some insane damage in battle. The two bosses in here will drain you, and that's amplified by the already-hard enemies herein. Stocking up and leveling to 25~30 is a good idea!

This place is a little odd, and it's also difficult to traverse due to the brute strength of the enemies herein, especially the Clockwork Robot. The use of the Burrow Tengu Jutsu or grinding to Levels 25~30 is recommended. In any case, in this area, there are three staircase. Each has a block of some kind on it; you will end up pushing this block up the staircase, and you need to push it up all of the way or you will be forced down to the bottom floor; however, at the top of each also lies an enemy, an Alcoholic Skull: ironically the easiest enemy here. >_> <_<

In any case, using the western or eastern staircases will just yield a battle; if you go up the middle staircase and beat the Alcoholic Skull atop there, you will find Tobimasa! He will give you a Zapper, which will make those Clockwork Robots a HELL of a lot easier to beat as it will kill them in a single shot. ^_^; Tobimasa will leave afterwards. The rightmost door on the bottom floor has also been unlocked, so go through it.

On the other side, go north and along the long, linear path for a long while. You'll eventually reach a door on the other side.


In this area, as in the overworld, be sure to not step on the skulls on the ground since you'll lose some HP when you do so. For the most part, the path is also pretty linear here. Go east for a while, then upstairs and west. (Ignore the stairs you first find to the third floor: it's a dead-end.) What is interesting about this floor, as you travel west, is that you have to avoid the invisible tiles on the ground: the invisible tiles are in the same places as the skull were on the lower floor. The screenshot nearby shows how you would navigate the beginning, for example.

Go up the first set of stairs you reach, then further up and through the door. There, you will find the final Skull Deva, and the one closest-allied with the Skull Shogun, Seiryu!

BOSS - Seiryu

Max HP 150
Attack 120
Defense 90
Speed 100
Gold 187
EXP. 146
Items None

Seiryu is probably the most threatening enemy we've faced so far, at least when it comes to his whopping 120 Attack statistic. Admittedly, the Clockwork Robot was a bit worse at 140 ... Actually, in fact, the Clockwork Robot was worse in pretty much every way than Seiryu. Seiryu still can hit hard, though, easily hitting for 35+ damage with each turn that he gets. There's also the occasionally-used Lightning Jutsu that can hit both characters. Still, you should be able to hit him for about 30 damage yourself, and that's per character. Assuming you come into this fight fully healed, you shouldn't have a problem just having both Kazemaru and Takamaru both Fight for three or four turns. After the point where you start seeing the Lightning Jutsu, having Kazemaru focus on Frog Oil usage would probably be ideal. Late in the fight, Seiryu may also blow Takamaru away and out of the fight, but it'll be too late for that to be much of a worry.

After the battle, Seiryu will flee, and the Skull Shogun's voice will echo from somewhere: he will not challenge you himself. However, he has put Akane under his curse, and thus will make you fight your own sister; if you fight well enough to shatter the curse, she'll be returned to normal. And if you fail, the Skull Shogun has won. Akane will drop in from above, not knowing you to be her brother, and the fight will immediately begin!

BOSS - Akane

Max HP 240
Attack 76
Defense 100
Speed 140
Gold 234
EXP. 189
Items None

Akane is in, pretty much every way, Seiryu's superior. Her attacks don't hit necessarily as hard, but she has the bulk to back them up: for the most part, she'll hit for 15~25 damage, but she can use a Cursed Flamethrower technique to hit both you and Takamaru for about double that. She may also use a Shadowstitch technique, which could prevent you, Takamaru, or both from moving for several turns, which is a huge problem in this fight.

Your own attacks likely won't exceed 15 damage at this point, which will turn the battle into a long grind. Seeing as you were probably hurt a lot from the previous battle, focusing early on with the use of some Frog Oils from both characters for two turns would be wise to fully recover from the damage Seiryu caused, and that Akane will cause in the interim. Once you're done, you're mostly stuck on our "long grind" strategy. That is: when Akane just Fights, have Kazemaru use Badabing on the hurt character while Takamaru attacks; if Akane uses a Cursed Flamethrower, have the weaker of the two characters (likely Takamaru) use a Frog Oil while Kazemaru attacks. Throwing out some Throwing Knives is recommended to shorten this, but it's not required.

After the battle, the mask over Akane's face will shatter, releasing her from the curse. She quickly joins your party, and she will know the Dispel and Haze Ninjutsus by default. Dispel is used to nullify the effect of an enemy's Jutsu on an ally, while Haze lowers the accuracy of an enemy. Akane will join with the default stats usually attributed to the other third-wheel characters, but she can level-up at least.

After this, return out into the main portion of the area and return to the first floor, then go far to the right and through the door to the outside. On the way, equip Akane with any equipment you may have bought for her ahead of time in Bamboo Hamlet. When you exit to the overworld, you can either go ahead and return to Bamboo Hamlet for the sake of learning some new Kunoichi Jutsus - those which Akane learns - or simply continue beyond Seiryu Castle so we can get on with the storyline. I'll let you choose.

Return to Bamboo Hamlet

[_] Defense Kunoichi Jutsu [_] Power-Up Kunoichi Jutsu

You can see Bamboo Hamlet's Shops if you need to review the shops' stocks.

When you arrive, it would first be wise to sleep at the inn, of course, and to focus for the moment on getting Akane some suitable equipment for battle. It wouldn't be too bad an idea, either, to help her grind up to around Level 20 or so to keep her up with the local enemy populous. The main reason we're here, though, are the two Kunoichi Jutsu dojos in the northwesat and northeast corners of the hamlet. Like the Ninjutsu dojos for Kazemaru, these will allow Akane to battle some Ninjas to learn new skills. As usual, she will battle these Ninjas by her lonesome.

In the northwest corner of town, you'll find the one for the Defense Jutsu.

BOSS - Defense Ninja

Defense Ninja
Max HP 120
Attack 73
Defense 73
Speed 101
Gold 0
EXP. 35
Items None

The Defense Ninja is a pretty hard-to-beat enemy, mostly due to his bulk: if he gets in one of his Defense Jutsus, you're pretty much dead immediately, since Akane will have virtually no hope of piercing 5, 10 damage at that point, but be getting 20, 25 in return. That can be a big problem. That means, before the battle, you should buy a ton of Throwing Knives, save the game, and throw as many of them as you can before the Defense Jutsu occurs so as to maintain your own survival. It's pretty luck-based, but it's about the only shot you've got.

After this battle, you'll earn the Defense Kunoichi Jutsu: it allows you to raise your Defense in battle (clearly by a large chunk) for only 5 JP! Heal up and go to the other cave for another battle!

BOSS - Power-Up Ninja

Power-Up Ninja
Max HP 110
Attack 76
Defense 90
Speed 121
Gold 0
EXP. 66
Items None

The Power-Up Ninja is a pretty significant threat; especially given the previous battle, you can easily surmise that his Jutsu, Power-Up, will be used to increase his Attack. That will make the damage he deals rise significantly. As with the previous battle, due to his overpowering nature, the best you can deal with are Throwing Knives. The use of Defense a few times before attacking may help, or the same for Haze, but they are temporal....

For winning the battle, you'll earn the Power-Up Kunoichi Jutsu: as you can guess, this will allow you to raise your Attack in-battle to pretty significant levels. It will cost 10 JP to use it, and 40 uses to level it up.

In any case, heal up once more. We're done here for now, so back through Seiryu Castle to the other side so we can continue our lengthy journey.

Beyond Seiryu Castle

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Claw Skull 23 52 60 80 36 17 None
Kusarigama Skull 24 60 55 70 33 13 None
Puppet Skull 24 48 70 92 38 14 None
Shurikener 22 68 72 84 36 18 Windmill Star
Skull Shaman 27 70 70 88 66 22 None
Skull Unsui 30 63 88 76 58 19 None
Winter Skull 22 48 64 90 30 16 None
Wounded Skull 24 62 100 69 48 17 None

Beyond Seiryu Castle, you'll be on the moats around it. Simply go west and across the bridges; as you do, a Confirmation Jizo will ask as to whether you have the Sprint Tengu Jutsu, which can be found northwest of Bamboo Hamlet. It's not a particularly important Jutsu, but if you're a completionist, go back and get it. Anyhow, once across the bridges, go southwest to find a new village, the Vigor Hamlet.

Vigor Hamlet

[_] Vigor Kunoichi Jutsu [_] Puppet Kunoichi Jutsu

Item Name Cost Effects
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Cloud Katana Weapon 3,600 Gold +19 - - Kazemaru
Copper Fang Weapon 7,200 Gold +25 - - Takamaru
Kunoichi Sword Weapon 1,360 Gold +15 - - Akane
Iron Hachigane Headband 800 Gold - +6 - Kazemaru, Takamaru, Akane
Iga Katabira Torso Armor 3,400 Gold - +15 - Kazemaru, Akane
Kunoichi Kimono Torso Armor 19,800 Gold - +20 - Akane

When you arrive, do the usual stuff you normally do: that includes sleeping at the inn (125 Gold) and shopping. There's a lot of new equipment here, too, which is nice. Since Akane is probably underleveled right around now - you'll generally want to get the party to about Level 30 - grinding for some cash in the overworld, as well as EXP., wouldn't really kill you. Granted, it would take a while, but it would be worth it. The Kunoichi Kimono is something that's plenty worth skipping right now, since it's only a 5-point difference in Defense from the Iga Katabira yet costs 16,800 Gold more (and thus costs about six times more), so that's the only thing I'd leave out. Also note that selling the Zapper item you got from Tobimasa back in Seiryu Castle wouldn't be too bad an idea; you'll get 7,500 Gold for it, and yet will have no use for it now since Clockwork Robots are pretty much gone now.

Now, for the training... In the northwestern cavern, you can go against the Vigor Ninja: this will be a fight for Akane.

BOSS - Vigor Ninja

Vigor Ninja
Max HP 100
Attack 66
Defense 80
Speed 105
Gold 0
EXP. 49
Items None

In case you're wondering, the Vigor Jutsu is a Jutsu in the same vein as Badabing: for the role of healing 30 HP. Thus, you won't see it too much in this fight since the Vigor Ninja will primarily focus on attacking you. Even if you're not near Level 30 as I recommended (I first tried at 20), you shouldn't have too many problems with this fight since it'll be mostly you and the opponent trading 10-damage hits until one of you needs to heal. You could always just throw some Throwing Knives, but that strategy's starting to get a little expensive. =P

After the battle, you will earn the Vigor Kunoichi Jutsu! Its value is actually a bit beyond what you experienced during the actual battle: see, for 8 JP, you will able to restore 30 HP across the whole party, not just to a single target! ^_^

The other cave is for the Puppet Jutsu, and is also a battle involving Akane since she is the one to learn it.

BOSS - Puppet Ninja

Puppet Ninja
Max HP 120
Attack 72
Defense 82
Speed 121
Gold 0
EXP. 42
Items None

This battle isn't too difficult; the main thing to overcome is the Puppet Ninja's tendency to deal damage in the 10~15 range, assuming you're not at the aforementioned recommended level of 30 as of yet. (Again, Level 20 statistics.) At the same time, the Puppet Ninja is pretty bulky, so grinding the overworld until you do hit that level wouldn't be bad since you'll only hit for about 10 damage otherwise, and you'd likely lose a 12-turn fight. In any case, for the most part, the Puppet Ninja won't deviate from his Fighting actions, so you could always just go Fight-Fight-Vigor and loop from there, using Vigor every three turns to pretty much ensure that you don't die.

One thing to be aware of that could put a dent in this strategem is the Puppet Ninja may - I stress may: I didn't see it for several fights - use his Puppet Jutsu. This results in a status akin to the Confusion of other RPGs (e.g. Pokémon, Final Fantasy): you will pretty much be attacking yourself for a few turns. This shouldn't put much of a dent, though, since it just means that you need to use a Kikatsugan when you regain control.

After the battle, you will earn the Puppet Kunoichi Jutsu: this skill costs 8 JP and will confuse the enemy into attacking themselves for several turns!

Anyhow, that's about it for this town. Heal up at the inn and leave.

The F-F-Frozen Fields

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Amanojaku's Return 140 40 120 110 1 28 None
Armored Skull 34 66 130 80 86 32 None
Avalanche Skull 32 57 92 88 78 24 None
Baboon Skull 33 68 113 82 74 20 None
Glacier Skull 28 68 80 103 92 26 None
Skull Crow 34 76 82 107 72 38 None
Skull Owl 32 94 84 105 68 34 None
Skull Princess 27 74 62 107 81 22 None
Skull Sorcerer 36 66 98 98 90 32 None
Windslash Skull 26 82 48 102 96 24 None

When you return to the overworld, head northwest and cross the bridge there to what the nearby Jizo calls "The Frozen Fields". So, time to get a suntan?

In any case, our current next destination is Skull Village 2, which is found in the Frozen Fields. There are two particular ways to get there. The one I recommend, which is slightly more EXP.-heavy, is simply going west and straight through the Fields: it is more EXP.-heavy due to the enemies that will appear in the fields. At the same time, you may rarely find the enemy Amanojaku's Return, who is known to steal your Gold like some other jokester enemies, and this one will pretty much be impossible to defeat in time to retrieve your money, so fleeing ASAP is the best idea.

If you would rather take the slightly-easier way out of it, you can go along the dirt path southwestward for a bit and find a Jizo; he will mention that Skull Village 2 is off to the northwest, so you can go northwest to find it.

Skull Village 2

[_] Transfer Kunoichi Jutsu [_] Firefly Kunoichi Jutsu

Item Name Cost Effects
Skull Manju 6 Gold Restores an enemy's HP by 10 if used in battle. Decreases your own HP by 10 if you eat it.
Skull Flag 4 Gold Makes random enemy encounters and battles more common. Works just by possessing it.

As usual, when you arrive, expect the usual curse upon the people, the damaging dark-red tiles, and the terribly expensive (3,000 Gold) inn. In the northern house of the town, you can find Tobimasa: he's been captured by the Skulls. Again. He's worse than Princess Peach. >_> Anyways, he's just so happened to have built us a Clockwork Tank, which we can use to get through the otherwise-impassable mountains to the west of here... Of course, though, that idea's shot since the Skulls took over. We need to get the Flame Core for the Tank, which lies in a cave to the west.

And then Genbu shows up. *plays battle music*

BOSS - Genbu

Max HP 195
Attack 120
Defense 180
Speed 121
Gold 98
EXP. 197
Items None

Genbu, at this point in the game, is pretty impressive statistically. For the most part, he'll be easily able to hit your characters for 30+ damage if you actually did get to Level 30+ as I recommended earlier. If you didn't, you'll probably see some one-hit-kills in this battle. The Shikigami attack is especially fruitful in that endeavor if you're underleveled, since it hits everyone; at around Level 30, it'll still hit for only about 20 damage, but lower levels can easily see 40 or higher, and, remember, it hits everyone.

This is perhaps the most perfect battle to teach how to utilize your characters' roles properly: with the addition of Akane into the party, you no longer have to play Kazemaru as a wild card between frantically healing or attacking. Akane plays the perfect role of the White Mage in this game with her Vigor spell; for the most part, and especially due to her high level of JP, you'll want her to be using that virtually every turn, or perhaps every other turn if Genbu's damage is lacking enough, in which case she should use her Power-Up Jutsu. Kazemaru can stick to simply attacking Genbu with his Foxfire or Napalm Jutsus, or just an outright Fight, and Takamaru will favor the latter as well.

Odds are, you won't get in much more than 10~20 damage per attack due to Genbu's wild 180 Defense, but Power-Up helps with that, and keep in mind you have two people attacking at once for once, which turns this into about an eight-turn battle.

Item Name Cost Effects
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Sun Ball 240 Gold Instantly kills a single enemy.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Kunoichi Sword Weapon 1,360 Gold +15 - - Akane
Storm Katana Weapon 5,800 Gold +21 - - Kazemaru
Wintry Katana Weapon 8,600 Gold +23 - - Kazemaru
Gale Katana Weapon 14,000 Gold +25 - - Kazemaru
Wind Hachigane Headband 4,200 Gold - +10 - Kazemaru, Takamaru, Akane
Kunoichi Kimono Torso Armor 19,800 Gold - +20 - Akane

After the battle, Genbu will flee, unknowingly releasing his control over Skull Village 2 in the meantime: this, in turn, changes the name of the village to "Kazemaru Village 2". As you get ready to leave, Tobimasa will remind you about your next goal: to get the Flame Core from the western cave so you'll be able to power the Clockwork Tank. In doing so, you can help heed off the attacking currently going on in Rainbow Town.

When you exit the pagoda, you can, as usual, expect the town to have reverted to its Ninja Village-type state, and all of the people therein are no longer under the Skull Clan's curse. Additionally, new shops have opened: a different Tea House shop in the northeastern building, and a Shinobi Arms shop in the southeastern one. These changes are reflected in the tables above. And, of course, the inn now only costs 1 Gold.

Additionally, we also have another training dojo in the southwestern house of the town!

BOSS - Transfer Ninja

Transfer Ninja
Max HP 160
Attack 110
Defense 110
Speed 132
Gold 0
EXP. 82
Items None

It's probably around now that I should get serious about this: you need to get up to Level 30+ with Akane to be able to survive in the long-term - not just for this battle, but for the game in general. This guy will absolutely overpower Akane at lower levels, and even at the higher levels simply because she is not oriented for a direct offense as her Attack is absolutely abysmal. For the most part, in this battle, you will need to alternate as such: Power-Up - Fight - Kikatsugan. The damage from the first two turns will be pretty large (amounting to about 70), and the damage you deal out will be closer to 20. It does make this a fight lasting a very long while; you'll need about 16 Kikatsugans to survive this. You could attempt to use Throwing Knives, but they're costly and don't always hit, so it's a risk. Then again, the whole battle is a risk: Akane is just not meant to do this stuff... >_>

After the battle, you will earn the Transfer Kinoichi Jutsu. This Jutsu has more of a functional use: this allows Akane to give half of her JP directly to Kazemaru. This can be useful in its own way since Akane has a ton of JP that generally goes to waste between towns: I mean, Frog Oils tend to do most of your dungeon healing, right? And 180+ JP doesn't really get used up in a single boss battle via Vigor, either, does it? Food for thought.

There's another Jutsu-training dojo in the northwest corner of town, too! Again, it's for Akane...

BOSS - Firefly Ninja

Firefly Ninja
Max HP 120
Attack 80
Defense 70
Speed 116
Gold 0
EXP. 64
Items None

This battle will likely end up a lot differently from the one with the Transfer Ninja: this guy is not nearly so overpowered. If anything, he's actually - *gasp* - on Akane's level, offensively! In other words, you'll probably end up hitting this guy as hard as does you: for the most part, like you, he will focus on the use of the Fight attack and, like you, will generally hit for 10~15 damage.

Ultimately, then, that makes this an all-out brawl: simply using Fight for the battle almost completely suffice. His HP is a bit higher than your own, so you will have to heal: be sure to bring a Kikatsugan along for this battle! See, the whole point of the Firefly Jutsu is to block the Jutsus of the target. For the most part, you'd likely rely on Vigor to heal, but that won't work with Firefly in effect, so you'll have to heal via an item, but it'll just be that one time before you get on the whole Fighting thing again.

After the battle, you will earn the Firefly Kunoichi Jutsu: the final one of Akane's Jutsus! This Jutsu will take up 7 JP in an attempt to block the enemy's Jutsu uses for a while. This thusly will only find a lot of use on the bosses of the game and a scant few sorcerer-type enemies, but it's nonetheless worth having!

In any case, when you're done, it's time to leave. Once you've returned to the overworld, go west and you'll find a small stretch of land going into the middle of a lake. The middle of this lake will have the cave we're looking for, so enter it.

The Flame Shrine

[_] Kikatsugan [_] Funny 'Shroom [_] Pine Pill [_] Throwing Knife [_] 400 Gold
[_] Bamboo Pill [_] Sacrifice Doll [_] 500 Gold [_] Flame Core

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Alcoholic Skull 66 92 76 78 46 38 None
Baboon Skull 33 68 113 82 74 20 None
Fire Daruma Skull 29 86 68 88 88 40 None
Fire Skull 30 48 80 87 98 38 None
Inferno Skull 34 72 89 84 102 39 None
Windslash Skull 26 82 48 102 96 24 None

Flame Shrine - 1F: When you enter the Shrine, you will have to start out by simply going north for a good while. When you reach the lava pit, you'll round around to the west of it so you can continue; when you do so, go southwest and you will find a hamper on the ground near the lava. It contains a Kikatsugan. From here, go northwest to the corner, then south and to the ladder.

Flame Shrine - 2F: Go northeast and grab the Funny 'Shroom from the hamper there, then continue going north. It will linearly wrap around to the west and to another ladder.

Flame Shrine - 3F: This is essentially the same as the previous floor, but you're going east and south to the ladder this time. Open the hamper on the way if you want, but it contains nothing.

Flame Shrine - 4F to 7F: The floors will repeat the pattern seen on 2F and 3F for a while, but the hampers will generally be empty. On 5F, you'll get a Pine Pill from the hamper. On 6F, you'll get a Throwing Knife.

Flame Shrine - 8F: Here, you will go north, west, and south along the linear path, essentially just winding around to the other side of the floor. In the southwest corner, you will find a hot spring you can enter to heal yourself and a chest with 400 Gold inside. Go east from there to the ladder.

Flame Shrine - 7F to 2F: This is again another repeating-pattern thing similar to the ascent, but with no chests this time around. You'll initially go west and north to the ladder, then south and east, then you just alternate between those until you're done with 2F.

Flame Shrine - 1F: When you finally return, go north and you will come to an east/west fork. Head east first to get a Bamboo Pill before heading west. This linear path will soon turn south and east before spilling out into a small clearing. When you leave it heading south, you quickly come to a west/east fork again; go west for the Sacrifice Doll before going to the east. You'll easily find a chest for 500 Gold as you go along, after which you need to head west again to find another hamper, though note that it actually just contains an enemy.

As you neared that hamper, there will a path off to the north. Go along it and, suddenly, Seiryu - the Skull Deva you battled not too long ago - will appear!

BOSS - Seiryu

Max HP 420
Attack 130
Defense 108
Speed 116
Gold 483
EXP. 243
Items None

For all intents and purposes, Seiryu is not actually too different from the first fight we had against him back in his castle: his stats are generally buffed by about 10 points each, and he has about 60 more HP, but it's all pretty negligible, especially given that we have an additional ally alongside us! One interesting fact I noticed in this battle is that his HP is actually double what the game's RAM claims it to be: it's actually closer to 420, as the game internally halves all damage you deal to him, so he's reaaally bulky this time around.

For the most part, Seiryu will rely on his Fight attack to deal damage. It's still a pretty threatening attack: you can expect it to hit for 35~50 damage, especially on Akane who naturally has lower Defense than the rest of the party. He will also use his Lightning Jutsu every few turns to attempt to deal party-wide damage in the general range of 20~30 HP; however, it's very inaccurate, so maybe one person will be hit.

The general strategy for this fight is pretty simple. Akane needs to be using Vigor every single turn, without exception, while Kazemaru and Takamaru simply Fight. When the party's HP is below 50% (and thus a simple Vigor may not suffice), have Kazemaru use a Frog Oil, but that's about the only deviation you can expect. Due to the internal damage-halving, this battle will take a while, but it's pretty easy in all reality.

After the battle, head north and speak with the man near the edge of the pit (which he seems to think to be a sauna) and you will earn a Flame Core. Interestingly enough, you can actually obtain multiple Flame Cores from him just by speaking to him multiple times, though the reward for doing so is pretty much just wasted space since their use is ONLY for the Clockwork Tank, and you can't sell them. >_>

Anyhow, leave the cave and return to Kazemaru Village 2 to the east.

Tankin' Through

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Rich Ninja 151 220 110 90 100 30 None

When you return to Kazemaru Village 2, heal up in the inn and use the shops as you want. (The shops can be found here. When done, approach the orange thing in front of the pagoda to the north, step on it, and press A to enter the Clockwork Tank!

When you return to the overworld (just drive out of town), you will still end up finding random encounters. However, at the same time, the Clockwork Tank will beat them all for you ... but you won't gain EXP., Gold, or items. T_T Anyhow, go south to the dirt road and west along it to the mountain chain. When you arrive at the long chain of mountains, you can simply ride over them with the tank, nothing special required.

However, stick along the southern shoreline as you do so and you'll soon encounter a Jizo and a village in a small alcove. The Jizo will tell you that this is Seemenot Village, and that you should memorize the locals' loci. Hm. Anyhow, enter the village. Note that you can find Rich Ninjas in this area, if you need some money.

Seemenot Village

When you enter the village, you have to quickly memorize the positions of the villagers when you see them: they'll quickly disappear. The only visible man, near the entrance of the village, will mention that they're doing this to help in their ability to hide from the Skulls should they come by. Anyhow, here are their locations, in the form of a screenshot: simply face them from some direction and speak to them to find them. In case you can't tell, the eastern Jizo statue is one, and the initially-visible guy will just hide where he was standing.

^l6|The map of Seemenot Village, with the hidden people added in.

After this, go back and speak with the man you initially spoke with in the village. He will give you the Male Buddha and the Female Buddha figurines. Apparently, first the Female one is placed on the ground as a marker, then the Male one can be used to return to where the Female one is! This allows for easy travel between two inspecific unimportant spots that Express or the like wouldn't get you to: for example, it can be useful for quickly exploring multiple forks in the path in the middle of a dungeon! Pretty cool, eh?

Tankin' Some More!

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Amanojaku's Return 140 40 120 110 1 28 None
Armored Skull 34 66 130 80 86 32 None
Owl Tamer 68 67 126 102 143 56 None
Pauper 108 0 120 130 0 70 None
Puppet 12 98 42 126 64 60 None
Rich Ninja 151 220 110 90 100 30 None
Skull Owl 32 94 84 105 68 34 None

Once you've returned to the overworld, get back in the Clockwork Tank and continue traveling west. Once you're past the set of mountains surrounding Seemenot Village, you're done with the tank; it would be wisest to now exit and hoof it for the extra EXP. you might get on the way. However, beware the enemies you will now encounter, the Pauper in particular, who just loves to steal money. The same is true for the familiar Amanojaku's Return. >_>

When you get out of the tank, you'll find a Jizo nearby; speaking with him reveals that Rainbow Town is further along to the west. Go southwest along the sandy area. Eventually, you'll find a town enclosed within some white walls: that is Rainbow Town, though we may be too late: the Jizo outside says that the invasion of the Skulls has already begun! =O Get in there!

Rainbow Town

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Bat Tamer 68 108 110 110 142 62 None
Crow Tamer 80 98 110 105 156 59 None
Puppet 12 98 42 126 64 60 None
Puppeteer Skull 60 46 110 106 168 64 None
Skull Bat 38 82 80 100 70 40 None
Skull Crow 34 76 82 107 72 38 None

When you arrive in the town, hurry up and speak with the Reviving Jizo to save, then get into the village proper. In the north-central pagoda, it will become clear that the fourth scroll, the Rainbow Scroll, has already been taken by Suzaku; the man there suggests focusing on Suzaku. The other people in the village will note that half has already been taken, and the mind control has already begun to take effect, much to the chagrin of one man ... enthused by the likes of pornography, to somehow put it tastefully.

If you cross the bridge, in the southern half of this middle segment of the town, you will find a Skull Ninja to fight. If you're not fully healed, it would be best to sleep in the inn to the southwest (150 Gold) first. There are three Skull Ninjas in all in this village: each battle will be against relatively normal enemies, though, not actual bosses. The first battle is against a Skull Crow and a Crow Tamer; the second against a Puppet and a Puppeteer Skull; and the third against a Skull Bat and a Bat Tamer. The significant fact in these battles is that the human-like enemy (the Tamers and the Puppeteer) can summon more of the other enemies (Bats, Crows, and Puppets), so you should focus on them first - but you've faced similar enemies before, so it's not much to worry about.

After this, in the eastern-middle house of the southern part of the town, you will find Suzaku again! Speak with him to engage once more in combat!

BOSS - Suzaku

Max HP 480
Attack 140
Defense 76
Speed 120
Gold 736
EXP. 368
Items None

Battling Suzaku so soon after Seiryu again will be pretty similar to fighting the latter: he's a lot bulkier, but the increment in Attack isn't a whole lot to be worried about. Even so, you can expect to see his Fight attack hit for 35~45 damage, and a special attack hitting everyone for 25~30, so a lot of healing will probably be needed.

The general strategy for this fight is pretty simple, and pretty generic as previous bosses have come to reveal. Akane needs to be using Vigor every single turn, without exception, while Kazemaru and Takamaru simply Fight. When the party's HP is below 50% (and thus a simple Vigor may not suffice), have Kazemaru use a Frog Oil, but that's about the only deviation you can expect. Due to the internal damage-halving, this battle will take a while, but it's pretty easy in all reality. It'll be a bit faster than against Seiryu since you'll likely hit for 35~50 damage with Kazemaru and Takamaru individually, due to the much-lower Defense on Suzaku.

Item Name Cost Effects
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Party Ball 50,000 Gold Deals absolutely massive damage (150+ most often) to all enemies, and also completely refills the HP and JP of the party!

After the battle, Suzaku will throw the Rainbow Scroll to you! With four down, only one remains! Plus, you can now also go ahead and shop at the Tea House now: those Party Balls are definitely something to consider. ;) In any case, that's about it, so let's return to the overworld.

The Boat Scroll

Sectional Flowchart

Walking On Water!

[_] Massage Tengu Jutsu [_] Waterwalk Tengu Jutsu

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Amanojaku's Return 140 40 120 110 1 28 None
Armored Skull 34 66 130 80 86 32 None
Cannon Skull 69 122 130 112 130 118 None
Diving Skull 38 102 100 120 62 80 None
Drenched Skull 53 122 126 136 89 112 None
Ghost Jellyfish 16 95 85 199 132 86 None
Ginger Skull 38 88 96 120 130 118 None
Jellyfish 38 76 132 141 140 121 None
Marine Skull 46 121 158 126 156 162 None
Mizugumo Skull 34 90 98 100 80 68 None
Octopus Skull 56 110 148 108 88 88 None
Owl Tamer 68 67 126 102 143 56 None
Pauper 108 0 120 130 0 70 None
Pirate Skull 42 94 140 128 130 143 None
Puppet 12 98 42 126 64 60 None
Red-Eyed Puffer 46 106 126 135 208 246 None
Rich Ninja 151 220 110 90 100 30 None
Rock Skull 46 102 180 110 90 102 None
Skull Bat 38 82 80 100 70 40 None
Skull Crow 34 76 82 107 72 38 None
Skull Loggerhead 48 100 200 118 98 149 None
Skull Octopode 60 108 120 116 120 88 None
Skull Owl 32 94 84 105 68 34 None
Skull Ray 56 106 136 110 92 90 None
Squidhead Skull 30 138 110 114 180 216 None

After your brave exploits in the liberation of Rainbow Town and the gaining of the Rainbow Scroll, it's about time we moved on to bigger and better things. Head southeast of the town in the overworld and you will find a house near the shallows. (These shallow waters cannot be crossed without the Waterwalk Jutsu, according to the Jizo nearby.) Enter the house to find the Massage Tengu and he will do quite a bit of laughing, then will challenge you to see how times he said "ha": the correct answer is 28. In doing so, you'll earn the Massage Tengu Jutsu. This has more of a plot-oriented purpose.

First, though, how much JP does Kazemaru have at maximum right now? Seeing as you should be Level 35 or so, he should definitely have more than 110 JP; according to his stat growth from my game, he'll need to be at Level 27 or higher to be able to use this. Assuming you're above that (if not, grind), use the Express Tengu Jutsu to head to Showdown Village. Head northeast of there in the overworld for a while.

You'll soon find the Waterwalk Tengu's house: you remember, the guy raging about how he didn't pre-order Ninjara Hoi!? Face him and, with 110 JP or higher (since that is the JP cost), use the Massage Tengu Jutsu on him. He'll laugh finally and give you the Waterwalk Tengu Jutsu!

Return to Showdown Village if your JP is so low as to need healing (or just use Transfer) and then Express your way back to Rainbow Town. From there, go southeast in the overworld once more to the shallow waters around there. It is around here that you'll want to begin grinding for a while, especially since the getting is good on EXP. and Gold around here: some battles easily yield 1,000 or more of each! You probably want to be Level 35 before you progress too far through the overworld past here: it definitely will take a while to get up that far, but these battles are getting increasingly more difficult.


In any case, when you're in the shallows and breathing through those cartoony bamboo straws, the general idea, really, is just to keep going east. Ultimately, finding the end of the path is pretty easy; it will be a long narrow path extending from the shallows near the grasslands of the next island, so basically stick to the north side and head east while in the shallows to find the way out pretty easily. Don't land in the grasslands area when you first get to them (that "don't go" area being pictured to the right): there's nothing really there, so keep going along the shallow waters.

If you keep going through the shallows, you'll eventually land on a beach to the east of the grasslands. Go south from there to find Boat Town.

Boat Town

Item Name Cost Effects
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.
Windmill Star 70 Gold Moderate damage to multiple enemies.
Sun Ball 240 Gold Instantly kills a single enemy.

When you arrive, using the inn and the Tea House shop would be a pretty good idea after all of those difficult enemies. The inn itself costs 175 Gold. Otherwise, there's not a lot of point to being here. Speaking with the locals will reveal that the Boat Scroll, the final scroll for the ultimate Jutsu, was apparently in the possession of a fisherman when he got eaten by a whale. (Same as what happened in Pinocchio, as one man points out.) There is also apparently a sea cave nearby. Anyhow, heal and stock up before leaving.

When you return to the overworld, immediately head east and use the Waterwalk Jutsu to get onto (well, under) the water: on the other side of the shallows is our next destination.

Centipede Cave

[_] Dango [_] Escape Ball [_] Throwing Knife [_] Kikatsugan [_] Dango
[_] Dango [_] Pine Pill [_] Frog Oil [_] Power Pill [_] Dango
[_] Dragon Sword [_] Power Pill [_] Skull Flag [_] Skull Flag [_] Pine Pill

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Bloodipede 38 80 122 126 99 96 None
Cannon Skull 69 122 130 112 130 118 None
Corpse 39 0 0 0 0 0 None
Corpse Puppeteer 68 127 116 128 154 180 None
Hellipede 36 104 148 118 96 90 None
Insect Tamer 56 60 136 122 140 118 None
Lightning Skull 96 120 100 140 22 134 None
Regal Skull A 920 220 200 180 4,300 3,720 None
Regal Skull B 920 190 220 180 4,300 3,719 None
Skull Bat 38 82 80 100 70 40 None
Skull Owl 32 94 84 105 68 34 None
Skullipede 28 97 110 120 80 86 None
Tattoo 98 140 105 120 131 186 None

To the curious, there are a lot of battles here that are very heavy in enemies: these will be the first battles you begin to see seven enemies in with regularity (and actually, for the first time in my case). While these battles will be very rewarding, keep in mind that there are a LOT of them. Coming in well-stocked at Level 35+ is highly recommended. Also note that the dungeon has quite a few forks in it, so you may want to make use of the Male/Female Buddhas from Seemenot Village if you want to speed things up a bit without using my walkthrough. (Awwww....)

Centipede Cave - 1F: This floor is interestingly in the shape of a centipede! You will start at the back-left antenna of the centipede, so go north into the long, rectangular hall. There will be a number of paths to the sides representing the legs of the centipede, which end in rooms that may contain treasures. The list is below: assume that the "first" room is the southernmost room.

  • East Side - First Room: Dango
  • West Side - First Room: Escape Ball
  • East Side - Third Room: Throwing Knife
  • West Side - Third Room: Kikatsugan
  • East Side - Fifth Room: Dango
  • West Side - Fifth Room: Dango
  • East Side - Seventh Room: Pine Pill
  • West Side - Seventh Room: Frog Oil
  • East Side - Ninth Room: A secret staircase to 2F!
  • West Side - Ninth Room: Power Pill
  • East Side - Northern Antenna: Dango
  • West Side - Northern Antenna: Dragon Sword - a weapon for Kazemaru you should equip (Attack +27)

When you're done hunting down the chests, be sure to use the aforementioned hidden staircase.

Centipede Cave - 2F: God, I hated this floor the first time I went through: I literally went to the staircase first before knowing about the treasures. >_< There are three paths off to the north, and each are very linear but end up in different spots waaaaaay off to the north. The western and eastern paths have hampers at the end yielding a Power Pill and a Skull Flag, respectively. I'd recommend not getting or dropping the Skull Flag: it makes enemy encounters so common to the point that they're practically every freakin' step, and the encounters already are pretty common and hard here. Use the middle path to reach some a ladder.

Centipede Cave - 3F: ... This floor has essentially the same layout as the previous: however, I would be extremely wary. On this floor, you can encounter enemies known as Regal Skulls (there is an A and a B variety) whose arrival is signaled by a sudden, scary change in the background music: these enemies are extremely difficult and take 1/4 of the damage the game says they do, essentially quadrupling their HP; their Attack is virtually off the charts, too, so escaping this battle is the only way to win at anything under Level 50, really. You can't even avoid them with Burrow. o_o; At the same time, though, beating them yields 7,439 EXP. and 8,600 Gold - I mean, that's a freakin' boatload compared to what you're used to so, especially if you're overleveled (Lv. 40+), it's at least worth a shot with the usual strategy of Akane using Vigor and Kazemaru and Takamaru always Fighting.

Anyhow. The western path has another Skull Flag, and the eastern one has a Pine Pill. The stairs are in the middle.

Centipede Cave - 4F: When you arrive, go far to the south and you will find a whale sitting on the water. Attempt to walk on him to enter his belly!

The Whale's Belly

[_] Boom Ball [_] Escape Ball [_] Power Pill [_] Tiger Book [_] Boat Scroll (briefly)

Mostly just a bunch of weak enemies from early in the game. See this for their stats.

Whale's Belly - 1F: When you arrive, go north and over the red tongue and further along into the large, pink clearing (the stomach). If you exit it to the north, you will find an east/west fork. If you go east (presumably the large intestine), you'll find another fork near the tail. Go west there to find the Boom Ball. ... Did you laugh as hard as I did just now? Anyhow, go west from the initial east/west fork along the small intestine to the stairs.

Whale's Belly - 2F: Looks like we're ascending to the skeletal system. This guy has some weird anatomy: all of his bones, on the same level. XD Anyhow, hug the east wall as you go south and a room will soon open up. Inside is a chest containing an enemy, but it's a pretty special (old) one: a Man-o'-War. It's weak and will likely kamikaze-attack you on its first turn, but it's weak and an easy 170 EXP.

If you leave that small enclosure and continue hugging the wall to the very southernmost part of the area in that narrow hallway, you'll find another chest containing an Escape Ball. Go back north to the puddle of water near the south end of the spine, then into the enclosure west of there to find a Power Pill in the chest there, then go north. Within the hamper at the end of the path, you'll find a Tiger Book, which is used to boost your EXP. by 12.5% (1/8) of its current value! That should equate to at least one level-up at Level 35+ (usually a boost of 14,000+ EXP.).

Go back to the south now, into the room where you found the Power Pill. If you look to the southeast of the hamper containing - the color contrast is outright terrible - there IS a person there. ... Tobimasa, again. He'll hand you the Boat Scroll - the fifth and final scroll containing the secret to Rahoi's ultimate Jutsu - along with permission to use the boat anchored near Boat Town!

Sweeeeeet! After Tobimasa leaves, though...

Spoiler. Highlight text to view

[The Skull Shogun appeared!]

Skull Shogun - "It seems you've somehow managed to gather all of Rahoi's scrolls! A child like you doesn't deserve the power of Rahoi's ultimate Jutsu! Hand over those scrolls without a fuss and I won't have to teach you the true meaning of pain!"

You are then presented with two options: "Yes" or "No". Either way, you will end up handing over the scrolls, but if you say "No", Kazemaru's HP hits 1, so it's easier just to give 'em over.


Skull Shogun (if you say "Yes") - "Gahahaha! Thatta boy! Resistance is futile!"


Skull Shogun (if you say "No") - "Gahahaha! It's your funeral! Let me show you my power! Gahahaha!"

[The Skull Shogun fires a death ray from his finger!]

[Kazemaru was blown sky high! (Kazemaru's HP is now equal to 1!)]

Shull Shogun - "How'd you like that? You had your chance! I'll be taking these scrolls now! Gahahahahaha!"

Anyhow, leave the whale and Centipede Cave somehow and return to Boat Town.

The Final Clash!

Sectional Flowchart

Setting Sail!

Just repeat enemies: see the Enemy Bestiary for more

This is just dandy, isn't it? The moment we obtain the fifth and final scroll, the Skull Shogun just warps in, blasts Kazemaru, and takes them away from us. We now only have one thing on our side, really: the boat outside Boat Town. Be sure to heal up in Boat Town and to buy some stuff before you set sail: simply walk onto the boat to begin sailing. Head east towards Centipede Cave, then just go around it, heading south on its east side. You'll eventually see a lot of green land to the east and west. Stick along the shoreline of the western island and it mountains and you'll eventually reach a point where you can make landfall.. Go north and east from there into the town, Skull Village 3.

Skull Village 3

Item Name Cost Effects
Skull Manju 6 Gold Restores an enemy's HP by 10 if used in battle. Decreases your own HP by 10 if you eat it.
Skull Flute 1,200 Gold Instantly causes a battle in areas where battles can be fought.
Skull Hachimaki 60 Gold Equippable headband: Upgrades Ninjutsus one level ... but you can't use the Ninjutsus, so it's just gimmicky.

Feel free to speak with the locals in this village before doing much of anything: they're a bit more interesting than the others thus far. For example, one guy praises Tobimasa for having fixed his Famicom before thinking he might be able to fix his mom's face; then there's Jubei, who's apparently sided with the Skull Shogun for the time being. That's about it, though: the shop is as pointless as ever, and the inn's way overpriced at 8,000 Gold. (Kinda funny how the innkeep still says you're welcome here anytime. XD)

When you're ready, go into the northern pagoda and speak with the man there, Tobimasa: you know, that dude who has apparently saved you on multiple occasions? He will offer to sharpen Kazemaru's sword since he's the swordsmith here: you'll have to accept the offer, but worry not as Kazemaru won't lose his weapon. Thankfully. -_-;

BOSS - Genbu

Max HP 390
Attack 180
Defense 230
Speed 136
Gold 442
EXP. 908
Items None

Geez, this is like the third time we've fought him. You've got to admire his persistence! In any case, his stat changes from last tmie are mostly in the regards of Attack and Defense: he is a LOT bulkier and a LOT more powerful than before. He won't take much more than 15~20 damage from your attacks, even around Levels 35~40, but will willfully throw back 40~60 damage at those same levels, or 20~30 damage party-wide with his occasional Shikigami attack.

Even so, the strategy mostly remains the same. Have Akane use her Vigor Jutsu every turn while Kazemaru and Takamaru attack, having them throw in Frog Oils as needed. This will probably be an occasion where you need to consider going to purchase a Party Ball from Rainbow Town despite the 50,000-Gold price tag since it's insanely powerful. It won't one-hit-kill Genbu even still, but it will help you out when you're in low HP/JP since this battle will last a while.

Item Name Cost Effects
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Iron Fang Weapon 26,000 Gold +30 - - Takamaru
Kunoichi Katana Weapon 27,000 Gold +20 - - Akane
Sun Katana Weapon 44,000 Gold +30 - - Kazemaru
Wind Hachigane Headband 4,200 Gold - +10 - Kazemaru, Takamaru, Akane
Wind Katabira Torso Armor 26,000 Gold - +22 - Kazemaru, Akane
Wind Waraji Footgear 1,240 Gold - - +20 Kazemaru, Akane

After the battle, the town will return to normal and be renamed in your honor as Kazemaru Village 3. The locals are still a bit interesting, so speaking with them will probably be worth it. In particular is the man outside the northern pagoda who mistakes seppuku for sudoku. (Seppuku is the ritualistic form of Japanese suicide, known to be committed after a severe dishonor is committed.)

Also be sure to speak with Jubei in the southwest corner of town: he apparently stole the Boat Scroll from the Skull Shogun and thus will return it to you! =D Also be sure to visit the renewed Shinobi Arms (southeast) and Tea House (northeast) shops for their new, rather-expensive stocks! ... Okay, the Tea House isn't new, but it's there. >_> Head back to the overworld when you're done here.

More Sailing

[_] Fate Tengu Jutsu

Just repeat enemies: see the Enemy Bestiary for more

When you're done in Kazemaru Village 3, get back to the boat. If you head southwest of that island, you'll get into a rather large archipelago. The southwesternmost island has a house on it with the Fate Tengu in it. Within, he'll offer to give you his Tengu Jutsu for that which you hold most dear ... Takamaru and Akane. If you confirm this trade with "Yes", he'll simply reject it on the basis that he could never teach someone caring so little for their friends before threatening to spank you. So say "No". Please. And do so again when he asks for just Akane, and once more when he requests just Takamaru. He will then decide to teach you the Fate Jutsu.

The Fate Tengu Jutsu is ... well, it's a randomized Jutsu. It can have a variety of effects: your party's HP can be fully refilled, you can get a random set of 3 items (one per character), lose 50% of your Gold, lose 67% of your Gold, or double your Gold. Odds-wise, there's a 60% chance of getting a beneficial Fate (though it's again random and only one effect occurs), so it's up to you. You could always use save-state abuse or something of the like for optimization, but, anyhow... As a bit of an easter egg, the background music also changes to an 8-bit remix of some classical composition. I honestly should know who did it, but it doesn't matter too much.

If you're curious, there's some weird chain of shallow waters east of Wind Hamlet. (Wind Hamlet is a bit to the south of the Fate Tengu's place.) There, you can find some Japanese katakana: the characters "do", "i", "so", "yu", "ki". Read in the traditional Japanese fashion, it reads "yukidoiso", though what this refers to is unknown since the arrow nearby just points north to areas already visited. =/ There's some text reading "ASCII" west of Wind Hamlet as well.

That's actually about it for screwing around in the overworld. We explored a lot more of it than most RPGs allow, eh?

There's also a house in the midst of some shallows north of Genbu Castle, or south of the Sprint Tengu's house or south-southeast of Kazemaru Village 3. Approach the shallow, light-blue water there and use the Waterwalk Tengu Jutsu to make your way to the middle of the lone village on this nearly-enclosed island. But it won't take long for Byakko to return and attempt to block you!

BOSS - Byakko

Max HP 360
Attack 228
Defense 180
Speed 140
Gold 721
EXP. 498
Items None

I was wondering if we'd ever get around to this guy. Byakko is a lot more impressive than he was before, and he's also a great deal stronger than most of our foes thus far, boasting the highest Attack we've seen in the game insofar: he won't have trouble killing your allies in two hits: at Levels 35~45, you can easily expect 75 to 100 or more damage from him in a single strike! However, he's a lot less bulky, especially in comparison to Genbu's third iteration: you can expect to easily hit for 30 to 50 damage per hit this time around. That could win the battle in as little as four turns.

Hopefully, you've been using Akane's Vigor a lot to power it up, or at least bought a crapload of Party Balls from Rainbow Town, because without either you're pretty screwed. Akane does need to stick to healing with Vigor each turn, or perhaps using those Power Pills you got from Centipede Cave since most of Byakko's damage will be single-target. Kazemaru and Takamaru need to take the offensive, though the means for that won't matter too particularly.

After the battle, continue through the forests to the lone village here. If you remember the kanji from the game's logo, you should probably have a good idea of what this town is: Rahoi Town.

Rahoi Town

[_] Rahoi Katana [_] Lily Katana [_] Silver Fang [_] Kaboom Ninjutsu

Item Name Cost Effects
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Revive Ball 20,000 Gold Revives an ally from being KO'ed with 1 HP. Better heal them soon!
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Guts Ball 7,000 Gold If you would be killed on the turn this is used, you will survive with 1 HP left.
Windmill Star 70 Gold Moderate damage to multiple enemies.
Sun Ball 240 Gold Instantly kills a single enemy.

When you arrive initially, feel free to use the inn (1 Gold), save, and shop up, though the items here are nothing new. The main features can be found in the north-central house. There, you can speak with Tobimasa and he'll allow you use the of Clockwork Jet, which can be found just outside of town. As for the guy in the middle?

Spoiler. Highlight text to view

[Kazemaru speaks to Rahoi and warm, fuzzy feelings course through him!]

Rahoi - "Ah! Kazemaru and Akane! And you must be Tazu's son, Takamaru! It's amazing to see you all grown up! I must give Stinkosai and Hanzo my thanks! So, Kazemaru, do you know the riddle of my scrolls? The X's scattered through the text represent crossbones... Erase the symbol of the Skulls and the message will reveal itself! But remember this, Kazemaru! Once you claim the power of my ultimate Jutsu, its power must only be used on the Skull Shogun! Against a lesser foe, its power would tear them to shreds! My Jutsu must never be used to harm another living soul! It's meant to protect our world, not to destroy it!

And, now, I have gifts for you all! For Kazemaru, the Rahoi Katana! For Akane, the Lily Katana! And for Takamaru, the Silver Fang! These weapons will aid you in your battles! Wield them proudly! End the Skull Shogun's reign of terror!"

So, then, you've obtained the ultimate weapons of the game: Kazemaru's Rahoi Katana, Akane's Lily Katana, and Takamaru's Silver Fang. Be sure to equip 'em!

Also, in the town's northwestern cave, you can find a Ninja willing to teach Kazemaru the Kaboom Jutsu: but only after a battle!

BOSS - Kaboom Ninja

Kaboom Ninja
Max HP 240
Attack 140
Defense 108
Speed 120
Gold 0
EXP. 234
Items None

This battle is going to be a bit interesting to play out. As you probably can gather, it's going to be a one-on-one fight between Kazemaru and the Kaboom Ninja. Both hit pretty hard, especially Kazemaru after having earned the Rahoi Katana: at Level 35+, you can expect to be doling out around 50 or more damage with every hit! At the same time, the Kaboom Ninja will hit back for about 30 damage. You both are essentially taking out equal percentages of the other's HP (15% ~ 30%) with every hit: it's a battle all about your Speed stat: the one who can go first will win, in all essence.

At the same time, though, be ready to heal. The Kaboom Ninja does have a tendency to use the Badabing Ninjutsu at low HP to heal 50 of his own HP, so be sure to heal your own at times.

For winning, you will learn the Kaboom Ninjutsu. This Ninjutsu is INSANELY valuable. Like, I cannot express its actual value. It will literally kill all of the enemies on the battlefield at the same time for a meager 32 JP! Imagine its value for grinding! Like, seriously, I recommend grinding now up to about Level 40 to be able to withstand the next dungeon! Do it! NOW.

The Final Dungeon: Skull Castle

[_] Star Scroll [_] Dream Scroll [_] Song Scroll [_] Rainbow Scroll [_] Power Pill
[_] Pine Pill [_] Throwing Knife [_] Escape Ball [_] Sun Ball

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Bloodipede 38 80 122 126 99 96 None
Cannon Skull 69 122 130 112 130 118 None
Corpse 39 0 0 0 0 0 None
Corpse Puppeteer 68 127 116 128 154 180 None
Hellipede 36 104 148 118 96 90 None
Insect Tamer 56 60 136 122 140 118 None
Lightning Skull 96 120 100 140 22 134 None
Regal Skull A 920 220 200 180 4,300 3,720 None
Regal Skull B 920 190 220 180 4,300 3,719 None
Skull Bat 38 82 80 100 70 40 None
Skull Owl 32 94 84 105 68 34 None
Skullipede 28 97 110 120 80 86 None
Tattoo 98 140 105 120 131 186 None

In case you're the observant type, you'll notice that the Regal Skull enemies can indeed be found here, just like in Centipede Cave. In this instance, too, they will defy Burrow and are very rare: I didn't happen to encounter them until a second playthrough of the game (while making maps of the dungeons). As before, they are very difficult to beat as well; it will be hard to beat them without being Level 45-50. I didn't encounter them until the final floor, so my reference may be irrelevant to this section, but it's nonetheless noteworthy, especially since they yield obscene amounts of Gold and EXP.

Overworld: When you leave Rahoi Town, just south of the village will be the brown Clockwork Jet. When you press A to enter it, it will automatically begin flying in the direction of its facing: you want to attempt to go to Skull Castle. The game is a bit too vague on where it is, though: it's actually north of Wind Hamlet.

When you arrive there, land in the inner courtyard. Initially, it just seems to be a barren land of sand within a wall that is also within a wall, with just a small strip of dirt on it. Walk along that dirt trail to the center of the path. The screen suddenly flashes, turns dark, and a large Skull emblem is erected on the island as the Skull Shogun speaks: he awaits you on the bottom floor. Before you enter, be very sure to be able to escape somehow since the entrance disappears when you enter! Also be very well-stocked, and I recommend grinding to Level 40+. Well-stocked would imply several Party Balls from Rainbow Town, each costing 50,000 Gold: you will easily earn that much Gold, especially with the Fortune Cat from the Firewakame Mall in hand, while grinding between Level 35 and Level 40. Their main purpose would be to restore Kazemaru's and Akane's JP while also damaging the enemy in battle: Kazemaru will be getting much of his use from the Kaboom and Fate Jutsus, while Akane will use lots and lots of Vigor. The best place to level-up is the Centipede Cave due to the vast number of enemies there per-battle.

Skull Castle - Boss Gauntlet: When you arrive, go south into the small room there, then east and downstairs. You'll find a Skull Deva there: Genbu. Again.

BOSS - Genbu

Max HP 868
Attack 206
Defense 250
Speed 146
Gold 1,912
EXP. 1,621
Items None

As usual, Genbu is waaay bulky, and is in fact the bulkiest enemy you'll see in the game in terms of raw Defense: he's only five points off from the max Defense value! And, of course, there's also that waaaay higher HP, nearing 900 thanks to some kind of dilation factor when you deal damage that shrinks it internally to 1/4 of the usual value. He also loves to hit hard: 60+ is what you'll be expecting per Fight at Level 42 (my level), and that's closer to 30~40 (though party-wide) with the Shikigami attack.

Genbu does have one new trick up his sleeve this time around. At the start of the battle, he'll end up gnabbing someone from your party: they will not be able to act while in his grip, and, were you to attack, that character would be used as a human shield. While you may only end up doing 10~20 damage to Genbu per your own Fights at this level, this could exceed well over 100 damage, and is pretty much a guaranteed KO if you have both characters (even Akane) attack.

For the most part, this will be a battle of vigorous healing. =P While you can, have Akane focus on using Vigor with every turn that passes; this should easily take care of most of the damage you receive, since the odds are only 1 in 9 that the same character will be hit twice consecutively and brought to near-KO HP. If that's the case, then have Kazemaru throw in his Badabing on that character alongside Akane's Vigor, but he should otherwise focus on using Fight or Ninjutsu, and Takamaru also needs to deal with offense.

In the instance that one of the characters are kidnapped, it will be best to wait it out rather than KO one of your own party members: use this time for healing and/or self-buffing.

After the battle, you'll end up with the Star Scroll again! =D Go ahead and continue along the linear path to another Skull Deva. Be sure to use Kazemaru's Fate Tengu Jutsu beforehand!

BOSS - Byakko

Max HP 480
Attack 228
Defense 200
Speed 186
Gold 2,347
EXP. 2,113
Items None

As you probably know by now, Byakko is the polar-opposite to Genbu: where Genbu is bulky and reliant on his Defense and HP to outlast you, Byakko relies on his brute strength to kill you before you can kill him. Even so, there is a mild flaw with him in this battle: the only stats that changed since the battle near Rahoi Town are his HP (+120), Defense (+20), and Speed (+46), as well as his dropped Gold and EXP. His Attack has remained unaugmented.

That, in its own way, makes him easier to deal with than it should be. Granted, he is still no pushover: he can easily hit for 60~80 damage at around Level 42, especially on the naturally-weaker Akane. His relative lack of Defense is his own downfall, though: Kazemaru and Takamaru especially should be able to pierce 40 damage each against him at this point, turning this for all intents and purposes into a six-turn fight: just have Akane abuse Vigor and the others Fight.

Near the end of the battle, though - and this may be pure coincidence - Byakko used a ramming attack against Kazemaru, for the first time in the entire battle. This did ~170 damage to him at Level 42 and 160 Defense. It also had a recoil effect on Byakko for the same amount of damage, killing him. If Kazemaru dies in the battle, then that's essentially a game over and the battle will not be truly won. If Kazemaru could take such a powerful blow at full HP (~195 max to account for the RNG-based variety in damage), fully heal him near the end of the fight and use the Defense Kunoichi Jutsu on him, just to be safe.

After the fight, you'll re-earn the Dream Scroll! Continue on along the path to the next fight!

BOSS - Suzaku

Max HP 632
Attack 196
Defense 150
Speed 196
Gold 1,866
EXP. 1,480
Items None

Of the Skull Devas, Suzaku is probably one of the more balanced ones, relying on both the use of his moderate bulk and moderate attacking prowess to beat you down: he's not quite a strong as Byakko (hitting for 50~80 damage, with a ~35 party-wide damage attack), and yet not nearly as bulky as Genbu (you can hit this guy for 35~55 damage). He can still be a bit troublesome to deal with, but having dealt with the other extremists thus far, this shouldn't be too big a problem. For the most part, it's just another one of those fights where Akane uses Vigor and the others attack.

After the battle, the Song Scroll will be back in your possession! ^_^ Continue along the path through the dungeon to the fourth and final Skull Deva, Seiryu!

BOSS - Seiryu

Max HP 1,350
Attack 220
Defense 210
Speed 210
Gold 3,062
EXP. 2,340
Items None

And, finally, we are permitted to slay the final of the Skull Devas. Seiryu is kinda like Suzaku on steroids: his stats indicate a clear balance, but they are also much higher than should be normal. In fact, Seiryu is, in his own way, considerably bulkier than any other enemy thus far in the game due to his exorbitant amount of HP. (This is again due to the internal dilution of your damage: this time, by a factor of 1/10 then subtracted from what the game claims to be 135 HP.) Seiryu can hit hard (generally between 60~80 damage), and he doesn't take damage too easily (typically losing 15~30 per Fight).

This will not be a particularly easy fight, and it's actually one of the main reasons I earlier recommended you bring Party Balls: this fight will be long. For the most part, Akane will need to keep using Vigor on each turn; however, when she runs out of JP (and she will), or the party as a whole is low on HP, use a Party Ball. At this point, Akane ought to be outspeeding Seiryu (220 Speed at Level 42 with Wind Waraji), so when that troubled situation arises, at least you can be sure you'll be able to rectify it. Kazemaru and Takamaru need to focus on attacking, though Jutsus may be the main means by which you attack in this instance: that, or Throwing Knifes or Party Balls, and the latter truly need to be conserved....

It will be a long fight, but by no means difficult. Barring a few instances, a Vigor every single turn ought to be able to remove most of the damage you receive barring two consecutive strikes on the same person: it's mostly a matter of making your JP last to the end.

For winning, the Rainbow Scroll will be yours once again. Continue along to the next floor.

Skull Castle - 2F & 3F: When you arrive on a part of 2F that is not involved in a boss battle, go south and along the path to 3F. There, go north and along that path back to 2F to find a bunch of hampers on the ground containing a Power Pill, a Pine Pill, a Throwing Knife, an Escape Ball, and a Sun Ball. USE THAT ESCAPE BALL NOW! You need to go do something in the overworld you could not do earlier, and you MUST do it to have any hope of beating the Skull Shogun.

The Ultimate Jutsu...

We now have all five Scrolls, so it's about time we put them to use: we will need that ultimate Jutsu to be able to defeat the Skull Shogun. Let us first decode the message. Enter the Scrolls menu and you will be able to see the text within the Scrolls.

Now, read the text in columns, going left to right, to get this:

Per Rahoi's hint before, remove the X's - the emblem of the Skull Clan, the crossbones - from the message...

... and add spaces where appropriate for the hidden message:

^sr8|Circled is Manji Island.

Okay, cool, so where is Manji Island? First, though, let us get a Shuriken. A Shuriken can be easily bought for a mere 16 Gold in the Wind Hamlet, so begin by going there for it. Once you've bought one, fly the Jet north back towards Skull Castle. The moment you begin to fly over its outer walls, turn east and you will reach an archipelago of islands: the same one with the Fate Tengu on it, as you will recall.

There is a particular island there in the shape of a swastika there (or, if you prefer, a Shuriken), a bit to the northeast of there. It will look like the island in the nearby screenshot. Land on there and walk onto the very center of it, where the Jet is hovering in the screenshot. Go into the Items menu and use a Shuriken to make a staircase appear. (In case you wonder why we couldn't do this earlier, you must have all five Scrolls in hand apparently: I tried it earlier a few times myself. >_>) Go down the stairs and open the hamper in the cave to find Rahoi's Scroll.

So, what is Rahoi's Scroll? For now, it is simply an item to carry around. As the description says, it multiplies the power of your attacks by ten, which would be absolutely devastating: thus, per Master Rahoi's advice, you are literally only permitted to use it in the battle against the Skull Shogun. Any other time will just make Rahoi's voice echo from nowhere to remind you of this. What a shame. So much abuse. I could rule the world... XD

Anyhow, stock up and return to Skull Castle. Again, try to be well-stocked and of a decent level. Level 40+ should still suffice for now, but a few Party Balls won't kill you. The enemy, though.... XD

The End of the Skull Clan

[_] Infinite Star [_] Smoke Ball [_] Revive Ball [_] Guts Ball

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Bloodipede 38 80 122 126 99 96 None
Cannon Skull 69 122 130 112 130 118 None
Corpse 39 0 0 0 0 0 None
Corpse Puppeteer 68 127 116 128 154 180 None
Hellipede 36 104 148 118 96 90 None
Insect Tamer 56 60 136 122 140 118 None
Lightning Skull 96 120 100 140 22 134 None
Skull Bat 38 82 80 100 70 40 None
Skull Owl 32 94 84 105 68 34 None
Skullipede 28 97 110 120 80 86 None
Tattoo 98 140 105 120 131 186 None


If you do not have Rahoi's Scroll yet, you absolutely must get it! ... Well, you don't have to, strictly, but it's highly recommended! It will make your life a HELL of a lot easier when fighting the Skull Shogun, to the point that it is virtually a requirement. If you do not have it, see this section for the details on how to get it!

In case you're the observant type, you'll notice that the Regal Skull enemies can indeed be found here, just like in Centipede Cave. In this instance, too, they will defy Burrow and are very rare: I didn't happen to encounter them until a second playthrough of the game (while making maps of the dungeons). As before, they are very difficult to beat as well; it will be hard to beat them without being Level 45-50. I didn't encounter them until the final floor, however, and didn't find them again elsewhere.

Return to the southwestern part of 3F and go east and along the path there back to 2F, then to 3F again. If you need the details on how to get there, see the

Skull Castle - 3F & 4F: When you descend again, go north and along the path around the chasm for a bit, ignoring the side path off to the east as you go. This linearly leads to a ladder to 4F, then a quick one back to 3F. The path you'll be on will take you to the area in the middle of that chasm, which has four hampers at the south end containing an Infinite Star, a Smoke Ball, a Revive Ball, and a Guts Ball. Backtrack along the path to southeastern 3F and, there, go east and north and down a ladder. Notice how there seem to be three ladders in that set close together? Use the middle one to go to 4F and to be easily able to reach a 5F ladder.

Skull Castle - 5F to 16F: Go southeast and use the ladder to hit 6F. Head to the northwest corner there to hit 7F. Go southeast to 8F, northwest to 9F, southeast to 10F, and basically just keep going to the opposite corner for a while, obviously.

Skull Castle - 17F & 18F: Go south and use the ladder to reach 18F. There, go far to the north and you will see a man in gray wandering around. This is the Skull Shogun: speak with him. He will first speak...

Spoiler. Highlight text to view

Skull Shogun - "Mwahahaha! I had just about given up on you making it here, Kazemaru! I've been thinking about what pose I should leave you all in when I turn you to stone! Mwahahaha! Perhaps you can all hold hands together, looking up at the sky for the salvation that will never come! I think I'll call it 'Childhood's End'! How does that sound to you? Mwahahahaha!"

... before the final battle beg-- holy crap, he's ugly.

FINAL BOSS - Skull Shogun

Skull Shogun
Max HP 2,550?
Attack 255
Defense 255
Speed 200
Gold 0
EXP. 0
Items None

Throughout the battle, you can pretty much expect the Skull Shogun to be powerful: he sports the highest Attack and Defense of any enemy in the game. At Level 42, you can expect to be hit for easily 80~100 or even more damage easily. If that's a problem for you, you'll have to return after grinding: honestly, Level 45 or even Level 50 may be needed, but I did relatively okay at Level 42 with a fair stock of Party Balls.

On the first turn, you will want to open the battle by having Takamaru use Rahoi's Scroll, Kazemaru attacking, and Akane using her Vigor Jutsu. To be honest, this game seems to work oddly after the use of Rahoi's Scroll: your damage output clearly increases to the general level of about 20 damage per Fight attack, but the problem is the way it's counted. It would seem like there is a damage dilution factor of 1/10 in this battle, so the game's RAM would consider 10 points of damage to be 1 point off the internal HP that reads at 255 initially. However, I've had 18-damage attacks rip off 5 HP, and then I've went 50+ damage before a single point was taken off. Not sure what that's about, so the 2,550 HP is simply a guess.

In any case, it pretty much will work out like this... After the first turn, you will need to have Akane use Vigor with every turn that occurs, and Takamaru Fight every turn. Kazemaru, due to the high level of damage that will be flying around, will likely need to alternate between the Badabing Jutsu and Fight or an offensive Jutsu every turn, with the healing focusing on whoever has the lowest HP at the time since Vigor just won't do it alone. Eventually, when either one of the Jutsu users is low on JP or everyone's significantly low on HP, have Akane use a Party Ball item and the other guys just attack: Akane ought to have a higher Speed than the Skull Shogun, so this will likely lead the turn and thus get the healing out of the way before you're hurt too much. It will definitely be a while before the battle ends but it's doable.

Ending Translation

Spoiler. Highlight text to view

[At the end of the battle...]

Skull Shogun - "URAAAAAAAAAAGH! Has my time finally come!? Heed my words, Kazemaru! Savor your victory while it lasts for it will soon turn sour on you! As my empire falls, someone else will take my place! Evil will always flourish as long as those like you do nothing to stop it! Such is the nature of man! Mwahahahaha! Now, Kazemaru! Will you help me put the finishing touches on my final opus!? For there is nothing more beautiful in the world than that which turns to dust! Crumble my body! Crumble my empire! Crumble my dreams! Crumble my castle! Crumble to dust once and for all!"


[The Skull Shogun's body dissolves and crumbles away...]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! We gotta get outta here!"


[The party warps out of the dungeon as the Skull Castle crumbles into the ocean... They return to Rahoi Town.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! I wonder what Master Rahoi will have to say to us? He's been a statue for ages!"

Narrator (?) - "Did you enjoy 'Ninjara Hoi!'? Well, now you can finally meet the folks behind it!"


[The party warps to Boat Town.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! It's Boat Town again and... I don't ever wanna see Centipede Cave again! Grr...."


[Some credits roll, then the party heads to Kazemaru Village 2.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! This village was named after you! This is also where we found Tobimasa's Clockwork Tank!

Someone - "FIRE!"


[Another small credit roll, then the party heads to Seiryu Castle.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! Seiryu was such a stuck-up jerk! But we also first met Akane here as well!"


[Another small credit roll, then the party heads to Bamboo Hamlet.]

Takamaru - "Akane! You take good care of Master Hanzo now! He's not some statue any more!


[Another small credit roll, then the party heads to Song Town.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! Music will live on in Song Town forever! Wanna see what's going on? The five-man band is about to start their set!"


[Another small credit roll, then the party heads to Turd Village.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! Looks like Turd TV is on its way to a TV station near you!"


[Another small credit roll, then the party heads to Showdown Village.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! I wanna enter the Pun Grand Slam, too! Let me try one... The Skull Shogun was one shellfish jerk! ... C'mon now, Kazemaru! That was worth at least a chuckle!"


[Another small credit roll, then the party heads to Genbu Castle.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! That's where we met that moron Genbu! I'd like to see him as Bruce Campbell, though!"


[Another small credit roll, then the party heads to Runaway Hamlet.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! If you see my mom, tell her I kicked butt, okay? She'll kick my butt if she finds out I've been lazing around out there! Hahahah!"


[Another small credit roll, then the party heads to Dream Town.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! 753! I bet no one else figured that out!"


[Another small credit roll, then the party heads to Star Town.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! Who do you think win the World Series next year? I'm a Red Sox fan myself, but I guess it'll be another hundred before they win again, huh? Well, I had a blast, Kazemaru! I hope we can do this again someday!"


[Another small credit roll, then the party heads to Wind Hamlet.]

Takamaru - "Kazemaru! Home, sweet home! Wind Hamlet! If it weren't for Master Stinkosai, we never would've met! I used to think he was just a smelly old geezer, but it turns out he's pretty cool! All right! Let's go, Kazemaru!


[The screen fades to a TV report. Note that the time reported is based on your own playtime: yup, I got 66 hours out of this!]

Tadao Takashimadaira - "It's me, Tadao Takashimadaira! So, what'd you think? You played the game for 66 hours! Did you like it? That bit on Skull Island caught me by surprise... Anyways, Kazemaru! Congratulations on finishing the game! Next week's feature is by the RPG master himself, Yuji Horii! It's called 'Fortune Street'! And for the week after, we'll be premiering 'Ninjara Hoi 2'! Can the people who made this game in three years churn out the sequel in two weeks? I hope because I can't wait three years for another game! Well, that's the end of our program! Enjoy the weekend!"

~ END ~


Enemy Bestiary

Enemy Name Max HP ATK DEF SPD Gold EXP. Known Item Drops
Akane 240 76 100 140 234 189 None
Alcoholic Skull 66 92 76 78 46 38 None
Amanojaku 100 20 100 60 0 1 None
Amanojaku's Return 140 40 120 110 1 28 None
Armored Skull 34 66 130 80 86 32 None
Avalanche Skull 32 57 92 88 78 24 None
Baboon Skull 33 68 113 82 74 20 None
Bad Luck 20 0 28 28 0 1 None
Badabing Ninja 50 24 26 24 0 4 None
Bare Bones 11 8 30 30 10 2 None
Bat Tamer 68 108 110 110 142 62 None
Battle Frog 8 26 18 24 5 2 Frog Oil
Battle Rat 10 33 28 28 7 3 None
Binding Ninja 80 64 98 83 0 26 None
Birdhead Skull 37 62 120 78 42 16 Birdlime
Bloodipede 38 80 122 126 99 96 None
Blue Moth 14 36 20 51 18 3 None
Bluffy 40 1 60 80 1 1 None
Byakko (1st) 180 99 77 71 96 82 None
Byakko (2nd) 360 228 180 140 721 498 None
Byakko (3rd) 480 228 200 186 2,347 2,113 None
Cannon Skull 69 122 130 112 130 118 None
Caster Skull 12 18 32 42 22 2 None
Claw Skull 23 52 60 80 36 17 None
Clockwork Robot 110 140 100 70 0 22 None
Corona Skull 140 94 102 100 122 92 None
Corpse 39 0 0 0 0 0 None
Corpse Puppeteer 68 127 116 128 154 180 None
Cow Skull 32 36 71 44 18 4 None
Crow Tamer 80 98 110 105 156 59 None
Defense Ninja 120 73 73 101 0 35 None
Deserter Skull 19 52 88 46 20 6 None
Diving Skull 38 102 100 120 62 80 None
Doppel Ninja 96 55 50 58 0 16 None
Doppel Ninja (Clone) 19 55 50 58 0 0 None
Drenched Skull 53 122 126 136 89 112 None
Dropper 14 28 62 56 23 5 None
Fire Breather 12 19 28 29 8 3 None
Fire Daruma Skull 29 86 68 88 88 40 None
Fire Skull 30 48 80 87 98 38 None
Firefly Ninja 120 80 70 116 0 64 None
Forgive-Me-Ninja 70 20 60 58 0 1 None
Foxfire Ninja 60 26 20 18 0 5 None
Frog Tamer 16 19 20 24 5 3 None
Gale Skull 17 31 40 96 12 7 None
Genbu (1st) 150 76 90 50 70 66 None
Genbu (2nd) 195 120 180 98 30 197 None
Genbu (3rd) 390 180 230 136 908 442 None
Genbu (4th) 868 206 250 146 1,912 1,621 None
Ghost Jellyfish 16 95 85 199 132 86 None
Ginger Skull 38 88 96 120 130 118 None
Glacier Skull 28 68 80 103 92 26 None
Good Luck 1 0 0 0 0~99 0 None
Grabber Skull 28 26 26 38 13 4 None
Grinning Bones 8 18 18 32 9 1 None
Groggy Skull 22 60 75 80 41 12 None
Halberdier 13 31 33 34 11 3 None
Headbutt Skull 23 40 80 80 28 14 None
Hellfire Skull 14 23 20 60 12 3 None
Hellipede 36 104 148 118 96 90 None
Inferno Skull 34 72 89 84 102 39 None
Insect Tamer 56 60 136 122 140 118 None
Jellyfish 38 76 132 141 140 121 None
Jiraiya Skull 9 21 24 26 7 2 None
Kaboom Ninja 240 140 108 120 0 234 None
Kate Ninjalet 40 100 60 32 32 8 None
Kunoichi Skull 17 20 39 62 28 4 None
Kusarigama Skull 24 60 55 70 33 13 None
Lightning Skull 96 120 100 140 22 134 None
Limpy Ninja 70 38 38 32 0 7 None
Man-o'-War 1 41 1 180 1 170 None
Marine Skull 46 121 158 126 156 162 None
Mickey Rat 64 30 40 58 12 6 None
Mizugumo Skull 34 90 98 100 80 68 None
Muscle Skull (Overworld) 40 80 58 46 26 18 None
Muscle Skull (Turd Pit) 22 31 58 64 20 7 None
Napalm Ninja 65 40 26 26 0 6 None
Newborn Moth 90 66 10 46 8 17 None
Ninja Dog 7 22 10 26 4 1 None
Octopus Skull 56 110 148 108 88 88 None
Owl Tamer 68 67 126 102 143 56 None
Pauper 108 0 120 130 0 70 None
Pilgrim Skull 17 31 74 34 20 4 None
Pirate Skull 42 94 140 128 130 143 None
Poisonous Frog 7 15 22 26 6 1 None
Poisonous Snake 20 40 72 66 24 8 None
Porky Skull 10 26 32 27 12 2 Rice Cake
Power-Up Ninja 110 76 90 121 0 66 None
Puppet 12 98 42 126 64 60 None
Puppet Ninja 120 72 82 121 0 42 None
Puppet Skull 24 48 70 92 38 14 None
Rat Tamer 24 22 30 28 4 4 None
Red-Eyed Puffer 46 106 126 135 208 246 None
Regal Skull A 920 220 200 180 4,300 3,720 None
Regal Skull B 920 190 220 180 4,300 3,719 None
Rich Ninja 151 220 110 90 100 30 None
Rock Skull 46 102 180 110 90 102 None
Runaway Ninja 82 46 42 40 0 0 None
Scaler 34 48 40 60 26 8 Antidote
Scythe Skull 7 22 14 16 3 2 None
Sea Snake 28 42 59 60 24 9 None
Seiryu (1st) 150 120 90 100 187 146 None
Seiryu (2nd) 420 130 108 116 227 483 None
Seiryu (3rd) 1,350 220 210 210 3,062 2,340 None
Shark Skull 20 47 48 56 18 11 None
Shinobi Rat 11 22 22 30 10 2 None
Shinobi Torpedo 28 58 42 70 26 10 None
Shurikener 22 68 72 84 36 18 Windmill Star
Skull Bat 38 82 80 100 70 40 None
Skull Crow 34 76 82 107 72 38 None
Skull Dog 24 42 68 66 20 9 None
Skull Leader 5 7 7 7 3 1 None
Skull Loggerhead 48 100 200 118 98 149 None
Skull Monk 50 48 70 66 38 10 None
Skull Octopode 60 108 120 116 120 88 None
Skull Owl 32 94 84 105 68 34 None
Skull Princess 27 74 62 107 81 22 None
Skull Ray 56 106 136 110 92 90 None
Skull Shaman 27 70 70 88 66 22 None
Skull Shogun 2,550? 255 255 200 0 0 None
Skull Sorcerer 36 66 98 98 90 32 None
Skull Squire 32 92 88 88 42 18 None
Skull Templar 20 48 45 50 20 5 None
Skull Underling 4 5 1 3 2 1 None
Skull Unsui 30 63 88 76 58 19 None
Skullipede 28 97 110 120 80 86 None
Snakehead Skull 25 51 60 60 20 11 None
Sprinter Skull 34 98 66 120 120 48 None
Squidhead Skull 30 138 110 114 180 216 None
Substitute Ninja 60 32 46 48 21 5 None
Suzaku (1st) 255 108 76 88 134 106 None
Suzaku (2nd) 480 140 76 120 736 368 None
Suzaku (3rd) 632 196 150 196 1,866 1,480 None
Tattoo 98 140 105 120 131 186 None
Tattooed Skull 19 52 50 52 21 6 None
Thrower Skull 14 22 48 40 20 2 None
Tortoise Skull 54 136 162 128 160 162 None
Transfer Ninja 160 110 110 110 0 82 None
Trickster Skull 6 16 88 80 1 20 None
Vigor Ninja 100 66 80 105 0 49 None
Water Skull 14 28 30 38 18 3 None
Windslash Skull 26 82 48 102 96 24 None
Winter Skull 22 48 64 90 30 16 None
Wounded Skull 24 62 100 69 48 17 None

Items Listings: Curative Items

Item Name Cost Effects
Antidote 6 Gold Cures you of being Poisoned.
Bamboo Pill 800 Gold Restores 16 JP to a single target.
Dango 8 Gold Restores 8 HP to a single target.
Food Capsule 50 Gold Restores 40 HP to a single target.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Kikatsugan 200 Gold Restores 80 HP to a single target.
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Onigiri 16 Gold Restores 16 HP to a single target.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Plum Pill 300 Gold Restores 8 JP to a single target.
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Revive Ball 20,000 Gold Revives an ally from being KO'ed with 1 HP. Better heal them soon!
Rice Cake 24 Gold Restores 25 HP to a single target.
Skull Manju 6 Gold Restores an enemy's HP by 10 if used in battle. Decreases your own HP by 10 if you eat it.

Items Listings: Field Items

Item Name Cost Effects
Big Kite 6 Gold In the overworld, use this to zoom around to see the land nearby, then press A to land where you started.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.
Female Buddha - Place this somewhere so that you later can use the Male Buddha to warp there.
Fujizoom 30 Gold Allows you to warp between important locations on the map.
Male Buddha - Warps you to the current location of the Female Buddha when used.
Moonwalker 2 Gold Gimmick item: it makes you appear to move backward in the field. (Doesn't affect D-Pad usage.)
Rahoi's Scroll - Multiplies the power of your attacks by 10! It can only be used in battle versus the Skull Shogun, however.
Skull Flag 4 Gold Makes random enemy encounters and battles more common. Works just by possessing it.
Skull Flute 1,200 Gold Instantly causes a battle in areas where battles can be fought.
Tiger Book - Gives the user EXP. equal to 1/8 (12.5%) of their current EXP.
Trippy Balls 2 Gold Gimmick item: "makes you trip balls!" (It just makes everything look differently colored.)
Windup Mouse 12 Gold Allows you to freely view the terrain in caves and castles.

Items Listings: Battle Items

Item Name Cost Effects
Birdlime 80 Gold Slows an enemy down.
Boom Ball 6,300 Gold Hits a single enemy for moderate damage, around 20~30 points. Can be used multiple times.
Funny 'Shroom 180 Gold Confuses the enemy, meaning they may attack their allies or unintended other targets.
Fortune Cat 500 Gold Just keep it along with your other items to earn 25% more money from battles.
Gunpowder Ball 8 Gold Heavy damage to a single enemy. Deals ~24 HP of damage.
Guts Ball 7,000 Gold If you would be killed on the turn this is used, you will survive with 1 HP left.
Hand Mirror 180 Gold When an enemy attacks you with a Jutsu on the turn you use this, they are hit with the Jutsu they used!
Infinite Star 5,800 Gold Instantly kills multiple enemies at once. Can be used as an infinite number of times.
Limpy Flower 30 Gold Lowers an enemy's Attack and Defense, increasing their damage taken and lessening their output.
Makibishi 30 Gold Used to escape from battles. 75% success rate.
Net 98 Gold Makes it so that an enemy cannot attack for a brief time.
Party Ball 50,000 Gold Deals absolutely massive damage (150+ most often) to all enemies, and also completely refills the HP and JP of the party!
Sacrifice Doll 96 Gold Prevents the attack against you on this turn from damaging you. Has one use.
Shuriken 16 Gold Damages multiple enemies, usually for ~20 damage.
Smoke Ball 480 Gold Used to escape from battles. 100% success rate in escapable battles.
Sun Ball 240 Gold Instantly kills a single enemy.
Throwing Knife 990 Gold Very heavy damage to a single enemy: best for bosses.
Windmill Star 70 Gold Moderate damage to multiple enemies.
Zapper - Instantly kills Clockwork Robots in battle! Has infinite uses, too!

Items Listings: Key Items

Item Name Effects
Boat Scroll Contains, with the other four scrolls, the secrets to the ultimate Jutsu: the text in it reads "JLCEXRN".
Dream Scroll Contains, with the other four scrolls, the secrets to the ultimate Jutsu: the text in it reads "AXNEUHK".
Fancy Watch Allows you to view how long it has been since you starting playing Ninjara Hoi!. Has infinite uses.
Flame Core It's the power source for the Clockwork Tank.
Rainbow Scroll Contains, with the other four scrolls, the secrets to the ultimate Jutsu: the text in it reads "NSXTEUX".
Secret Message You need to bring it to Stinkosai in the Wind Hamlet!
Song Scroll Contains, with the other four scrolls, the secrets to the ultimate Jutsu: the text in it reads "XIDNSXE".
Star Scroll Contains, with the other four scrolls, the secrets to the ultimate Jutsu: the text in it reads "MIAXRSI".

Equipment Listings: Weaponry

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Special Effects Wielders
Bokuto Weapon 50 Gold +2 - - None Kazemaru
Cloud Katana Weapon 3,600 Gold +19 - - None Kazemaru
Copper Fang Weapon 7,200 Gold +25 - - None Takamaru
Dragon Sword Weapon - +27 - - None Kazemaru
Iron Fang Weapon 26,000 Gold +30 - - None Takamaru
Ivory Fang Weapon 480 Gold +11 - - None Takamaru
Gale Katana Weapon 14,000 Gold +25 - - None Kazemaru
Katana Weapon 100 Gold +4 - - None Kazemaru
Kunoichi Sword Weapon 1,360 Gold +15 - - None Akane
Kunoichi Katana Weapon 27,000 Gold +20 - - None Akane
Kusarugama Weapon 940 Gold +10 - - None Kazemaru
Lily Katana Weapon - +28 - - None Akane
Nunchaku Weapon 560 Gold +8 - - None Kazemaru
Rahoi Katana Weapon - +40 - - None Kazemaru
Shinobi Katana Weapon 320 Gold +6 - - None Kazemaru
Silver Fang Weapon - +35 - - None Takamaru
Squall Katana Weapon 2,800 Gold +17 - - None Kazemaru
Storm Katana Weapon 5,800 Gold +21 - - None Kazemaru
Sun Katana Weapon 44,000 Gold +30 - - None Kazemaru
Tempest Katana Weapon - +16 - - None Kazemaru
Whiffle Bat Weapon 600 Gold - - - None...? Kazemaru
Wind Katana Weapon 1,320 Gold +12 - - None Kazemaru
Wintry Katana Weapon 8,600 Gold +23 - - None Kazemaru

Equipment Listings: Headbands

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Special Effects Wielders
Hachimaki Headband 8 Gold - +1 - None Kazemaru, Takamaru
Hachigane Headband 60 Gold - +2 - None Kazemaru, Takamaru
Iron Hachigane Headband 800 Gold - +6 - None Kazemaru, Takamaru, Akane
Skull Hachimaki Headband 60 Gold - - - Upgrades Ninjutsu one level, but you can't use Jutsus Kazemaru
Wind Hachigane Headband 4,200 Gold - +10 - None Kazemaru, Takamaru, Akane

Equipment Listings: Torso Armor

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Special Effects Wielders
Chain Katabira Torso Armor 840 Gold - +9 - None Kazemaru
Coral Katabira Torso Armor 90 Gold - +3 - None Kazemaru
Iga Katabira Torso Armor 3,400 Gold - +15 - None Kazemaru, Akane
Ivory Katabira Torso Armor 420 Gold - +7 - None Kazemaru
Katabira Torso Armor 50 Gold - +2 - None Kazemaru
Koga Katabira Torso Armor 1,600 Gold - +12 - None Kazemaru
Kunoichi Kimono Torso Armor 19,800 Gold - +20 - None Akane
Ninken Katabira Torso Armor 3,000 Gold - +20 - None Takamaru
Shell Katabira Torso Armor 200 Gold - +5 - None Kazemaru
Wind Katabira Torso Armor 26,000 Gold - +22 - None Kazemaru, Akane

Equipment Listings: Footgear

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Special Effects Wielders
Health Sandals Footgear 500 Gold - - [Is 0] Gain HP while walking Kazemaru
Shinobi Waraji Footgear 420 Gold - - +10 None Kazemaru
Tabi Socks Footgear 2 Gold - - - Halves walking speed Kazemaru
Waraji Footgear 20 Gold - - +5 None Kazemaru
Wind Waraji Footgear 1,240 Gold - - +20 None Kazemaru, Akane

Jutsu Listings: Tengu Jutsu

  • Burrow:
    • Found: See Crossing to a New Island
    • Cost: 13 JP
    • Uses: When used, you can walk 30 steps whilst underground, thus preventing random-encounter battles for that period of time. However, you may cause the game to hang if this is active when you attempt to enter a forced battle, like a boss.

  • Express:
    • Found: See [[Our First Overworld Trek]
    • Cost: 10 JP
    • Uses: While in the overworld, you can use this to head to any previously-visited village or town.

  • Exit:
    • Found: See [[More in the Overworld]]
    • Cost: 9 JP
    • Uses: This allows you to exit any area, such as a town or a dungeon, to return to the overworld.

  • Jingle:
    • Found: See Evaporation of the Moat
    • Cost: 0 JP
    • Uses: When this is used in the overworld or a dungeon (it won't work inside a town), you will gain 1 Gold for every step you take. You will, however, need to reactivate it after any random battle that occurs, so it can be a bit tedious to use.

  • Massage:
    • Found: See Walking On Water!
    • Cost: 110 JP
    • Uses: This is used only for a single purpose, one involving the plot. Once obtained, you are meant to get next to the Waterwalk Tengu, face him, and use it so that he'll give you his Tengu Jutsu. You can also use it and force anyone you meet to begin laughing uncontrollably (even Jizo statues), but it's rather expensive, JP-wise, for something so pointless.

  • Fate:
    • Found: See More Sailing
    • Cost: 18 JP
    • Uses: It can have a variety of effects: your party's HP can be fully refilled, you can get a random set of 3 items (one per character), lose 50% of your Gold, lose 67% of your Gold, or double your Gold. Odds-wise, there's a 60% chance of getting a beneficial Fate (though it's again random and only one effect occurs), and you can't use it in battle, so keep those in mind.

  • Sprint:
    • Found: See To Seiryu Castle!
    • Cost: 6 JP
    • Uses: This mostly is just used for the sake of speeding up your walking speed in the overworld. It has no real functional usage, though.

  • Waterwalk:
    • Found: See Walking On Water!
    • Cost: 0 JP
    • Uses: This allows you to walk across the shallow, light-blue water in the overworld, such as that found to the southeast of Rainbow Town.

Jutsu Listings: Ninjutsu

  • Badabing:
    • Location: Badabing Hamlet
    • Level-Ups: Use 48 times for Hyper, 75 more for Super, 109 more for Ultra, and 159 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: Restores 30 HP to a single ally.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 7 JP
      • Uses: Restores 50 HP to a single ally.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Restores 80 HP to a single ally.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 9 JP
      • Uses: Restores 120 HP to a single ally.
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 10 JP
      • Uses: Fully restores a single ally's HP, no matter how high. (Technically, restores up to 254 HP.)

  • Binding:
    • Location: Skull Village 1 (later known as Kazemaru Village 1)
    • Level-Ups: Use 25 times for Hyper, 39 more for Super, 57 more for Ultra, and 83 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: When used, it is used against all enemies of the species selected. It will attempt to make them immobile and thus unable to attack. The success rate is about 25% ~ 33%.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Binding, but with a higher success rate, closer to 50%.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Binding, but with a higher success rate, closer to 67% ~ 75%.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Binding, but with a higher success rate, closer to 80% ~ 90%.
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Binding, but with a higher success rate, closer to 95% ~ 100%.

  • Doppel:
    • Location: Doppel Hamlet
    • Level-Ups: Use 27 times for Hyper, 39 more for Super, 58 more for Ultra, and 85 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: This creates a clone of the user. This clone will have about 20% of the HP of the user, and will otherwise mimic their stats. Assuming that the clone survives the turn on which it is summoned, it can also act independently and thus also attack. It can also be targeted; however, the enemy will be forced to assume that there are two Kazemarus on the field while only being able to select Kazemaru - the same situation you have when multiple enemies of the same species appear - and thus the clone can help to divert hits from the real Kazemaru as well.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Doppel, but the clone's HP is higher, closer to 40% of Kazemaru's.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Doppel, but there are two clones, with their HP closer to 20% of Kazemaru's.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Doppel, but there are two clones, with their HP closer to 40% of Kazemaru's.
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Doppel, but there are three clones, with their HP closer to 40% of Kazemaru's.

  • Foxfire:
    • Location: Badabing Hamlet
    • Level-Ups: Use 27 times for Hyper, 41 more for Super, 62 more for Ultra, and 91 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Deals a small amount of damage, of about 50% the power of Fight.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Deals a moderate amount of damage, of about the same power as Fight.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Deals a large amount of damage, about 50% stronger than Fight.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Deals a massive amount of damage, about 133% ~ 167% stronger than Fight.
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Deals an extreme amount of damage, about four times as strong as Fight.

  • Kaboom:
    • Location: Rahoi Town
    • Level-Ups: Does not level up
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 32 JP
      • Uses: Kills every enemy in the battle, thus making it invaluable when grinding for EXP. or money. However, it will not work on the Skull Devas or the Skull Shogun.

  • Limpy:
    • Location: Limpy Hamlet
    • Level-Ups: Use 26 times for Hyper, 40 more for Super, 60 more for Ultra, and 87 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: Lowers the Attack and Defense of a single enemy for a few turns: it will attempt to target a group thereof if multiple enemies of the same species are present. The decrement is significant, but very temporal (2 turns), so this mostly gets use when you have multiple party members attacking the same enemy.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Limpy, but it lasts three turns and has a higher success rate.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Limpy, but it lasts four turns and has a higher success rate than Hyper Limpy.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Limpy, but it lasts five turns and has a higher success rate than Super Limpy.
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Limpy, but it lasts six turns and has a higher success rate than Ultra Limpy.

  • Napalm:
    • Location: Napalm Hamlet
    • Level-Ups: Use 42 times for Hyper, 66 more for Super, 97 more for Ultra, and 142 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 12 JP
      • Uses: Deals a very small amount of damage, 25% ~ 33% as powerful as Fight. This can be multitarget, unlike Foxfire, if multiple enemies exist of the targeted species: thus, due to the power decrement, this is better used in those situations.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 12 JP
      • Uses: Deals a small amount of damage, about 50% as powerful as Fight. This can be multitarget, unlike Foxfire, if multiple enemies exist of the targeted species: thus, due to the power decrement, this is better used in those situations.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 12 JP
      • Uses: Deals a moderate amount of damage, about 75% as powerful as Fight. This can be multitarget, unlike Foxfire, if multiple enemies exist of the targeted species: thus, due to the power decrement, this is better used in those situations.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 12 JP
      • Uses: Deals a large amount of damage, about 25% more powerful than Fight. At this level, the Jutsu becomes by definition able to hit all enemies, regardless of their species, as well.
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 12 JP
      • Uses: Deals a great amount of damage, about 75% ~ 100% more powerful than Fight. Again, this is by definition aimed at all enemies at this stage.

  • Runaway:
    • Location: Runaway Hamlet
    • Level-Ups: Does not level up
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 9 JP
      • Uses: Allows you to flee battle with a ~75% success rate.

Jutsu Listings: Kunoichi Jutsu

  • Defense:
    • Location: Bamboo Hamlet
    • Level-Ups: Use 21 times for Hyper, 34 more for Super, 52 more for Ultra, and 74 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 5 JP
      • Uses: Raises an ally's Defense rather significantly, but the effect barely lasts two turns.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 5 JP
      • Uses: Raises an ally's Defense rather significantly, with the effect lasting for four turns.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 5 JP
      • Uses: Raises the whole party's Defense rather significantly, with the effect lasting for two turns.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 5 JP
      • Uses: Raises the whole party's Defense rather significantly, with the effect lasting for two or three turns. (It varies.)
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 5 JP
      • Uses: Raises the whole party's Defense rather significantly, with the effect lasting for two to four turns. (It varies.)

  • Dispel:
    • Location: This is one of Akane's initial Jutsus
    • Level-Ups: Use 10 times for Hyper, 16 more for Super, 24 more for Ultra, and 34 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: This allows an ally to ignore the effects of a Jutsu the enemy is using on him.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: This allows an ally to ignore the effects of a Jutsu the enemy is using on him, with greater success.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: This allows an ally to ignore the effects of a Jutsu the enemy is using on him, with even greater success.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: This allows an ally to ignore the effects of a Jutsu the enemy is using on him, with even greater success.
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 6 JP
      • Uses: This allows an ally to ignore the effects of a Jutsu the enemy is using on him, with virtually-complete success.

  • Firefly:
    • Location: Skull Village 2 (later known as Kazemaru Village 2)
    • Level-Ups: Use 16 times for Hyper, 25 more for Super, 37 more for Ultra, and 54 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 7 JP
      • Uses: Outright prevents the target from using Jutsus for one or two turns.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 7 JP
      • Uses: Outright prevents the target from using Jutsus for two or three turns.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 7 JP
      • Uses: Outright prevents the target from using Jutsus for three or four turns.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 7 JP
      • Uses: Outright prevents all enemies from using Jutsus for one to three turns.
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 7 JP
      • Uses: Outright prevents all enemies from using Jutsus for two to four turns.

  • Haze:
    • Location: One of Akane's initial Jutsus
    • Level-Ups: Use 14 times for Hyper, 21 more for Super, 31 more for Ultra, and 45 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 4 JP
      • Uses: Lower's the accuracy of an enemy's attacks a little bit.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 4 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Haze, but the success rate is higher.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 4 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Haze, but it affects all enemies.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 4 JP
      • Uses: Same as Super Haze, but the success rate is much higher.
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 4 JP
      • Uses: Same as Super Haze, but the success rate is pretty much 100%.

  • Power-Up:
    • Location: Bamboo Hamlet
    • Level-Ups: Use 40 times for Hyper, 62 more for Super, 96 more for Ultra, and 137 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 10 JP
      • Uses: Raises an ally's Attack rather significantly, but the effect barely lasts two turns.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 10 JP
      • Uses: Raises an ally's Attack rather significantly, with the effect lasting for three to four turns.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 10 JP
      • Uses: Raises the whole party's Attack rather significantly, with the effect lasting for two turns.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 10 JP
      • Uses: Raises the whole party's Attack rather significantly, with the effect lasting for two or three turns. (It varies.)
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 10 JP
      • Uses: Raises the whole party's Attack rather significantly, with the effect lasting for two to four turns. (It varies.)

  • Puppet:
    • Location: Vigor Hamlet
    • Level-Ups: Use 23 times for Hyper, 37 more for Super, 55 more for Ultra, and 80 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: This makes it so that enemies will begin to attack themselves or unintended targets. It will aim at all of those of the targeted species, but the success rate is low.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Puppet, but with a higher success rate.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Puppet, but with an even better success rate.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Puppet, but with a very high success rate.
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: Same as Normal Puppet, but with a near-100% success rate.

  • Transfer:
    • Location: Skull Village 2 (later known as Kazemaru Village 2)
    • Level-Ups: Cannot level-up
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 50% of Akane's JP
      • Uses: Akane will give 50% of her current JP to Kazemaru, up to the point where his JP is maxed out.

  • Vigor:
    • Location: Vigor Hamlet
    • Level-Ups: Use 31 times for Hyper, 50 more for Super, 73 more for Ultra, and 107 more for Miracle
    • Level - Normal:
      • Cost: 8 JP
      • Uses: This heals everyone in the party for 30 HP each.
    • Level - Hyper:
      • Cost: 9 JP
      • Uses: This heals everyone in the party for 50 HP each.
    • Level - Super:
      • Cost: 10 JP
      • Uses: This heals everyone in the party for 80 HP each.
    • Level - Ultra:
      • Cost: 11 JP
      • Uses: This heals everyone in the party for 120 HP each.
    • Level - Miracle:
      • Cost: 12 JP
      • Uses: This heals the party's HP fully, no matter how high. (Technically, 254 HP of healing each.)

Shop Details

Quick Jump

This section will attempt to list all of the shops you'll find in the game, and the stocks of each along with those items' effects. To ease navigation, simply click on the name below that applies to the shop you wish to look at: they are listed in the order of their availability throughout the game.

Wind Hamlet's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Shuriken 16 Gold Damages multiple enemies. Power is about the same as Fight.
Makibishi 30 Gold Used to escape from battles. 75% success rate.
Fujizoom 30 Gold Allows you to warp between important locations on the map.
Dango 8 Gold Restores 8 HP.
Onigiri 16 Gold Restores 16 HP.
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Bokuto Weapon 50 Gold +2 - - Kazemaru
Katana Weapon 100 Gold +4 - - Kazemaru
Hachimaki Headband 8 Gold - +1 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Katabira Torso Armor 50 Gold - +2 - Kazemaru
Coral Katabira Torso Armor 90 Gold - +3 - Kazemaru
Waraji Footgear 20 Gold - - +5 Kazemaru

Encaenia Village's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Dango 8 Gold Restores 8 HP.
Onigiri 16 Gold Restores 16 HP.
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.

Star Town's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Antidote 6 Gold Cures you of being Poisoned.
Dango 8 Gold Restores 8 HP.
Onigiri 16 Gold Restores 16 HP.
Rice Cake 24 Gold Restores 25 HP.
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.

Badabing Hamlet's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Gunpowder Ball 8 Gold Heavy damage to a single enemy. Deals ~24 HP of damage.
Antidote 6 Gold Cures you of being Poisoned.
Throwing Knife 990 Gold Very heavy damage to a single enemy: best for bosses. Deals ~80 HP of damage.
Makibishi 30 Gold Used to escape from battles. 75% success rate.
Fujizoom 30 Gold Allows you to warp between important locations on the map.
Rice Cake 24 Gold Restores 25 HP.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Katana Weapon 100 Gold +4 - - Kazemaru
Shinobi Katana Weapon 320 Gold +6 - - Kazemaru
Hachimaki Headband 8 Gold - +1 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Coral Katabira Torso Armor 90 Gold - +3 - Kazemaru
Shell Katabira Torso Armor 200 Gold - +5 - Kazemaru
Waraji Footgear 20 Gold - - +5 Kazemaru

Napalm Hamlet's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Limpy Flower 30 Gold Lowers an enemy's Attack and Defense, increasing their damage taken and lessening their output.
Net 98 Gold Makes it so that an enemy cannot attack for a brief time.
Antidote 6 Gold Cures you of being Poisoned.
Throwing Knife 990 Gold Very heavy damage to a single enemy: best for bosses. Deals ~80 HP of damage.
Fujizoom 30 Gold Allows you to warp between important locations on the map.
Rice Cake 24 Gold Restores 25 HP.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Katana Weapon 100 Gold +4 - - Kazemaru
Shinobi Katana Weapon 320 Gold +6 - - Kazemaru
Coral Katabira Torso Armor 90 Gold - +3 - Kazemaru
Shell Katabira Torso Armor 200 Gold - +5 - Kazemaru

Limpy Hamlet's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Boom Ball 6,300 Gold Hits a single enemy for moderate damage, around 20~30 points. Can be used multiple times.
Big Kite 6 Gold In the overworld, use this to zoom around to see the land nearby, then press A to land where you started.
Antidote 6 Gold Cures you of being Poisoned.
Throwing Knife 990 Gold Very heavy damage to a single enemy: best for bosses. Deals ~80 HP of damage.
Food Capsule 50 Gold Restores 40 HP to a single target.
Fujizoom 30 Gold Allows you to warp between important locations on the map.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Shinobi Katana Weapon 320 Gold +6 - - Kazemaru
Nunchaku Weapon 560 Gold +8 - - Kazemaru
Hachigane Headband 60 Gold - +2 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Shell Katabira Torso Armor 200 Gold - +5 - Kazemaru
Ivory Katabira Torso Armor 420 Gold - +7 - Kazemaru

Dream Town's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Guts Ball 7,000 Gold If you would be killed on the turn this is used, you will survive with 1 HP left.
Funny 'Shroom 180 Gold Confuses the enemy, meaning they may attack their allies or unintended other targets.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: [[Caterer Card's Shop]].
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Food Capsule 50 Gold Restores 40 HP to a single target.

Caterer's Card's Shop

Note that these are at double the normal cost of these items: probably the cost of convenience, I suppose....

Item Name Cost Effects
Food Capsule 100 Gold Restores 40 HP to a single target.
Kikatsugan 400 Gold Restores 80 HP to a single target.
Noodle Bowl 160 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Plum Pill 600 Gold Restores 8 JP to a single target.
Pine Pill 3,000 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Power Pill 20,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Antidote 12 Gold Cures Poisoning from an ally.

Runaway Hamlet's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Infinite Star 5,800 Gold Instantly kills multiple enemies at once. Can be used as an infinite number of times.
Hand Mirror 180 Gold When an enemy attacks you with a Jutsu on the turn you use this, they are hit with the Jutsu they used!
Antidote 6 Gold Cures you of being Poisoned.
Plum Pill 300 Gold Restores 8 JP to a single target.
Kikatsugan 200 Gold Restores 80 HP to a single target.
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Ivory Fang Weapon 480 Gold +11 - - Takamaru
Nunchaku Weapon 560 Gold +8 - - Kazemaru
Kusarugama Weapon 940 Gold +10 - - Kazemaru
Ivory Katabira Torso Armor 420 Gold - +7 - Kazemaru
Chain Katabira Torso Armor 840 Gold - +9 - Kazemaru
Shinobi Waraji Footgear 420 Gold - - +10 Kazemaru

Doppel Hamlet's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Smoke Ball 480 Gold Used to escape from battles. 100% success rate in escapable battles.
Windup Mouse 12 Gold Allows you to freely view the terrain in caves and castles.
Bamboo Pill 800 Gold Restores 16 JP to a single target.
Revive Ball 20,000 Gold Revives an ally from being KO'ed with 1 HP. Better heal them soon!
Kikatsugan 200 Gold Restores 80 HP to a single target.
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Ivory Fang Weapon 480 Gold +11 - - Takamaru
Kusarugama Weapon 940 Gold +10 - - Kazemaru
Wind Katana Weapon 1,320 Gold +12 - - Kazemaru
Hachigane Headband 60 Gold - +2 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Chain Katabira Torso Armor 840 Gold - +9 - Kazemaru
Koga Katabira Torso Armor 1,600 Gold - +12 - Kazemaru

Firewakame Mall's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Health Sandals 500 Gold Restores HP as you walk in the field ... but Speed goes to 0, making you last to move in battle!
Moonwalker 2 Gold Gimmick item: it makes you appear to move backward in the field. (Doesn't affect D-Pad usage.)
Trippy Balls 2 Gold Gimmick item: "makes you trip balls!" (It just makes everything look differently colored.)
Tabi Socks 2 Gold Gimmick item: you walk at half-speed in the field. No real use otherwise.
Whiffle Bat 600 Gold Gimmick item: equipped as a weapon, though its use is unknown.
Fortune Cat 500 Gold Just keep it along with your other items to earn 25% more money from battles.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Bokuto Weapon 25 Gold +2 - - Kazemaru
Katana Weapon 50 Gold +4 - - Kazemaru
Hachimaki Headband 4 Gold - +1 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Hachigane Headband 30 Gold - +2 - Kazemaru, Takamaru
Katabira Torso Armor 25 Gold - +2 - Kazemaru
Waraji Footgear 10 Gold - - +5 Kazemaru

Song Town's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Sacrifice Doll 96 Gold Prevents the attack against you on this turn from damaging you. Has one use.
Birdlime 80 Gold Slows an enemy down.
Kikatsugan 200 Gold Restores 80 HP to a single target.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!
Bamboo Pill 800 Gold Restores 16 JP to a single target.

Bamboo Hamlet's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Windmill Star 70 Gold Moderate damage to multiple enemies.
Sun Ball 240 Gold Instantly kills a single enemy.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Throwing Knife 990 Gold Very heavy damage to a single enemy: best for bosses.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Wind Katana Weapon 1,320 Gold +12 - - Kazemaru
Kunoichi Sword Weapon 1,360 Gold +15 - - Akane
Squall Katana Weapon 2,800 Gold +17 - - Kazemaru
Koga Katabira Torso Armor 1,600 Gold - +12 - Kazemaru, Akane
Ninken Katabira Torso Armor 3,000 Gold - +20 - Takamaru
Wind Waraji Footgear 1,240 Gold - - +20 Kazemaru, Akane

Skull Village 1's Shops

The change in the town's name and the change in the Tea House's stock will result from you beating the Skull Ninja - the Corona Skull - in that village.

Item Name Cost Effects
Skull Flute 1,200 Gold Instantly causes a battle in areas where battles can be fought.
Skull Hachimaki 60 Gold Equippable headband: Upgrades Ninjutsus one level ... but you can't use the Ninjutsus, so it's just gimmicky.

Item Name Cost Effects
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Throwing Knife 990 Gold Very heavy damage to a single enemy: best for bosses.
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!

Vigor Hamlet's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Cloud Katana Weapon 3,600 Gold +19 - - Kazemaru
Copper Fang Weapon 7,200 Gold +25 - - Takamaru
Kunoichi Sword Weapon 1,360 Gold +15 - - Akane
Iron Hachigane Headband 800 Gold - +6 - Kazemaru, Takamaru, Akane
Iga Katabira Torso Armor 3,400 Gold - +15 - Kazemaru, Akane
Kunoichi Kimono Torso Armor 19,800 Gold - +20 - Akane

Skull Village 2's Shops

The change in the town's name and the change in the shops will result from you beating Genbu in this village.

Item Name Cost Effects
Skull Manju 6 Gold Restores an enemy's HP by 10 if used in battle. Decreases your own HP by 10 if you eat it.
Skull Flag 4 Gold Makes random enemy encounters and battles more common. Works just by possessing it.

Item Name Cost Effects
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Sun Ball 240 Gold Instantly kills a single enemy.

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Kunoichi Sword Weapon 1,360 Gold +15 - - Akane
Storm Katana Weapon 5,800 Gold +21 - - Kazemaru
Wintry Katana Weapon 8,600 Gold +23 - - Kazemaru
Gale Katana Weapon 14,000 Gold +25 - - Kazemaru
Wind Hachigane Headband 4,200 Gold - +10 - Kazemaru, Takamaru, Akane
Kunoichi Kimono Torso Armor 19,800 Gold - +20 - Akane

Rainbow Village's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Party Ball 50,000 Gold Deals absolutely massive damage (150+ most often) to all enemies, and also completely refills the HP and JP of the party!

Boat Town's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Escape Ball 50 Gold Allows you to teleport out of any location to the overworld.
Windmill Star 70 Gold Moderate damage to multiple enemies.
Sun Ball 240 Gold Instantly kills a single enemy.

Skull Village 3's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Skull Manju 6 Gold Restores an enemy's HP by 10 if used in battle. Decreases your own HP by 10 if you eat it.
Skull Flute 1,200 Gold Instantly causes a battle in areas where battles can be fought.
Skull Hachimaki 60 Gold Equippable headband: Upgrades Ninjutsus one level ... but you can't use the Ninjutsus, so it's just gimmicky.

Item Name Cost Effects
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Frog Oil 120 Gold Restores 30 HP across the party.
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Noodle Bowl 80 Gold Restores 20 HP to a single target, or 50 HP to Kazemaru.
Caterer's Card 1,000 Gold Summons a merchant from whom you may buy items: here is their stock.
Courier's Card 1,000 Gold Allows you to withdraw items and Gold from your depositories!

Equipment Name Type Cost ATK DEF SPD Wielders
Iron Fang Weapon 26,000 Gold +30 - - Takamaru
Kunoichi Katana Weapon 27,000 Gold +20 - - Akane
Sun Katana Weapon 44,000 Gold +30 - - Kazemaru
Wind Hachigane Headband 4,200 Gold - +10 - Kazemaru, Takamaru, Akane
Wind Katabira Torso Armor 26,000 Gold - +22 - Kazemaru, Akane
Wind Waraji Footgear 1,240 Gold - - +20 Kazemaru, Akane

Rahoi Town's Shops

Item Name Cost Effects
Power Pill 10,000 Gold Restores your HP and JP fully, then extends HP by 25% beyond its max and JP by 50% beyond its max. This does not increase the maximum capacity of each, however: this "over-the-limit" state will only last until you fall below your current maximum for each or when you attempt to restore HP or JP in any way. Additionally, this increase will only get these stats as high as 255 in each, and there is no "overflowing" glitch present, meaning this begins to lose efficiency for HP starting at 205 and JP at 171.
Revive Ball 20,000 Gold Revives an ally from being KO'ed with 1 HP. Better heal them soon!
Pine Pill 1,500 Gold Restores 24 JP to a single target.
Guts Ball 7,000 Gold If you would be killed on the turn this is used, you will survive with 1 HP left.
Windmill Star 70 Gold Moderate damage to multiple enemies.
Sun Ball 240 Gold Instantly kills a single enemy.

Level-Up Stats


A Quick Note...

Note that there is some degree of randomization in stat growth in this game: usually, the growth can vary by up to 2 points from the value named when you level up, so this is best taken as a general growth chart for the main player more than anything. The total and next-level EXP. values are especially approximated since it would nearly impossible to derive exact values for the next-level EXP. except in certain situations (such as at Reviving Jizos), and those don't necessarily exist the moment you level up.

As with the shopping section, we'll be using a quick-jump here to make navigation a bit easier. Click on the name below that corresponds to the character whose level-up stats you want to see.

Kazemaru's Level-Up Stats

Level Max HP Max JP Attack Defense Speed Experience/EXP.
Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Current Next Lv.
Lv. 1 10 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 0 +6
Lv. 2 13 +3 12 +2 9 +3 8 +2 9 +3 6 +12
Lv. 3 22 +9 17 +5 12 +3 11 +3 11 +2 18 +14
Lv. 4 27 +5 21 +4 15 +3 14 +3 14 +3 32 +19
Lv. 5 34 +7 26 +5 18 +3 17 +3 17 +3 51 +32
Lv. 6 40 +6 30 +4 21 +3 21 +3 20 +3 83 +63
Lv. 7 43 +3 33 +3 23 +2 23 +2 23 +3 146 +45
Lv. 8 48 +5 37 +4 26 +3 27 +4 26 +3 191 +63
Lv. 9 55 +7 40 +3 30 +4 29 +2 28 +3 254 +92
Lv. 10 62 +7 47 +7 32 +2 33 +4 31 +3 346 +133
Lv. 11 66 +4 50 +3 36 +4 35 +2 35 +4 479 +189
Lv. 12 71 +5 54 +4 39 +3 39 +4 37 +2 668 +219
Lv. 13 77 +6 56 +2 41 +2 42 +3 41 +4 887 +295
Lv. 14 83 +6 62 +6 45 +4 44 +2 44 +3 1,182 +386
Lv. 15 87 +4 64 +2 48 +3 47 +3 48 +4 1,568 +520
Lv. 16 92 +5 69 +5 50 +2 48 +1 51 +3 2,088 +603
Lv. 17 99 +7 75 +6 54 +4 51 +3 53 +2 2,691 +830
Lv. 18 105 +6 79 +4 57 +3 53 +2 56 +3 3,521 +936
Lv. 19 109 +4 81 +2 59 +2 56 +3 60 +4 4,457 +1,231
Lv. 20 116 +7 85 +4 62 +3 59 +3 62 +2 5,688 +1,564
Lv. 21 120 +4 91 +6 66 +4 63 +4 66 +4 7,252 +1,780
Lv. 22 126 +6 94 +3 69 +3 65 +2 69 +3 9,032 +1,946
Lv. 23 130 +4 96 +2 71 +2 69 +4 71 +2 10,978 +3,440
Lv. 24 138 +8 102 +6 74 +3 72 +3 75 +4 14,418 +3,060
Lv. 25 143 +5 107 +5 77 +3 74 +2 78 +3 17,478 +3,570
Lv. 26 148 +5 108 +1 81 +4 77 +3 81 +3 21,048 +5,355
Lv. 27 152 +4 113 +5 83 +2 80 +3 84 +3 26,403 +4,845
Lv. 28 160 +8 117 +4 87 +4 84 +4 86 +2 31,248 +5,784
Lv. 29 166 +6 121 +4 90 +3 86 +2 90 +4 37,032 +7,562
Lv. 30 171 +5 126 +5 93 +3 89 +3 92 +2 44,594 +8,970
Lv. 31 176 +5 130 +4 96 +3 93 +4 96 +4 53,564 +10,665
Lv. 32 180 +4 134 +4 98 +2 96 +3 98 +2 64,229 +11,220
Lv. 33 187 +7 139 +5 101 +3 98 +2 101 +3 75,449 +13,812
Lv. 34 194 +7 140 +1 105 +4 102 +4 104 +3 89,261 +15,928
Lv. 35 199 +5 144 +4 108 +3 105 +3 107 +3 105,189 +18,704
Lv. 36 203 +4 148 +4 110 +2 107 +2 111 +4 123,893 +21,329
Lv. 37 208 +5 155 +7 113 +3 111 +4 113 +2 145,222 +25,500
Lv. 38 213 +5 157 +2 116 +3 113 +2 117 +4 170,722 +32,130
Lv. 39 219 +6 160 +3 119 +3 117 +4 120 +3 202,852 +36,045
Lv. 40 226 +7 166 +6 122 +3 119 +2 123 +3 238,807 +36,210
Lv. 41 232 +6 171 +5 126 +4 122 +3 126 +3 275,017 +41,820
Lv. 42 235 +3 175 +4 129 +3 125 +3 128 +2 316,837 +48,475
Lv. 43 241 +6 178 +3 131 +2 129 +4 132 +4 365,312 +51,000
Lv. 44 247 +6 181 +3 134 +3 131 +2 134 +2 416,312 +60,000
Lv. 45 250 +3 185 +4 137 +3 134 +3 137 +3 476,312 +65,000
Lv. 46 250 - 189 +4 141 +4 138 +4 140 +3 541,312 +79,000
Lv. 47 250 - 193 +4 144 +3 141 +3 144 +4 620,312 +79,000
Lv. 48 250 - 199 +6 147 +3 144 +3 146 +2 699,312 +93,000
Lv. 49 250 - 203 +4 150 +3 146 +2 150 +4 793,312 +100,000
Lv. 50 250 - 207 +4 153 +3 149 +3 153 +3 893,312 -

Takamaru's Level-Up Stats

Level Max HP Max JP Attack Defense Speed Experience/EXP.
Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Current Next Lv.
Lv. 1 28 - 0 - 14 - 14 - 14 - 0 +6
Lv. 2 32 +4 0 - 18 +4 17 +3 19 +5 6 +12
Lv. 3 34 +2 0 - 21 +3 21 +4 22 +3 18 +14
Lv. 4 41 +7 0 - 23 +2 24 +3 27 +5 32 +24
Lv. 5 44 +3 0 - 26 +3 26 +2 31 +4 56 +33
Lv. 6 51 +7 0 - 29 +3 29 +3 35 +4 89 +59
Lv. 7 55 +4 0 - 32 +3 33 +4 39 +4 148 +59
Lv. 8 63 +8 0 - 35 +3 35 +2 42 +3 207 +41
Lv. 9 65 +2 0 - 39 +4 39 +4 46 +4 248 +98
Lv. 10 72 +7 0 - 41 +2 41 +2 51 +5 346 +142
Lv. 11 78 +6 0 - 44 +3 45 +4 55 +4 488 +175
Lv. 12 82 +4 0 - 48 +4 48 +3 59 +4 663 +223
Lv. 13 87 +5 0 - 51 +3 50 +2 62 +3 886 +296
Lv. 14 92 +5 0 - 53 +2 53 +3 67 +5 1,182 +389
Lv. 15 96 +4 0 - 57 +4 57 +4 70 +3 1,571 +538
Lv. 16 102 +6 0 - 59 +2 59 +2 75 +5 2,109 +610
Lv. 17 107 +5 0 - 63 +4 62 +2 78 +3 2,719 +757
Lv. 18 114 +7 0 - 65 +2 66 +4 82 +4 3,476 +978
Lv. 19 119 +5 0 - 69 +4 68 +2 86 +4 4,454 +1,275
Lv. 20 122 +3 0 - 72 +2 72 +4 91 +5 5,729 +1,532
Lv. 21 127 +5 0 - 74 +2 74 +2 94 +3 7,261 +1,803
Lv. 22 133 +6 0 - 77 +3 77 +3 98 +4 9,064 +2,653
Lv. 23 139 +6 0 - 80 +3 81 +4 102 +4 11,717 +2,550
Lv. 24 143 +4 0 - 83 +3 84 +3 107 +5 14,267 +3,825
Lv. 25 146 +3 0 - 87 +4 86 +2 111 +4 18,092 +3,315
Lv. 26 151 +5 0 - 90 +3 89 +3 114 +3 21,407 +4,335
Lv. 27 158 +7 0 - 93 +3 93 +4 118 +4 25,742 +4,455
Lv. 28 162 +4 0 - 95 +2 95 +2 123 +5 31,607 +5,308
Lv. 29 168 +6 0 - 99 +4 98 +3 126 +3 36,915 +8,293
Lv. 30 172 +4 0 - 101 +2 101 +3 130 +4 45,208 +7,905
Lv. 31 180 +8 0 - 105 +5 104 +3 135 +5 53,113 +10,455
Lv. 32 185 +5 0 - 107 +2 107 +3 138 +3 63,568 +12,495
Lv. 33 187 +2 0 - 110 +3 110 +3 143 +5 76,063 +13,125
Lv. 34 192 +5 0 - 113 +3 114 +4 147 +3 89,188 +15,863
Lv. 35 198 +6 0 - 117 +4 116 +2 152 +5 105,051 +18,969
Lv. 36 203 +5 0 - 120 +3 120 +4 155 +3 124,020 +20,797
Lv. 37 208 +5 0 - 123 +3 123 +3 160 +5 144,837 +25,755
Lv. 38 213 +5 0 - 126 +3 125 +2 164 +4 170,592 +31,365
Lv. 39 218 +5 0 - 128 +2 128 +3 167 +3 201,957 +37,485
Lv. 40 225 +7 0 - 131 +3 132 +4 171 +4 239,442 +36,465
Lv. 41 229 +4 0 - 134 +3 135 +3 176 +5 275,907 +40,800
Lv. 42 236 +7 0 - 137 +3 137 +2 178 +2 316,707 +47,710
Lv. 43 238 +2 0 - 140 +3 140 +3 183 +5 364,417 +58,000
Lv. 44 243 +5 0 - 144 +4 144 +4 187 +4 422,417 +53,000
Lv. 45 250 +7 0 - 146 +2 147 +3 190 +3 475,417 +65,000
Lv. 46 250 - 0 - 149 +3 150 +3 195 +5 540,417 +79,000
Lv. 47 250 - 0 - 152 +3 152 +2 198 +3 619,417 +79,000
Lv. 48 250 - 0 - 156 +4 156 +4 200 +2 698,417 +94,000
Lv. 49 250 - 0 - 158 +2 159 +3 200 - 792,417 +100,000
Lv. 50 250 - 0 - 162 +4 162 +3 200 - 892,417 -

Akane's Level-Up Stats

Note that Akane joins the party at Level 18, and thus she will not have her stats detailed for below that level.

Level Max HP Max JP Attack Defense Speed Experience/EXP.
Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Now: +/-: Current Next Lv.
Lv. 18 80 - 134 - 36 - 49 - 92 - 3,442 +1,015
Lv. 19 80 - 139 +5 37 +1 53 +4 97 +5 4,457 +2,012
Lv. 20 88 +8 145 +6 38 +1 56 +3 102 +5 6,469 +1,275
Lv. 21 89 +1 151 +6 40 +2 59 +3 106 +4 7,744 +2,295
Lv. 22 94 +5 155 +4 43 +3 62 +3 111 +5 10,039 +1,530
Lv. 23 99 +5 162 +7 44 +1 65 +3 114 +3 11,569 +2,860
Lv. 24 105 +6 169 +5 47 +3 68 +3 119 +5 14,629 +2,805
Lv. 25 109 +4 175 +6 49 +2 71 +3 124 +5 17,434 +4,335
Lv. 26 115 +6 179 +4 51 +2 74 +3 129 +5 21,769 +3,570
Lv. 27 118 +3 187 +8 52 +2 77 +3 133 +4 25,339 +6,334
Lv. 28 123 +5 193 +6 55 +3 80 +3 137 +4 30,673 +6,883
Lv. 29 127 +4 197 +4 57 +2 84 +4 142 +5 37,556 +8,905
Lv. 30 132 +5 204 +7 58 +1 86 +2 147 +5 45,461 +8,160
Lv. 31 134 +2 211 +7 61 +3 89 +3 151 +5 53,621 +10,455
Lv. 32 139 +5 215 +4 63 +2 93 +4 155 +4 64,076 +12,240
Lv. 33 145 +6 221 +6 65 +2 96 +3 159 +4 76,316 +12,986
Lv. 34 150 +5 228 +7 66 +1 99 +3 164 +5 89,302 +16,388
Lv. 35 152 +2 233 +5 68 +2 102 +3 168 +4 105,690 +22,150
Lv. 36 160 +8 241 +8 71 +3 104 +2 172 +4 127,840 +17,174
Lv. 37 162 +2 245 +4 73 +2 107 +3 177 +5 145,019 +24,985
Lv. 38 167 +5 250 +5 75 +2 110 +3 182 +5 170,004 +33,150
Lv. 39 171 +4 250 - 77 +2 113 +3 186 +4 203,154 +35,290
Lv. 40 177 +6 250 - 79 +2 116 +3 190 +4 238,344 +36,465
Lv. 41 182 +5 250 - 81 +2 119 +3 195 +5 274,809 +42,585
Lv. 42 186 +4 250 - 82 +2 123 +4 199 +4 317,394 +49,706
Lv. 43 189 +3 250 - 84 +2 126 +3 199 - 367,100 +52,419
Lv. 44 193 +4 250 - 86 +2 129 +3 199 - 419,519 +57,000
Lv. 45 197 +4 250 - 88 +2 132 +2 199 - 476,519 +66,000
Lv. 46 204 +7 250 - 90 +2 136 +4 199 - 542,519 +75,000
Lv. 47 207 +3 250 - 92 +2 138 +2 199 - 617,519 +80,000
Lv. 48 214 +7 250 - 94 +2 142 +4 199 - 697,519 +94,000
Lv. 49 215 +1 250 - 97 +3 144 +2 199 - 791,519 +98,000
Lv. 50 220 +5 250 - 98 +1 147 +3 199 - 889,519 -

Static Characters' Stats

Aside from Kazemaru and Takamaru, there are a few characters who will join your party in the role of a third-wheel. For the most part, they have no function: you cannot see their stats without looking at the game's RAM, and they cannot be controlled in battle, only defaulting to Covering characters. Still, for the sake of completionism, I figured out their stats. Note that these are called "static" characters for a reason: regardless of how much EXP. may be earned in battles, these characters will never level up, and thus their stats will not change.

Character Level Max HP Max JP ATK DEF SPD EXP.
Jizo Lv. 18 80 134 36 49 92 3,442
Tobimasa Lv. 18 80 134 36 49 92 3,442
Shitose Lv. 18 80 134 36 49 92 3,442
Musiko Lv. 18 80 134 36 49 92 3,442


In no particular order...

  • GameFAQs, Neoseeker, and Supercheats:
    • For being the most amazing FAQ-hosting sites I know.

  • CJayC, SBAllen, and Devin Morgan:
    • General sucking up to the GameFAQs admins. =P

  • aishsha, Pennywise, Ryusui, Eien ni Hen, harmony7, FlashPV:
    • Essentially the entire staff that helped with the English translation of this game!

  • Cah4e3:
    • The SRAM-clearing code.

  • Morgan Diaz:
    • Noting that the Fate Tengu Jutsu has multiple, randomized effects.
    • Noting the effects of the Skull Flute.

  • Me (KeyBlade999):
    • For making this FAQ. =P

  • You, the reader:
    • For hopefully enjoying this FAQ.

Version History

  • Final:
    • Completed after about two weeks, as far as I know.
    • Time: 12:14 AM 7/13/2014 ~ 3:11 AM 8/17/2014


This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

© 2014 Daniel Chaviers (a.k.a. KeyBlade999).

If you would wish to contact me concerning this or my other FAQs, use this e-mail:, or PM (Private Message) me on the GameFAQs message boards.

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This is the end of KeyBlade999's Ninjara Hoi! (NES/Famicom) FAQ/Walkthrough.

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