Unchained Blades FAQ/Walkthrough By: Darkstar Ripclaw The most recent version of this FAQ may always be found at GameFAQs.com ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Table of Contents -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Walkthrough [WALK] •Prologues [PROL] •Chapter One [CHP1] •Chapter Two [CHP2] •Chapter Three [CHP3] •Chapter Four [CHP4] •Chapter Five [CHP5] •Chapter Six [CHP6] •Chapter Seven [CHP7] Optional Bosses [OPTB] Desired Information [DESR] ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Prologues ________________________________________________________________________________ [PROL] --------------------------- Prologue 1 - Dragon Emperor --------------------------- Start off by watching an intro and naming your main character. The Default Name is Fang. Inside the Temple of the Skies, move forward, read through some gameplay explanations. Press X to auto-attack or B to regular attack the three enemies. Continue straight forward through the next area to engage in another battle. Open up your Skills menu and use the Sea of Fire technique to end the battle in a single turn. Proceed straight through the corridors again for a long cutscene until you get to the next Prologue. ----------------------------- Prologue 2 - Phoenix Princess ----------------------------- Start off with another cutscene where you will be asked to name the Phoenix Princess. Her default name is Tiana. After some more reading, you will move into a Judgement Battle. Read the instructions carefully. During the Judgement Battle, arrows will move along the bar at the bottom of the screen. When an arrow moves is within the box in the centre, press the D-Pad with the indicated arrow (Left, Right, Up, Down). The more precisely centred the arrow is in the box when you press it, the better, with 'Great!' being the best result. Throughout the battle, you can also press the R or L buttons on your 3DS system to use a Brave Jewel. You do not need to worry about running out of Brave Jewels, as this is a tutorial battle, so it will not penalise you for going through your entire supply. Occasionally, a bar will charge up in the centre of the screen. Press the B button before it fills up completely to use Tiana's Master's attack. Finally, you will get a one-on-one battle with one of your followers. Rapidly press the B button to win the showoff. Following the battle, you will get some more cutscenes before moving on to the next prologue. ------------------------------ Prologue 3 - Twilight Siblings ------------------------------ Watch the cutscene here. There is no active interaction to be done, and you will move to Chapter One after a bit of reading. 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You can also Save at any time, so be sure to save several times during the early game, and especially right as soon as you have control so you do not have to repeat the three prologues should you die. From the Camp, go north, then east, then north, west all the way, then south and west through a door, using the B button to examine it. Once you enter you will have an automatic battle with a Goblin - at this point, you should probably use your Heat Blade Skill to eliminate it in one hit. You will be able to restore your MP shortly, so going through the 70MP you start with is not a big deal. Open the chest in the room for a Blue Gem, then return to the camp area. After a cutscene, you shall be given three Followers to use. After the tutorial, be sure to actually _equip_ them, as this is NOT done automatically for you. Do not bother levelling up right at the moment, as you will be able to recruit a second character very quickly. EXP is not divided between characters, so it is better to get the second character right away and avoid an inefficient use of time only levelling up one character. From the camp, head north, west all the way, south, west through a door into a large chamber area, and then south. You will get yet another tutorial, this one on Unchaining, the method you use to recruit Followers. Note that the tutorial does the Unchaining in slow motion - when you do a real battle, the rings will shrink far quicker. After the tutorial is over, you will get yet _another_ tutorial. All monster questions have four answers, and these answers have set results, so that answering the same specific answer to a certain question will always yield the same result. You can figure out which is the best answer through trial and error, or simply check up on the Follower Conversations. Now, head further south to exit the Temple. Outside, move to the town of Lantana. Lantana ------- After several long scenes, you will get another character. Default name of the new fighter is Hector. Move to the Tarnished Goblet for a long chat with Mireille and a run- down on Quests. Accept the first and currently only available Quest, Stolen Key. Head on to Sakalla Sundries to get another tutorial on shops from Amo, and then to Garnet's Crafts for a Synthesis tutorial. Synthesis plays a fairly important role in the game, netting you better armour and weapons over time than is available in the shops, but you will not be able to do much at the start. BEFORE leaving to the World Map, make sure to actually Stay the night at Hebalon Cottage to restore your HP and MP completely. You can also revive any downed party members here if somebody falls in battle in the Temple. Move back to the Temple of Trials First Floor after you are done in Lantana. First Floor ----------- Something I recommend you do is de-equip Hector's weapon right away. His weapon adds very little strength on (+2 to a starting base strength of 15) but removing it increases his speed drastically (from 2 to 7), allowing him to strike first before most of the monsters, which can be a real time and life- saver until you actually can purchase a decent weapon for him. Make sure to also customise him on the Skill Map right away, as he starts out with 2SP, making sure to give him his Burst Mastery skill, and give him the two Followers you have inactive. Run around for a bit, levelling both characters up to Level 2, and use up their SP. You will also want to have at least one character with a full Burst Gauge before continuing, as the Burst Gauge strikes all enemies on-screen. During this time, you will also want to Unchain to recruit lots of enemies, as you need 20 Followers for a Quest that is available very soon. In battle, if you are not going to use your Skills, just press X to auto-battle and your two player-characters will only use their regular attacks. If a Follower is killed in battle, you can restore it back to full health by visiting the Camp, unlike one of the Master characters, who you need to go to the Inn and Heal to revive. Once you have somebody with a full Burst Gauge, from the large entrance chamber, head to the northwest corner (not into the hallway at the north end, but staying within the chamber proper), then west through the western door. Move south, then west, and then straight north to a door where you will get a brief blurb of text about a 'rustle of movement'. Save first, then enter the chamber. You will take on a group of five Gremlins. If you use Fang's Magma Burst, you attack first and can take out pretty much all of them with the very first blow, ending the battle quickly. After the battle, you shall retrieve the Trial Key. Open the chest in here for Flash Bang x2, then exit out. You can explore the Temple a bit more, but you cannot advance past any of the doors remaining until you return to Lantana, so do that right away. Lantana ------- Head to the Tarnished Goblet, and Report the Quest Stolen Key to finish up and get your rewards. You can also Accept three other Quests, so take them all right now. Mireille will give you an Excavation tutorial if you accept the Basic Excavation quest. Go to Sakalla Sundries and purchase a Rusty Trowel. Sleep at the Cottage, then return to the Temple of Trials. First Floor ----------- If you go straight north and examine the door at the end of the path, you can enter a small chamber that leads to the stairs up to the second floor. In this small chamber, the number of enemies you fight in a battle increases, so you can fight three enemies at once. This is perfect for levelling up and collecting money a bit faster before heading to the next floor (but of course, you also have an increased risk of dying). Before heading up to the Second Floor, try to get both Fang and Hector's Burst Gauges full, and Level them both up once in Charisma Levels so you can have three Followers instead of two equipped. Once done, and healed up, head up to the Second Floor. Second Floor ------------ You will notice in your first few battles here that the enemies start crowding the area, with five enemies in a battle being typical. This is why you want both of your characters' Burst Gauges full before coming up, so you can clear a couple of battles quickly. Go south all the way, then west and you will get a tutorial on Charisma Ranks, followed by a battle. Use up one of your Burst Gauge attacks to clear the battle. Afterwards, head west slightly, north slightly, then west through a door. Press on the switch, then head north to press down another switch. Go directly south through a door, pressing the first switch again. After a cutscene, you will get a third Master. Her default name is Lapis. Open the chest in here for a Wooden Armor. Make sure to equip it to somebody (I recommend Lapis, who starts off with the lowest Defense). Customize Lapis' Skill Map and give her some Followers as well before moving any further. When you have finished equipping Lapis, head east all the way, south all the way, then east slightly and you shall get a tutorial on Rows - basically, the first two Masters in order in a party are in front (where they get higher attack and lower defense), and the last two Masters are in the back (where they get lower attack but higher defense), so basically standard RPG fare. Continue east, then go north at the first possibility, then east again and north again at the first possibility to get to a Healing Crystal. It does not heal your MP, as always, but you can use it to heal up your HP. Use this as your base on the second floor to plow through monsters and accumulate EXP and Gold pretty quick. You can also use it to instantly warp back out to the overworld map. Stick around here for a while and do just that. When exploring the Second Floor further, from the north entrance, go all the way south, west one step, then south and through the linear path to come to a chest with a Kaiser Knuckle inside. This is an excellent weapon for Fang at this point in time, which should increase both his Attack and Speed big-time, making a huge difference in any battles you attack enemies in. You need to have selected at least one small Claw icon on his Skill Map first though for him to actually be able to equip it - otherwise, Hector can also equip it. Once everybody is at Level 4, and you have some new equipment (the 420- 430 Gold stuff from the shop in Latana type, the really good stuff that drastically increases both your Strength and Defense), along with at least one person with a Burst Gauge full, head through the door north of the Healing Crystal to enter a battle with four Antmen and an Ant Warrior. You shall get a tutorial on Union Break. Kill the Ant Warrior to confuse the Antmen and then wipe them out to finish the battle. Heal up at the Healing Crystal and head through the next door to fight a Judgement Battle. This is fairly easy to start, but it should be noted that the Followers you have equipped to your Masters fight _FIRST_, so the ones that are likely unlevelled who you have not yet used will go last, against the enemy's toughest fighters. You will receive the Shield Crest Key upon finishing the Judgement Battle, along with a number of items. The Shield Crest Key does NOT open any of the locked doors downstairs, so do not bother returning to the first floor to try it out. Open the chest in here for Medicine Pills x2. You can use the Teleporter here to return to Lantana. You will want to get your characters' Burst Gauges filled up first before leaving. Lantana ------- After some talking, you will be able to head out onto the overworld map and access the Titan Darius. ------------ Titan Darius ------------ NOTE: If you ever need to excavate items from the Titan Darius, there is a reasonable method to do so in a short time period. When you get to the staircase onto the second floor, there is a nearby spot just east and south of the staircase where you will get randomly-spawning Excavation points of any of the three varieties. Go up the stairs to the second floor, turn around, and go back down. Repeat this until you see the flashing light on the first floor that indicates an Excavation point has spawned, and go east and south to get to it in four steps. Excavate your items, then go back upstairs, and repeat. By now, you should also be making good use of the Synthesis system, and getting the first couple of stars of Synthesis Proficiency (a star will turn yellow on the Proficiency bar after so many number of successful attempts) so as to unlock better equipment for forging. Synthesis items usually stay at least one step ahead of the Sundries store equipment-wise, which can be a big boon, and will also be cheaper. Farm items from the random spots close to stairs and then synthesise at the Synthesis Shop. You can also sell off some of the better synthesised stuff and make some good money. Disposables, Weapons and Armour all have separate Proficiencies, so getting a star on Disposables does nada for the other two. You can abuse the system by forging Bamboo and Animal Bones, Cotton, etc., any items that can be created with a single easily farmed item, and level up your proficiency that way. First Floor ----------- Enemies: Ant Warrior, Slime, Fairy Upon your first battle inside here, you should notice the difficulty of the enemies has surged significantly. However, along with that, the amount of EXP they give off also has drastically increased. Use Burst Gauges to clear out your first couple of battles. Look at the Skills Map, and maneuver Hector and Lapis to get spells that strike multiple enemies. Multi-enemy spells will be extremely useful starting in this dungeon, and Lapis can, after a few levels, kill basically all enemies with a single shot. You will of course want to stick close to the entrance for the first while so as to be able to easily return to town. Pick up a few of the high-level pieces of defensive equipment as well to seriously raise your Defense stats for your party members to make long treks through the Titan. If you go south and east at the first opportunity, the eastern door will be blocked off. The north door leads to a dead end with an excavation point at the end. An elevator to the south will also not be working. Once you have a little bit of levelling done, and at least Fang or Hector has a Burst Gauge full, go from the entrance west, all the way south, all the way east, then south, east, and north. There will be two doors here: the east door is blocked off, but the north door is accessible. Save before entering through the door. You will have a short scene, then be thrust into a battle against four Goblins and a Hobgoblin. Use your Burst attack and multi-enemy spells to end the battle hopefully within a single turn, two turns at the most. Following the fight, you will get your fourth Master, filling out a full party line-up. Default name is Mari. As has been the case with prior new party members, immediately allocate Skill Points for Mari, and give her some new Followers. Now, while Mari has a high Magic stat, much like Lapis, she has only one spell that hits multiple enemies, Ice Spray. To get to it, you will need to hit at least Level 8, and use your SP points to go up two circles on her Spell Map, then down-left a circle to the circle with Ice Spray, then around to grab Ice Spray. However, do not bother, as you literally _cannot_ use Ice Spray right now. First, this requires Marie to had a Rod weapon equipped, and so she would need to learn the Equip Rod skill, which you can get on the circle just above your starting circle. Even after that, however, you need two Anima of types that you are not going to be able to get just yet, so again, ignore Ice Spray for now. Go north a bit, then west to open the door that was blocked from before, and you can conveniently access this spot from now on. When you are ready, having levelled up Mari and gotten equipment, go north from the spot where you recruited her, continue north and you should come to the staircase to the second floor. Second Floor ------------ Enemies: Ant Warrior, Fairy, Slime From the staircase, head south through a lengthy corridor, then head west. You should run into a large boulder blocking your path. Turn south to find a switch and press it to drop the nearby boulder down a floor and get a brief cutscene in the process. Continue north to run into another boulder. Head west to find another switch and press on unimpeded east through a door. Following a brief cutscene, you will be forcefully dropped backed down to the first floor. First Floor ----------- From where you land, head back south, east and around to the stairs to the second floor and back upstairs. Second Floor ------------ Travel south and ewst and north to the room where you were stopped at previously. Head through the eastern door, using the Shield Crest Key from the Temple of Trials to open it. Proceed south, and be sure to open the door to your east to be able to access the starting corridor to this floor. Once that is done, continue west to enter the 3rd Floor corridor. Third Floor ----------- Enemies: Salamander, Picoron, Golem, Ant Warrior, Ant General Head north and east through a door, where you will be made to automatically take on a crew of three Salamanders. Go east a bit further, then head south through another door, east and south to come to a room with a chest. Open the chest up for Magic Bell x2. From the chest, go north back up a bit, then head west, south, west and north to loop around to where the entry staircase is. Head back north and east through where you fought the three Salamanders originally, then head east and north through another door. The west path from here leads to a dead end with a permanent Timber spot. Go east, and save prior to entering the next door - you will have a battle with a Union Leader Golem with four Ant Warriors in this northeast room. Following the battle, head east into a hallway and continue for a tutorial on Anima and sorting them and using them for Link Skills. Ignore the southern door in the the room you fought the Golem and Ant Warriors for now. From this corridor, take the second path going south - the third path going south leads to a permanent Mining spot, while the other passageways are dead ends. Ignore the first western path, which is a dead end, and head south until you hit the wall at the end. You can go west and south and west, which leads to a permanent Timber spot, and you can also go east and wind around south. This eastern path will take you to a staircase that leads back down to the Second Floor. Second Floor ------------ Enemies: Salamander, Lizardman, High Lizard, Red Ogre, Soul Rock, Mimic, Golem From the entrance, save. Go west and north a panel and you should enter a battle with ten enemies, four Lizardmen anchored by a High Lizard on one side, another four Lizardmen with a Red Ogre Union Boss on the other side. Use your Skills and Burst Gauge attacks to finish them out. Do not worry as you will only have to face preset battles like this in this dungeon, NOT random encounters with ten enemies. From this battle, walk east all the way to the end, then north some more to find a treasure chest. Open it up to receive a Life Seed. Return to the entrance staircase. Go west and north, maneuvering your way around the fire panels or just going straight through them. Once you get to the north wall, move west until you find a staircase leading down to the First Floor. First Floor ----------- Enemies: Lizardman, Red Ogre, Goblin, Soul Rock, Fire Jewel Move south and you will come upon a Camp, and you will get some cutscenes, as well as a tutorial on Camp Conversations. Choose your character to get the extra 2SP. From the camp, head south. Immediately open a door to the east and go through it to head upstairs to the Second Floor, which leads to another staircase going back down to the First Floor. Open the door down here, which allows you to access the West End of the First Floor, and the entrance. At this point, you will want to return to Lantana to stock up on supplies and restore your MP. Once done, return to the Camp area, and go south past a single fire pit until you head the southern end of the floor. You will face a preset battle with a Red Ogre and four Lizardmen on the way. Go east slightly, then head north past a fire pit to come to a chest which holds Medicine x2 inside. Move back south over the fire pit, then head east. Go south and east over three fire panels to come to a chest with a Steel Lance inside it, useful if Fang can actually equip it at this point in the game (highly unlikely, unfortunately). Go north over three more fire pits to fight an automatic battle with two Red Ogres and three Goblins. Head north through the corridor into a small ringed room. Go to the southern door and you will have to take on two Red Ogres to be able to enter the next room. Before moving any further, you will probably want to have both Fang's and Hector's Burst Gauges filled up. Continue on south again into the next room, where you will be pit into a three-screen battle, with an Ant General surrounded by four Ant Warriors on the left and right side, and a Fire Jewel with two Soul Rocks in the middle. Take out the Soul Rocks and Fire Jewel in the middle as they can heal _ALL_ the enemies in the area as well as self-destruct, inflicting a massive amount of damage to your characters. Once you have conquered the enemies, open up the chest for an Arrow Crest Key. Head through the west door to connect back into the corridor that leads north to the camp. At this point, you can use a Sigil or Lapis's Escape spell if you have it, or otherwise go west and up and down the stairs back into the western half of 1F to return to Lantana and heal up. When you have healed up, return to the Titan Darius, and head up to 3F. Third Floor ----------- Go to the north-centre room, and head south. Ignore the stairs to the Fourth Floor, and instead continue on straight south into the large chamber to take part in a Judgement Battle. Following the Judgement Battle, head straight south through into another chamber, and go east to grab a Vitality Fruit from a chest. Return back to the chamber, go north, then west and up the stairs to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ Enemies: Hellguard, Fire Jewel, Soul Rock, Talos, Hydra Proceed east through the first room to come to a conveniently-located Healing Crystal. Head up to the north door and use the Arrow Crest Key to continue. Now, on this floor, as always, the random battles get upped in intensity. In particular is one formation with two screens of enemies, a Fire Jewel Union Boss accompanied by two Soul Rocks on one side, and a Talos anchoring four Soul Rocks on the opposite side. Focus on two enemies at a time or else use at least two area spells at once on the same side, as the Soul Rocks will again be annoying with usage of their area heal. Loop around clockwise from the Healing Crystal area to explore some dead ends and fill out your map, then walk east through the labyrinth, and then south. Go west a couple of panels, then continue trudging south. Go east a slight bit and take the stairs to go outside to the Fifth Floor, aka the roof. Fifth Floor ----------- Enemies: Nemhain, Roc, Nightmare, Heat Lion There is not very much to do up on this side of the Fifth Floor (there is a separate section of the Fifth Floor from taking another staircase from the Fourth Floor) aside from a lone chest and a locked door for now. However, to complete Quest 14, you need to come up here and explore around, as it will fill out about 37% of the map for the Fifth Floor. From the stairs, go north and around south until you get to the centre of the east half of the Titan's roof. Go west and north to a dead end with an Excavation point, then head back to the centre spot. Go east through a gate to come to a locked door that you cannot open just yet. Starting from the centre area again, head south, and go west and down to come to a chest that has an Amood rod in it. Explore the remaining dead end areas, then return back to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ Heal up at the Healing Crystal if you need to, then return to where the Fifth Floor staircase is. Go south, west and south, then loop around counterclockwise and head west to the southwest corner of the map area. Just shy of the dead end, start moving north, then head east past a door into a large room. You should see a crystal-like object in the middle of the room. Circle around the fire pits to the east end and continue east and press a switch. Return west to watch a scene, then head back west out the door. From the door, go north around some lava pits, and continue north, then west when you get a chance to far-west corridor of the Fourth Floor. From here, proceed north into the floor's upper-left chamber, where you can find a chest that contains a Thunder Stone. Move back into the west corridor, then start walking south, drifting through the hallway until you hit the stairs at the end. Do not go upstairs just yet - instead, turn to face the east wall to find the elevator. Examine it and you can take it back down to 1F. From 1F, return to Lantana to heal up your MP and make any equipment adjustment that needs to be done, then head back up to the Fourth Floor. Finally, take the staircase right next to the elevator to head up onto the Fifth Floor. Fifth Floor ----------- From where you come in, head south, and east. Proceed north from here and west, then north and east slightly, and north some more and then finally west to the northwest corner. Finally, head south, going around a long chain of fire traps, until you hit the southern door. Save before entering. Stepping through, you will have to take out two screens worth of enemies - one side has a Roc surrounded by four Nightmares, and the other side has three Rocs. After the battle, go around to the north end, and turn to face the south side to see a staircase. Examine it to head back downstairs to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ Enemies: Red Ogre, Hellguard From the door, going east and south will lead you to a couple of dead ends, with the path winding around west leading to a permanent Excavation point for Timber. To make actual progress, go west from the staircase, and up. When going east, take the first north (continuing east will lead you to a dead end), and stay moving north to come to a door. Take the door to go up to the Sixth Floor. Sixth Floor ----------- Enemies: Heat Lion, Nemhain Head south and east and loop around the Floor counterclockwise to get to a golden door. Enter to head up to Ark 1F. Ark First Floor --------------- Enemies: Skeleton, Automaton, Cheerful Chime In the chamber you enter, head east to go to a Healing Crystal, and west leading you to an empty chamber. Save before you go through the door to the north chamber, as you will be thrown into a Judgement Battle if you choose to accept it. A lot of people tend to run into trouble with this Judgement Battle, as it spikes in difficulty compared to the last one from earlier on 3F. As there is a Healing Crystal, use the Healing Crystal, and go down to the Sixth Floor. Walk back and forth to trigger random battles with the Heat Lion. When it appears, get it down to less than half HP with full attacks from your party, then put Fang and Hector in Guard and start using Mari's and Lapis's _physical_ attacks. They will each hit for maybe 10 Attack tops or less, depending on how much you have been levelling so far. You should have noticed by now that although the Unchain symbol will not appear until you knock an enemy down to at least half HP, after it has been brought down to less than 50%, any additional hit that does not kill it can still trigger the Unchain symbol. Thus, by sending two weak attacks after a Heat Lion turn after turn, you should eventually be able to Unchain and capture it. The Heat Lions, and any Rocs that you might care to capture from the Fifth Floor roof, and some of the anchor enemies from the Fourth Floor (Talos, Hydra) will be exponentially more useful in the Judgement battle than basically any other of your followers. You should also be releasing the earliest Followers that you have on- hand, as they simply do not match up to the latest batch of monsters, even if you have upgraded them to their max level. Make sure to be getting Brave Jewels from time to time in your conversations with your Followers. As the answers for each conversation give you preset results, you can look at the Follower Conversations to figure out which answer (if any) will yield a Brave Jewel. Your Followers also do better in battle if they have a happier mood, so again, check the Follower Conversations to make sure you do not give answers that put them in a bad mood. Also, be advised that the Followers you have equipped to your Masters go _first_ during a battle. You can simply equip a bunch of Heat Lions and let them kill off most of the enemies and then recruit some more, or put your mooks in Follower positions and run them through the grinder and let your more powerful Followers take over later against the enemy's strongest. When you complete the Judgement Battle, head through the chamber going north. From now on you will also be battling against enemies, so be warned. From this door, go east and south to come to a permanent Mining Excavation site. Return to the door after raiding and plundering some metals, then head west all the way until you hit a decision between north and south. Proceed north from here. At the next fork between west and east, you can go west and north to come to another permanent Mining Excavation site. To progress towards the end of the floor, head east, south, east, north at the first opportunity, then west. Head north, east all the way to the end, north a little bit, then west all the way to the end, and finally north a couple of panels to get to the stairs leading up a floor. Ark Second Floor ---------------- Enemies: Cyclops, Ifrit, Fire Jewel, Wise Statue From the chamber you enter in, head west through a door. Go south and west, then head south all the way until you hit a corner. Go east one panel and then continue south, loop around either way to move south further, and then head through a door into the southwest chamber of the floor. Inside, open up a chest for the Red Temple Key. Return north. Do not backtrack all the way to where the door and initial chamber was, but north about twelve or thirteen panels from where the chest is, then head east through a long corridor. Loop around north and east in a clockwise manner, then head south down a very long corridor. Ignore the first turn-off west and you will eventually come to a southeast dead end with a permanent Excavation Harvest spot. Go back to that first turn-off west and take it to lead yourself to the approximate centre of the room. Face the door at the end, and enter into another chamber. Continue south to another door, where you will get a text warning. Save before entering. ------------------ BOSS: TITAN DARIUS ------------------ Magic Needle x2, Power Seed, Strength Stone, Vitality Seed 1000G Unchained Blades is quite all about grinding, so depending on what level you are at here, this battle can become easier and easier. At Level 19 or so, things will be fairly difficult, and the Titan Darius boss becomes easier by the time you get to Level 22 and Level 23. Levels aside, you should also have started exploring the various systems Unchained Blades has: in particular, your Followers with their Animus and Synthesis. Followers each have at least one Animus, which is basically an inherent trait they possess. Some of the spells your characters can use depend on having Followers with specific Animus attached, and if they have more than the required amount of Animus equipped for a specific spell, they can get better effects out of it. Some Followers will start with more than one Animus equipped to them, and they can have up to three Animus equipped at one time. When you take a Follower and train it up to its Maximum level (on the rewards screen after a battle, a Follower's EXP bar will have 'MAX' displayed), and then dismiss it, it will leave behind a single Animus, which is an inventory item, so do not be tossing them. You can then take this Animus and assign it to an existing Follower that you have. In this manner, you could farm out, say, multiple Earth Animus and assign them all to four Followers and give them all to Hector, and his Earth attacks would be significantly stronger. Make the choice coming in as to who will be your primary Healer of the two girls, and grab some Healing spells if you have SP to spare and have not already gotten them off the Spell Map.. Lapis and Marie both can learn Area High Heal if she has at least one Ail Animus and Heal Animus. They can still each use regular offensive magic spells, but they also need to be able to Heal still. Medicine Pills can also come in handy, at only 100G each from the Sundries store - cheap by now relative to how much money you can get from the top-level monsters in the Titan Darius. Mari also has a useful spell on her map called Brave March. If you can get it and equip the required Animus, she can cast a spell that affects the entire party and increases everybody's Attack (though only Hector and Fang should really be attacking with physical attacks). On Hector's Spell Map, he has two useful spells on the circle second from the bottom on the 'centre' column of the Spell Map. Armor Leak, a regular link Spell, can decrease an enemy's Defense, while Guardian Earth, which is at the circle's centre (you need to learn all the other nodes on the circle before you can learn the centre of the circle) will increase all of your party's Defense. Finally, both Fang and Hector can learn Power Charge. This increases their power each by about 2.5x for the next attack they make. Now, as for the actual battle, Titan Darius takes place in three stages. You should come in with full Burst Gauges for each of your characters, but do NOT use them up right away. During the first phase, you will fight Darius' two feet. Each of the feet attack once a turn, for a total of two attacks per turn. These are both physical attacks that only hit a single character each, so use this time to start buffing your characters with status effects, and heal up as needed. Do NOT use Burst Gauge attacks right now. Instead, focus on a single foot to destroy it and reduce the other foot to a single attack per turn, then take it out as well. The legs also occasionally cast Dex Leak, which merely reduces the chance of one character's chance of dodging an attack. Once you destroy both feet, you will move to the second phase, where things can get far more difficult. Titan Darius will now start using both its head and hands, and then a second set of hands down at its torso level, giving itself a total of five attacks per turn. The lower set of hands will attack twice per turn, causing only physical damage. The upper set of hands and Darius's head itself will attack three times per turn, and the hands and head can cast magic (Flame and Tri-Flame). Focus your attacks up top to start. Use Power Charge before using either Fang's or Hector's attacks. With the girls, focus magic attacks on a single _hand_ to get rid of the magic-using parts of Darius right away. If they do not have an upgraded single-attack magic spell stronger than an area spell, then use the area spells. When your characters start getting whittled down in HP, make sure to use Lapis' Curing Wind as well to heal all your characters up without costing her MP. Once the head and upper hands are destroyed, focus on the lower hands. If you have Bombs (Fire, Ice, etc.) and one of your characters is dealing less than 100 damage, use them up here as they do static 100 damage against Darius. When all five of Darius' body parts from the second phase are destroyed, its core will activate. The core can only attack once per turn, but it can deal out 200 damage per attack to lower-levelled characters. It may also use Hell Cannon, an all-party attack, so be sure to use Area High Heal right after this occurs to heal up. By the way, do NOT worry about using up your Recovery Beads if you have to, as it will not be an issue for a good reason which you can probably guess why following the start of the next chapter. After the battle is over, watch a scene. Go forward and examine the pedestal, watch another scene. Examine the teleporter to leave the Titan, then head to Lantana for another series of cutscenes before the next chapter starts. Quest 1: Stolen Key ------------------- Condition(s): Find the Trial Key Reward: Cotton Pants x1, Pickaxe x3 This one is done automatically as a part of the storyline. When visiting Lantana for the first time, go to the Tarnished Goblet and chat with Mireille, and accept this first quest. Inside the Temple, from the large entrance chamber, head to the northwest corner (not into the hallway at the north end, but staying within the chamber proper), then west through the western door. Move south, then west, and then straight north to a door where you will get a brief blurb of text about a 'rustle of movement'. Save first, then enter the chamber. You will fight a group of five Gremlins. After defeating them, they will hand over the Trial Key, and you can return to Lantana to complete this quest. Quest 2: Trial Run ------------------ Condition(s): Defeat 5 Gremlin Reward: Saw x3, Fire Bomb x3 Requirement: Quest 1 Complete For this quest, all you need to do is defeat five Gremlins in random battles in the Temple (there is no raiding party like the one you defeated in Quest 1 that you have to find) to complete the Quest. Quest 3: Regional Fame ---------------------- Condition(s): Collect 20 Followers Reward: Recovery Bead, Magic Bell Requirement: Quest 1 Complete To complete this Quest, you need to Unchain multiple enemies in the Temple until you have 20 in total. Quest 4: Basic Excavation ------------------------- Condition(s): Collect 3 Green Moss Reward: Power Seed, Lightning Bomb x3 Requirement: Quest 1 Complete You will need to pick up a Rusty Trowel from the Sakalla Sundries to complete this quest. In the Temple of Trials, once you find a Harvesting Point, use the Rusty Trowel. Once you collect 3 Green Moss, you can return to the Tarnished Goblet and complete the quest. Quest 5: Map a Titan 1 ---------------------- Condition(s): Map 60% of Temple of Trials 1F Reward: Sigil x3, Knowledge Seed Requirement: Quest 4 Complete To do this quest, you need to walk around and fill out 60% of the map of the first floor of the Temple of Trials. This means in the large chamber areas you should move left and right to fill out all the extraneous areas to increase your map percentage. Quest 6: Fairy's Desire ----------------------- Condition(s): Collect 1 Stone Bowl Reward: Blue Earring Requirement: Quest 4 Complete This mission is more tedious than anything. To get a Stone Bowl, you need to synthesise it with 10 Rocks. To get Rocks, take a Pickaxe or Rusty Pickaxe to the Temple of Trials and go to Mining Spots. There is a fixed Mining Spot on the Second Floor going south, east and north from the entrance to the Second Floor. You will only occasionally get Rocks, so this will be a lot of trudging back and forth to get 10 Rocks. When you do have 10 Rocks, be absolutely sure to SAVE before leaving the dungeon. That way, if you fail your synthesis, you can just reload, instead of having to go get 10 more Rocks. Once you have the Stone Bowl, you can drop it off with Mireille. Quest 7: Secret Menu? --------------------- Condition(s): Collect 3 Iron Plates Reward: Fleet Seed, 200G Requirement: Quest 6 complete You will need to have completed Quest 6, bringing in a Stone Bowl, before you can do this quest. Iron Plates are collected by defeating Golems, who are a random encounter on the Third Floor of the Titan Darius dungeon. They can also be obtained from fighting Fire Jewels starting from the second floor up, and the Taras enemies that appear on Floor Four. Quest 8: Challenge Letter ------------------------- Condition(s): Defeat 3 Ant Warriors Reward: Wooden Shoes, Wooden Helm Requirement: Visited Titan Darius To get, you first need to have visited the Titan Darius at least once. You can enter the Titan, take one step, turn around and leave to accept this quest. Ant Warriors appear straight from the get-go on the first floor of the Titan, and they show up in groups of three, making it handy for you to complete the quest in a single battle. Quest 9: Map a Titan 2 ---------------------- Condition(s): Map 60% of Titan Darius 1F Reward: Pickaxe x3, Ice Bomb x3 Requirement: Visited Titan Darius To get, you first need to have visited the Titan Darius at least once. You can enter the Titan, take one step, turn around and leave to accept this quest. You will not be able to map 60% of the First Floor right away, as the floor is split up into two halves. Instead, you need to go up to the Second Floor, and then the Third Floor, before you can return back down to the Second Floor and then to the First Floor again via some other staircases that will lead you to the opposite half of the First Floor. Down here, you can finally move around and map 60%, and wrap up this quest. Quest 10: Healing Touch ----------------------- Condition(s): Collect 3 Fairy Dust Reward: 600G, Magic Bell Requirement: Visited Titan Darius To get, you first need to have visited the Titan Darius at least once. You can enter the Titan, take one step, turn around and leave to accept this quest. Fairy Dust is a random drop by the Fairy enemy, which shows up starting on 1F of the Titan Darius. Quest 11: Merchant's Joy ------------------------ Condition(s): Collect 5 Bug Juice Reward: Bitter Tonic, Deodorant x3 Requirement: Quest 10 Complete You will need to have completed Quest 10, bringing in 3 Fairy Dust, before you can do this quest. Bug Juice is a random drop by the Ant Warrior enemy, which shows up starting on 1F of the Titan Darius. Quest 12: Finding 40 Winks -------------------------- Condition(s): Collect 2 Tiger Daylily Reward: 200G, Paralyzing Gas x3 Requirement: Quest 11 Complete You will need to have completed Quest 11, bringing in 5 Bug Juice, before you can do this quest. Tiger Daylilies can be harvested starting from 1F of Titan Darius at Harvesting spots. As there is no permanent Harvest spot on 1F, go to the 1F stairs, head up to the 2F stairs, and then go back down until an Excavation point randomly spawns four steps east and south of the stairs on 1F, and repeat this step until you get to a Harvest point and can gather sufficient Tiger Daylilies. Quest 13: Niiya's Request ------------------------- Condition(s): Defeat 3 Red Ogre Reward: Muck Boots Requirement: Quest 8 Complete You will need to have completed Quest 8 first before doing this. Red Ogres are located in the Titan Darius dungeon, on the First and Second Floor. They are not located on the west ends of these floors, where you start the dungeon at, but rather on the east side of the floor areas, which you come to a little bit later in travelling through the Titan. Quest 14: Map a Titan 3 ----------------------- Condition(s): Map 60% of Titan Darius 5F Reward: Red Earring Requirement: Quest 9 Complete You will need to have completed Quest 9 first before doing this. There are two parts to Titan Darius 5F, accessed by two different staircases on the Fourth Floor. One part of the 5F is optional for the main part of the game, but you will need to take the stairs from the eastern part of the Fourth Floor to explore this optional area, as it makes up ~37% of the 5F. Along with a bit of area barred off by a locked door that you will for now lack the key to, the western half of the Fifth Floor is insufficient to fill out the 60% quota. After you have gone through the eastern and western portions of the roof area, you can return to the Tarnished Goblet and get your quest completed. Quest 15: Niiya's Mistake ------------------------- Condition(s): Defeat 2 Ifrit Reward: Mazuba Candy, Power Seed Requirement: Quest 13 Complete You will need to have completed Quest 13 first before doing this. Even though you could have completed Quest 13 relatively early into the Titan Darius, Quest 15 cannot be finished until the very last floor, Arc Darius 2F (or, effectively, the eighth floor of the dungeon), which is the first and only area of the Titan Darius that the Ifrit enemy shows up. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Chapter Two - Three Girls' Wishes ________________________________________________________________________________ [CHP2] You will be made to name two characters, whose default names are Selvie and Niko. After a scene, you will head to Lantana. Now, unfortunately, you cannot do any Quests for the moment, so you cannot get some nice items and equipment to start right away. Instead, hop over to the Sundries and pick up a little bit of Armor for the three girls. Ignore grabbing weapons until later. All three girls start at Level 1, and you do not get _any_ followers right off the bat, unlike with Fang. Head over to the Temple of Trials on the overworld map. On 1F, move to the Camp spot and start going through a couple of battles. Once you are at level 2, go to the central chamber right before the 2F staircase to start battling enemies in groups, and get up to Level 3. Now, the Skills Map. Unfortunately, only Tiana starts close to a Heal spell on her Skill map, and you need to go left a circle and up-right a circle to get to it. Fortunately, however, they all start close to a multi-enemy magic attack spell, so make your way over to such a spell for each character. Sylvie especially starts off with a high magic stat, so start using her multi-attacks when you move upstairs. Upstairs, get over to the Healing Crystal, and start fighting enemies until you are Level 4, using spells. You can also attempt to weed out all the enemies in a battle except for one, and then attack the last monster with Sylvie until you can Unchain it to recruit the monster. After Level 4, head back to Lantana, and sleep at the Inn to restore your MP, then head off to the Titan Darius. ------------ Titan Darius ------------ First Floor ----------- Enemies: Fairy You should notice right away you start off from a different entrance here, different from your experience at the Temple of Trials. All you will ever encounter in this small area is Fairies. They can be a little tricky to beat at Level 4, but quickly become easier as you level up. Head south from the entrance of the Titan to get a short scene. Head east for another scene, then head upstairs to the floor. Second Floor ------------ Enemies: Fairy There will be no immediate spike in difficulty here, as the only enemy you will again encounter is a single Fairy enemy. Head west slightly, then north up a long corridor, and then east again to come to a door. Open the door and you will be able to enter the centre chamber of 2F. Watch a scene, examine the other two doors, then go back out the northern door for another scene. Return to Lantana after. Lantana ------- Go to Hebalon Cottage for a scene. Afterwards, move out onto the overworld and go to the new Titan Tortuga. ------------- Titan Tortuga ------------- First Floor ----------- Immediately exit out of the Titan and head to Lantana to be able to pick up the first four quests for the chapter. Afterwards, return. Take the northern staircase up to the second floor. Second Floor ------------ Enemies: Electrogecko, Water Leaper, Hobgoblin, Mermaid, Puppet Loop around the square-shaped hallway to start filling out your map for Quest 2, then go north for an automatic scene, after which you will encounter a Drake surrounded by four Electrogeckos. Use multi-cast attacks to hit all five enemies at once to clear them out quickly. Return south and back downstairs after the battle. First Floor ----------- Proceed south and take the southern staircase up to 2F once more. Second Floor ------------ Immediately turn west and head south to come into a chamber with a box. Open up the box for a Studded Helm. Return to the entrance to this floor and move east, north, and east, then continue north through a doorway. You should notice a staircase going up to 3F in here. Ignore it for now, and instead go north through another door. Walk west and circle around the square room in here to fill up your map exploration percentage, then head east down the corridor where you will be stopped cold by a locked door. Return to the chamber that had the staircase to the third floor afterwards. From this chamber, move east through another door, and then east yet again into still another room. Ignore the door to the north here, then go south a room and west into a corridor. Walk south down the corridor until you hit the southern end of the room. Go west slightly, and head north. Take the first left you see to go to a dead end with a permanent Harvest excavation point. Return to the corridor and continue north until you hit a dead end. With a good chunk of the map explored, return to the approximate centre of the floor map where the staircase up to the third floor is, and head upstairs. Third Floor ----------- Go south around the crystal, and head to the west. Press the switch here, then go back to where the crystal is, and head back down a floor. Second Floor ------------ Move south through the first door. Go west slightly, then continue south through a previously locked door. Press on the switch to open a staircase down to the First Floor and flood it, and take it down. First Floor ----------- Enemies: Sea Serpent Down below is a Flooded Floor, where you can take up to 40 steps while downstairs, but going beyond that will cause your party to drown and give you a game over, so Save right away just in case. IMPORTANT NOTE! IMPORTANT NOTE! IMPORTANT NOTE! By the way, let it be made very, very, VERY clear to you, the reader, by the author to NEVER save inside a Flooded floor area once you move away from the staircase UNLESS you have either a Sigil or somebody who can use the Escape spell on you (and make sure that person actually HAS the 8MP needed to use it, or else an MP-restoring item). IF you should save in a situation where you have neither of those and you cannot get to any staircase before your 40 steps are up, you have effectively screwed yourself and will have to restart the ENTIRE game if you do not have a second save backup. From the stairway, go west all the way, then north, west, and south. Continue through a doorway to come into a small chamber with two chests. The left chest has a Studded Leather piece of equipment, while the right chest has Trowel x3. Return to the staircase and go back upstairs. If you want, you can explore the rest of the downstairs area, but it is all dead end. If you go south and east from the stairs, and then north and east to come into a chamber, you will find a permanent Timber Excavation mark, but that is all else that there is to this floor. Otherwise, return to the Second Floor. Second Floor ------------ Return to where the third-floor staircase is, then head east through two chambers. From here, still ignoring that north door, go south another two chambers, being able to open what was previously a locked door now. Step on the switch in here to activate and flood another section of 1F, and head down the stairs once more. First Floor ----------- Enemies: Siren Down below, head south through a chamber into a corridor, and then west and through a door into a chamber with a block sitting on a pedestal. Open the chest for Bitter Pill x3. Return upstairs and then come back down again. Go south into the corridor, and head east. Once you hit the corner of the room, go north and along until you spot a staircase. Take the stairs up to the second floor, then head right back down. Go through the door to the west of the staircase. Proceed north, take the first available west, then go north again to come to a permanent Mining spot. Backtrack to the eastern-most staircase (the one you just came down to reset the number of steps you have) and walk back up to the second floor. Second Floor ------------ Head up slightly, then west and down through the door. Go all the way west down to the end of the corridor, ignoring the one door to the north about halfway through, and unbar the door at the end to be able to easily access the staircase near the Titan entrance from now on. Return east through the corridor and open the door here for a cute scene. Afterwards, head west and north and down the stairs to the first floor, specifically to the entrance chamber. First Floor ----------- Go up and take the northern staircase to return to 2F. Second Floor ------------ Move north and enter the now unlocked door at the end. Inside, step on the switch to flood the floor below and return to the first floor. First Floor ----------- Head west from the door and go north at the end of the corridor and east to come to a permanent Mining Excavation location. Go back to the stairs and head up and down to restore your counter, then walk east and loop around a corridor clockwise to come to a second set of stairs. Head up to the second floor once more. Second Floor ------------ Head through the northern door from where you start. Go left a panel, up a panel, and left through a door into another chamber. Open the chest to the south in this room to grab a Recovery Bead. Move back through the door, continue looping around clockwise, and head north from the northeast corner of the rectangular hallway and east and then south. At the fork, taking the east path will lead to a dead end (though you should still take it to fill out your 2F map for Quest 2) while the west path will take you to another door. Go through it for a short scene. Afterwards, go west to disbar the remaining locked door on the second floor, then return back to where the scene occurred and walk east through the corridors of the Titan. Enter the door at the end to press down on another Flooded floor switch. Proceed downstairs. First Floor ----------- Moving west will take you to a dead end, so go north and east through the zig-zagging hallway, then south and southwest through another zig-zagging corridor until you come across a second stairwell. Head upstairs to 2F. Second Floor ------------ Enter the door right in front of you as you come up. Explore the large cavern to get your exploration percentage up for the floor, then take the western stairs up to the Third Floor. Third Floor ----------- Enemies: Drake, Electrogecko Go up and save before entering through the door. You will take on a Drake serving as the Union Guard for four Electrogeckos around him. Open the chest in here afterwards to get the Turtle Crest Key. Approach the north door and it will tell you that you need a higher Charisma level before you can enter it. When it says a higher Charisma level, it means a higher Charisma level - Level 10, to be exact. You will be nowhere near this level, so leave it for later. Instead, backtrack through the Titan until you reach the MAIN part of the Second Floor (ie. you can access most of the second floor area without going up and down any stairs). Second Floor ------------ From the centre of the room, where the staircase up to the third floor is, go east a couple of doors into a chamber. You may have noticed a door in here to the north. Save, and enter to fight a Judgement Battle, which you should have been Unchaining and picking up multiple monsters to help assist in fighting the battle and getting their levels and Mood up. You may need to Unchain some more Siren and Sea Serpents down on the Flooded sections of First Floor if you are having trouble here. After you win the Judgement Battle, open the chest in here for Flail x2. At this point, consider returning to Lantana to heal up and hand in some of your quests as being complete. By this point you should easily be done both Quests 1 and 2 and, if you have been doing your Mining, Quest 3. You can pick up Quests 5, 6, and 7 to replace them. Once finished, head to the centre of the Second Floor, and take the stairs up to the Third Floor. Third Floor ----------- Enemies: Sprite, Pandora, Askalapos Go south around the crystal, and head east. Use the Turtle Crest Key to open this door. Take the north path and go east to a dead end that has a permanent Mining Excavation spot. Return west and then continue south. Head west and take the first south, then west and the first south again, and west to a chest that contains Rubber Tights. Go north, and then east, south and east to the end. Continue north and east and north to a door going up the eastern corridor, and head through the door to come to a camp. After the long scene that occurs, choose one of the three girls to speak with and get an extra 2SP from the camp conversation. Head north following the conversation through the door. Walk all the way north and then west into a dead end area with a permanent Mining Excavation point, then move back south a little and proceed west through the southern corridor. Continue onwards north and west, and head through a door to the west. Inside is a dead end, so once you have filled it out on your map, exit back out, and head south. Continue south and then eventually west, looping around a bit in a corridor. Once you hit the tentative west end of the area, start going south, and go east as soon as you can. Proceed east and south through a door to come to a chest containing Fleet Seed x2. Return west to the corridor, and continue south and through a western door. Head south again and unbar the door at the end to link up a full perimeter of the area. You can also head down the western hallway and continue, but this is a good time to stop and return to Lantana. In Lantana, you should be able to complete Quest 6 with ~70-83% of the 3rd floor mapped already, as well as synthesising an Artistic Vase for Quest 4 from all the Carapaces the Pandoras drop on this floor, and possibly even wrap up Quest 7 if you have been Mining on this floor. Quest 5 must wait until later. You should be able to take on Quest 8, and possibly even Quest 9. Do not forget to heal up at the Inn before returning to the Titan Tortuga. Back on the third floor, go to the southwest section where you left off at, and head west down the hallway for a scene. Afterwards, head north and up to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ Enemies: Sprite, Ariel, Water Leaper, Rock Turtle, Giant, Leviathan, Orochi, Crystal Turtle, Askalapos, Ice Talos, Pandora, Flying Whale Watch out for the enemy Ariel if you ever encounter it on this floor. Most of the time it will just Heal itself or allied foes, but when it does attack, it can cause some nasty damage, upwards of 300 damage in a single hit. Head up and right into an area with lots of floor tiles that have spike beds located on them. Move east and north, then east again until you find a door going south. SAVE before heading into the room, where you will automatically engage in a three-screen preset battle. Five Water Leapers will be on the left and right screen, with a Union Guard Rock Turtle on the middle screen surrounded by four more Water Leapers. Use Sylvie's Dual Bolter to be able to clear out the left and right side while your two fighters focus on the centre. Following the battle, head through the eastern door. Loop around clockwise through two more traps, then go south immediately when you can and west through a door into a chamber with a Healing Crystal. Exit out, and go straight south through a trap to approach a chest that has 3x Medicine Pills inside it. Using the Healing Crystal as your base, head out east through the door, then south into a chamber with a ton of spike traps. Carefully navigating around the traps in a clockwise manner, head up, west, and then south through many more traps into a smaller room with still a few traps. From here, head all the way east and north a bit to come to a permanent Harvest Excavation point. From where the Harvest point is, go south to the southeast corner of the room's map, then west down a corridor into a small cavern with a chest that has Mind Seed x2 inside. Return north a bit to the chamber with spike traps where you left off,, then head west and north. Do not go all the way north: instead, head west when you get the chance. Proceed north again to find a permanent Timber Excavation spot, and you can link up with the entrance to the 4th Floor area. Make a stop at the Healing Crystal, then return to the southwest part of the map that you have so far explored. Continue south and east a bit and further south, then east and up through a door into a chamber that has a chest that contains a Kunai. Leave this chamber, then amble along westwards, going north a panel every so often, and through another door going north. Continue on northwards through yet another door, then loop around a pair of spike traps to come to a staircase that will take you down to the Third Floor. Third Floor ----------- Turn around and take the staircase to your south to go down to the Second Floor. Second Floor ------------ Walk west down the hallway to get to a permanent Harvest Excavation spot. Return east, then take the southern set of stairs continuing down to the First Floor. First Floor ----------- Open the door here to unbar the door at the entrance to the Titan Tortuga. You can now travel up from the entrance to the Fourth Floor very quickly. Following your disbarring of the door, return to Lantana if you wish. Else, return up two flights of stairs to the Third Floor. Third Floor ----------- Back up here, ignore the stairs to the Fourth Floor, and instead proceed north all the way, then west, north a bit, and east and up to a dead end with a permanent Harvest spot. Afterwards, return up to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ From the far west staircase, head south through the two trapped rooms to the southwest corner. Continue east, north and east to about the approximate centre of the room, where there is a hallway to the north you have not yet explored. Head north and you will get a brief scene. Once the cutscene is over, head up, then east to a permanent Timber point. Next, head west to get to a door that leads up to the Arc First Floor. Arc First Floor --------------- Enemies: Monoeye, Skeleton Knight, Kuklops, Blaring Bell Proceed past the eastern door to get to this area's Healing Crystal. Afterwards, head in through the northern door to watch another scene. Start by moving east, and then south through the corridor. Going straight west leads to a dead end, going south a bit further and then east leads to a door that you cannot go through right now, and going hard south will take you to a permanent Timber excavation point. From the entrance to the Arc 1F and past the north door, go west and south to a chamber with a chest that has Fear Gas x3 inside. Open up the box, then head further north until you hit a dead end for a permanent Mining spot. Go back south, and take the north-most corridor heading east. The eastern end of the hallway is a dead end, but there is a door leading north in the middle of the corridor. Take this door to fight a Judgement Battle. Again, much like the Arc Darisu Judgement Battle, this becomes significantly easier if you have been Unchaining and recruiting monsters from the top floors of Titan Tortuga, as opposed to sticking with the same monsters from the lower floors. Following the Judgement battle, go west a panel and then north through the door. From here, head east, and press south. Going into a corridor, take the first east you get and continue down south and west to a permanent Harvest spot. Go north a bit, then east and south until you get down to the southeastern corner. Do not head up the stairs just yet: instead, turn to face left and unbar the door near here, so you can make a trip to the Healing Crystal far quicker than going around the outer perimeter of the floor. Arc 2F ------ Enemies: Dark Claw, Skeleton Knight, Skeleton Lord, Vampire, Stone Slave Be warned that on this floor, there are Dark Claw enemies. They use an attack that can petrify one of your characters which, while not killing your character, does render her completely unable to attack or receive any EXP or Charisma points after the battle if she is still petrified. From the staircase, head west, and north into a room with a fountain surrounded by pillars in the centre. From this landmark, take the northeast exit out. Going south will lead you to a dead end, but going north, east, and north some more brings you to a permanent Harvest point. Return to the room with the fountain, then continue north until you get a scene. When prompted to, press B to unchain inside the ring. Following the end of the story sequence, continue north, and west through a door. Circle around either clockwise or counterclockwise to get to another door further west. Make your way south, west a little bit, and then further south. Once you get into an open room area, take the northwest corner passageway north to a chest that cointains the Blue Temple Key. Return south. The southwest corner here leads to a dead end, so amble on over to the southeast side and walk east. Go south from here to eventually come upon a dead end with a permanent Mining excavation point. Otherwise, head north and east to a door to enter a large chamber. Continue through the chamber to the south end. SAVE. At this point, you may want to consider returning to Lantana before proceeding, for a couple of reasons. First, due to how the game works, _ALL_ the items you collected in this Chapter besides the ones you have equipped will be held away for a very long time in a storage that you cannot acecss much later, so be sure to sell off anything you do not need anymore, as Gold DOES carry over early in Chapter 4. If you have not yet completed Quests 8 and 9, you do not have to do them right now, but they can help you out with the items you get. Come back here, save, and take on this dungeon's boss. ------------------- BOSS: TITAN TORTUGA ------------------- Wisdom Stone, Magic Needle, Strength Stone, Knowledge Seed, 1000G For this battle, worth learning may be Tiana's Armor Formation spell. If you pick up one of the Stone Slave enemies a floor below, it comes equipped with the two Anima required to use the Armor Formation. Tiana should also have at least a High Heal spell (Area Heal does not matter so much). Sylvie's Shell Barrier, which increases the magic defense of all your allies, is also very useful to have. Also, recall that you will not get to keep your items from this chapter going into the next one, so go with the Medicine Pills, Healing Potions, Recovery Beads to revive a fallen master, and whatever else you have. By the time you play as the three girls again, you will able to purchase all three of the aforementioned items once more. Start the battle off casting Defense spells, then focus to attacking ONE of the two shields at a time. This is because the two shields you start fighting of the Titan Tortuga can be very annoying, so you want to whittle it down to one shield quickly so it has only one attack. The shields can either do a regular attack, which is really just a nuisance, or use Tri-Frost, which seems to oddly alternate between causing minimal damage and causing a VERY significant amount of damage, notably to Tiana. Following the first stage of the battle, you can attack either an upper mass of tentacles on top of the Titan Tortuga that makes you wonder how that got past the censors, or a spike-shaped protusion from its lower body. The tentacles will just do a regular attack, but the protusion can occasionally cast a spell that causes Fear to one of your characters, preventing her from attacking, so attack that first. Once it goes down, focus on the tentacles. The pair of Tortuga's legs that you must attack next can either do a regular attack or use Armor Buster, a skill that causes about the same amount of damage as a normal strike, but also lowers the defense of whichever girl gets attacked. You will finally get to face off against the head of Titan Tortuga, who uses Geo Buster, an all-party attack that deals medium damage. Take the opportunity after every attack to use Tiana's Area Heal, or Area High Heal if you possess it. Titan Tortuga also has a regular attack. This is the last body part of the Titan Tortuga that you need to destroy, so use up your Burst Attacks if you have not already done so. Following the end of a battle, watch a scene. Go south through the door, watch another scene. Step on the teleporter and move to Ipey. After a short scene, pay lip service by looking around, then head back to Lantana for some more cutscenes before starting Chapter Three. Quest 1: Healer's Morning ------------------------- Condition(s): Defeat 3 Mermaids Reward: Throat Lozenge x3, Smelling Salts x3 Requirement: Have entered Titan Tortuga To get, you first need to have visited the Titan Tortuga at least once. You can enter the Titan, take one step, turn around and leave to accept this quest. This quest can be wrapped up fairly quickly. On 2F of Titan Tortuga (with 1F being a brief entrance room), you can encounter Mermaids with some regularity, and they come in packs of 3. Sylvie can pick up Electric spells, so use them to eliminate the Mermaids astonishingly quickly, and then pick up your reward. Quest 2: Hot Spring Hunt 1 -------------------------- Condition(s): Map 60% of Titan Tortuga 2F Reward: Bitter Tonic, Void Bomb x3 Requirement: Have entered Titan Tortuga To get, you first need to have visited the Titan Tortuga at least once. You can enter the Titan, take one step, turn around and leave to accept this quest. This will take a decent chunk of time to do, as there is a lot of going up and down stairs between the first and third floors to various sections of 2F before you can unbar doors and unlock most of the floor for easy access. As always, you need only get 60% of the map explored to wrap up the mission. Quest 3: Merchant Soul ---------------------- Condition(s): Collect 3 Magic Crystals Reward: 200G, Vitality Seed Requirement: Have entered Titan Tortuga To get, you first need to have visited the Titan Tortuga at least once. You can enter the Titan, take one step, turn around and leave to accept this quest. Magic Crystals can be found starting on your first trip up to the Second Floor of Titan Tortuga by Mining at Mining spots. Quest 4: A Cat's Taste ---------------------- Condition(s): Collect 1 Artistic Vase Reward: Yellow Earring, Recovery Bead Requirement: Have entered Titan Tortuga To get, you first need to have visited the Titan Tortuga at least once. You can enter the Titan, take one step, turn around and leave to accept this quest. An Artistic Vase is obtained from the Synthesis shop. To synthesise it, you need to have 5 Carapaces. These can be obtained from the Pandora enemy, which show up starting on 3F of the Titan Tortuga (your first trip up to 3F will be out of the zone of enemies, so you will need to do some more journeying before you can start attacking them). Once you have the necessary 5 Carapaces, be sure to save before returning to Lananta so you can reload if the Synthesis results in failure, as opposed to having to grind for more Carapaces. Quest 5: Healer's Daytime ------------------------- Condition(s): Defeat 1 Vampire Reward: Trowel x3, Flash Bang x3 Requirement: Quest 1 Complete Quest 6: Hot Spring Hunt 2 -------------------------- Condition(s): Map 60% of Titan Tortuga 3F Reward: Mind Seed, Magic Bell Requirement: Quest 2 Complete You will need to have completed Quest 2 first before doing this. Your initial trip up to 3F will be simply to flip a switch. Once you return upstairs after having obtained the Turtle Crest Key, you can make a stab at the one door down the hallway, taking the stairs up from the approximate centre of the map of 2F. Do a run clockwise around the perimeter of the map to rapidly fill up your exploration percentage. Quest 7: Merchant Cunning ------------------------- Condition(s): Collect 2 Millenium Ice Reward: 400G, Knowledge Seed Requirement: Quest 3 Complete You will need to have completed Quest 3 first before doing this. Millenium Ice can be found through Mining on the Titan Tortuga's 3F and 1F (specifically, the Flooded Floors area), though they are uncommon to get from your Mining activities. Quest 8: Shocking Sight ----------------------- Condition(s): Collect 3 Bitter Pills Reward: Tuck Requirement: Quest 6 Complete You will need to have completed Quest 6 first before doing this. There is a chest on one of the Flooded sections of 1F of the Titan Tortuga that has 3x Bitter Pills in it, precisely the number you need to complete this quest. If you use up a Pill, you can also synthesise one. Finally, Blaring Bell enemies, located on Arc 1F of Titan Tortuga will also drop Bitter Pills from time to time, along with Vampires located on Arc 2F. Quest 9: Merchant Greed ----------------------- Condition(s): Collect 1 Pearl Reward: Energy Drink, 600G Requirement: Quest 7 Complete ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Chapter Three - Hell's Messenger ________________________________________________________________________________ [CHP3] You will get another bout of scenes to start the chapter off, along with a character to name. His default name is Lucius. Afterwards, pick up a basic piece of defensive equipment as a stop-gap for your trek to Titan Slon. DO NOT BUY A WEAPON to start. You will get a very, very good upgrade on the Second Floor of Titan Slon that is immediately equippable. Now, in Chapter Three you play as a single character, Lucius. While this certainly means you should be saving more often than not, as a single death results in a Game Over rather than the rest of your party trekking back to revive an ally, the random battles typically scale down to match you - usually you will fight only one or two monsters at a time, occasionally three, rarely five. Unfortunately, Lucius does not have any Heal spells on his Spell Map, so you will want to load up on Healing Pills over time as you creep higher and higher up the dungeon, especially as there is a new trap floor type, the Swamp (poisonous) tile. What Lucius does have is an asinine amount of close-combat techniques and weapon upgrades: going across his map, he will be capable of equipping daggers, claws, swords, lances, and axes. Once you make it up onto the third and fifth floors of the Titan Slon, there is a Camp and a Healing Crystal, respectively. Keep a Sigil on you at all times just in case you require it, especially as, until you get to the Healing Crystal on the Fifth Floor, it can be a long slog to cross back across from the south side of the Third Floor to the north side. With that giant foreword out of the way, move along to Titan Slon. ---------- TITAN SLON ---------- First Floor ----------- Enemies: Nanoron, Alraune Save immediately once you enter so if you die, you do not have to restart the whole chapter and watch through the scenes. Start using up the Skill Points that you have, and then move forward. You will get a tutorial on Swamp tiles. The game says they 'poison' your character, but it does not cause any actual poison effect, just saps Lucius' HP. When crossing across floors, you can cross across three consecutive swamp tiles and you will lose 1HP each time. However, once you start crossing over four or more consecutive swamp tiles, you lose significantly more HP after each step, stopping at 1HP remaining. As a result, you will want to actually look at your first-person viewpoint carefully to see where you can hop off once you get close to filling out your 4-slice Swamp gauge. Unfortunately, there are some spots where you HAVE to go over four straight swamp spots. In any case, once you have entered Titan Slon once, you can exit out, and go and retrieve Quests 1-4. With Ipey now on the map, you get Quests from both the Tarnished Goblet and Silver Flask. Each place offers exclusive Quests, but you can report any completed quest to any location. Start off in this first floor by going south through two panels of swamp and _west_, if you go east you cross two more panels of HP. Once your gauge empties, head east across THREE panels to the east side, and go north to find a single permanent Harvest spot (this will be important). From the Harvest excavation location, head south into the southeast chamber. Go west so you are about level and south of the entrance, and move further south to find the stairs going up to the Second Floor. The rest of this floor is empty, though you can continue exploring around if you are one of those completionists who desire 100% full to all their dungeon maps. Now, of course you will want to level up a bit before heading upstairs, at least to Level 3, and Unchain a couple of Followers off this level before proceeding. When you return to Lantana, be sure to pick up Quests 1 and 2 out of the Tarnished Goblet, then go to Ipey and grab Quests 3 and 4 out of the Silver Flask. For Quest 2, to get a Gourmet Soup, you must synthesise it. The two ingredients required are a Keroli Grass and Spotted Fungus, both of which are Harvested on Titan Slon 1F (and in the case of the Spotted Fungus, _ONLY_ on the First Floor). Grab a Rusty Trowel from Sakalla's Sundries and use it on the permanent Harvest spot on this floor. Save once you have both items before going to Synthesise so you can just reload if the Synthesis is a failure as opposed to having to reharvest the ingredients. Save as you go up to the Second Floor - as earlier stated, you only have one character, so a spike in difficulty combined with an enemy getting a lucky shot off is an automatic game over. Second Floor ------------ Enemies: Boglight, Redcap, Alraune Move west and north, and hop off east after three panels onto dry, safe land. Head east into another area of swamp, and immediately go south to the southwest corner which is a safe spot, before continuing east. In the next large room, head south past some more swampland to come to a chest in the southeast room which contains Shrapnel Bomb x2. Trudge your way back to the western side of the room and head north. Slip around some more poisonous swamp panels to the north wall and then east, and south a panel at the eastern end to be able to take the stairs up to the Third Floor. Also note that as soon as you have 60% of this floor explored, you can return to Ipey (or Lantana) and report in Quest 3 as complete, but you will ONLY be able to pick Quest 5 up from Ipey, NOT from Lantana. Third Floor ----------- Enemies: Skoll, Kobold, Redcap, Shadow, Poison Slime, Bramble Up here, you will face Poison Slime enemies, who are capable of causing poison to Lucius. They also tend to come in packs of two, so they can be incredibly annoying. Use an Antidote once you get poisoned, as the damage caused by poison far outweights any regular attack damage they can cause to you. From the staircase, head west, navigating your way around the swamp fields through the one safe pathway. When you start moving south and west down a zig-zagged path, ignore this path, and head straight south over a horizontal row of swamp panels until you hit dry land, then immediately move east to find a camp area. You will get a few scenes in the camp. Afterwards, be sure to heal as the scenes do not automatically heal you, then move out the east exit. Once you move out this way, you will also fight Bramble enemies, who do not seem to appear in battles on the western side of the floor. From the camp, going out east, head immediately north over some swamp panels, and then east to open a chest for the Tachi dagger. This is a significant upgrade over your starting weapon, though not as good as a weapon you can later get. With the better weapon, return to the camp. Head back out WEST, and trek immediately south until you hit a corner. From here, you can go west to the opposite corner in the longest row of tiles uninterrupted by swamp tiles on this floor, perfect for moving back and forth waiting for enemies to appear that you can grind on. More importantly, from the southeast corner of the west side of the floor, go west a couple of panels, and then south through three poison panels. There will be another chest in this area that contains Healing Potion x2. Grab it, then return to the Camp spot. From the camp, go out east, and immediately south until you hit a wall. From the wall, walk directly east, bulling your way past a few spots of swamp tiles, until you hit the far eastern wall. Explore around a bit following the flashing light of your icon to locate a Permanent Mining Spot. Use this spot with a Pickaxe or Rusty Pickaxe to pick up Iron Ore to Complete Quest 4. If you do Quest 4 and go down to the bottom of the Titan to hand it in right away, you get the Akujiki weapon, which is even more powerful than the Tachi weapon you picked up from a chest on this floor, and is a Sword instead of a dagger so can be boosted by the multiple Sword Skills and weapon proficiencies on the Skill map for Lucius. This floor is also where you can first take on Kobold for Quest 1, allowing you to get the Pickaxes you might need for Quest 4 to receive some Iron Ore from mining. Once you are completed running around, from the camp, head out east from the camp, then go south to the wall. Go east and run past a single swamp panel. Stop shy of crossing over to where the Mining point is, and instead head south, staying on dry, safe land, west a panel, south a panel, and then start moving west along more dry land. Once you hit a large number of Swamp panels in a row, stop moving west, and instead go south, and loop around east, then south, and then west into an area largely unfree of swamp panels. From here, go north to find a staircase that will take you up to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ Enemies: Kobold, Troll, High Lizard, Lizard Lord, Mothman, Ghost Fox, Skoll On this floor, you will take on Mothmen in battle, which appear in groups of two. Like the Poison Slime on the floor prior to this one, each Mothman has a Poison attack. Cure your poison status before attacking them, as the poison will do far more damage than the Mothman could possibly do. From where you enter, go north a little bit, then circle around counterclockwise a bit to the northeast corner of the room you come into. Go west over three swamp panels onto a safe spot, then head north through a chokepoint in the pathway onto another swamp panel, and immediately move east in here. Continue east and south, and go all the way south down a long corridor to get to a dead end that has a permanent Timber excavation spot. From where the Timber point is, go north two panels and then east over two swamp panels, and continue up north and east and north until you are at a small room at the far east end of the Floor. Proceed into the next room, and go south after the first swamp panel. Circle around clockwise to the northwest corner, then go east onto another single swamp panel, and then up onto safe ground. Circle around again to the northwest corner of this next chamber, step onto a single swamp panel, and then north. Walk north and west until you get to another area filled with swamp panels. From the swamp panel at the entrance, go north twice onto safe panels to the northeast corner, then west to the northwest corner, then down a panel and west a panel. Amble on over west and south, and loop around this room's perimeter clockwise to avoid touching any Swamp panels entirely. From the southwest corner of this room, go south until you would run into swamp panels, and then instead walk west over two more swamp panels. Continue west and loop counterclockwise around more swamp panels, avoiding them entirely, to get to the southwest end of the room. Go south a few panels and run east over a single swamp panel, a safe panel, and then another swamp panel and continue to get to the door near the entrance stairs to the Fourth Floor. Disbar the door from this side for easy access when going up and down, then head back west over the last batch of swamp panels, and south down a corridor to the Fifth Floor accessway. Fifth Floor ----------- Enemies: Ghost Fox, Arachne, Qilin, High Lizard There are a couple of enemies of note on this floor. First is the Qilin, a very rare encounter. Basically, if you encounter it, RUN AWAY. It can do a staggering amount of damage in a single hit (500 HP+) and in my initial encounter with it, I did 2 damage on an attack that took off a speck of its life bar. Secondly, you will occasionally face High Lizards, and they come in batches of five. If you are near a Skill on the Spell Map that allows you to hit multiple enemies at once, it may be worth picking up to plow through the High Lizards with relative ease. Head north over an initial panel and then west one panel. Go north to hit a wall, then head west over a few more panels to where a Healing Crystal is located. You can set up a base from this area to grind out for some enemies. From the crystal, head east, and then north into another area. Go north and east to the northeast corner and continue straight north over three consecutive poison panels. Once you get onto some safe land, turn east and head that direction three more panels onto more safe ground. Go up north and east over a single swamp panel. Head south a single panel and then move east over three more swamp panels, then continue east and south. Gaze over the field of your first-person vision and you should see a spot with a single swamp panel to cross over. Take it, then head east a panel and south two panels to land on dry land again. From there, head west to the west wall, and down to find a door. SAVE before you consider entering, as this will lead you straight to a boss fight. Before entering, consider exploring the rest of the 5F to get your exploration percentage up to about 58%. Quest 5 only requires you to explore 50% of the area, not 60%, so you can go down and grab yourself a Green Earring accessory, which usefully gives you an extra 10 Defensive points. Change out your followers to your most powerful, get the best equipment you can right now (a Harpe sword can be extremely powerful against this next boss), and definitely grab some Healing Pills from the Sundries shop. Come back after, and Save again before entering. Inside, you will have to face off against six Arachne, divided up in groups of two over three screens. If you have multi-enemy skills, use them so you can hit two of them at a time instead of once. Try to stay above 100HP at all times until you whittle them down to two, as they can use Dual Frost, which can take off up to 50HP from Lucius depending on your levels. Following that, a brief scene occurs and you move to the next chapter. Quest 1: Ano's Annoyance ------------------------ Where: Lantana Condition(s): Defeat 3 Kobold Reward: Pickaxe x3, Rope Bomb x3 Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon To get, you first need to have visited the Titan Slon at least once. You can enter the Titan, take one step, turn around and leave to accept this quest. Kobold will first appear on the Third Floor of Titan Slon. They will either appear alone one by itself, or one with a Redcap on either side, so use the Camp on 3F to heal up in between battles and go out Kobold-hunting. Quest 2: Mummy Gourmand ----------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Collect 1 Gourmet Soup Reward: Energy Drink, Recovery Bead Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon To get, you first need to have visited the Titan Slon at least once. You can enter the Titan, take one step, turn around and leave to accept this quest. To obtain a Gourmet Soup, you must synthesise it. The two ingredients required are a Keroli Grass and Spotted Fungus, both of which are Harvested on Titan Slon 1F (and in the case of the Spotted Fungus, _ONLY_ on the First Floor). Pick up a Rusty Trowel and go to the permanent Harvest spot in the northeast, and Harvest until you get what you need. Save before going back to Lantana to synthesise so you can just reload if you fail a synthesis instead of having to Harvest for more ingredients. Quest 3: Test the Swamp ----------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Map 60% of Titan Slon 2F, the Rotted Trunk Reward: Bitter Tonk, Medicine Pills x3 Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon To get, you first need to have visited the Titan Slon at least once. You can enter the Titan, take one step, turn around and leave to accept this quest. Note that you need to go to the Silver Flask in Ipey to pick this mission up, _NOT_ the Tarnished Goblet in Lantana. Quest 4: Student's Skill ------------------------ Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 2 Iron Ore Reward: Akujiki Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon To get, you first need to have visited the Titan Slon at least once. You can enter the Titan, take one step, turn around and leave to accept this quest. Note that you need to go to the Silver Flask in Ipey to pick this mission up, _NOT_ the Tarnished Goblet in Lantana. Iron Ore can be Mined on any floor of the Titan Slon to my knowledge. However, it is only on the Third Floor that there is a permanent Mining excavation point, east of the camp in the centre of the map. Any other floors, you will have to locate temporary excavation marks, hope you get a Mining spot, and then attempt to get Iron Ore. However, the payoff for this quest is significant, as the Akujiki weapon allows you to ascend the Titan more easily. Quest 5: Know the Swamp ----------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Map 50% of Titan Slon 5F, the Raging Skull Reward: Green Earring Requirement: Quest 3 Complete Quest 3 needs to be completed before you can attempt Quest 5, and it needs to be picked up from the Silver Flask in Ipey. Unlike earlier quests of the same variety, you only need to map 50% of Titan Slon 5F, not 60%. That is because the area you can explore before the end of the chapter tops out at 58%. When you start exploring, bring a couple of Healing Pills along with you, as the place is loaded with nooks and crannies filled to the brim with Swamp panels. To achieve 58%, you will probably find yourself going over four or more consecutive Swamp panels at least a few times, and so it is worth having a hefty healing item on hand. 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Wander around a little bit, fighting some battles and getting yourself some EXP, then exit out and return to Lantana. In Lantana, pick up Quests 2 and 3 from the Tarnished Goblet, then proceed to Ipey, and accept Quests 4 through 10. With all that done, head to Titan Darius. ------------ TITAN DARIUS ------------ First Floor ----------- The enemies have not levelled up at all relative to your last mandatory visit here at the start of Chapter 2, so they should be a joke to you now. From the entrance, head south, east and south to the elevator, and move up to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ From where come out, go north, east, south, circling around the room until you get to the Healing Crystal in the northeast corner. Once you get to the room with the Healing Crystal, you will have to engage in a preposterously easy battle of six Bramblers, two Brambler to a screen. Following the battle and a screen, return to Lantana. In Lantana, both finish off Quest 1, and pick up Quest 11, then move out to Titan Tortuga. ------------- TITAN TORTUGA ------------- First Floor ----------- Take the southern staircase up to the second floor. Second Floor ------------ Head south, east and north and take the stairs at the centre of the floor up to the Third Floor. Third Floor ----------- From the stairs, head south and east to the southeastern corner, north past the camp area, then go west and north, and press west into a small room. This small room is near the northwest corner, just east on the map of a separate section on the Third Floor, and you have to take a door to enter it. In this room, you will battle an army of fifteen Slimes, five Slimes to a screen. Use hit-all magic attacks on each screen to quickly clear them out. Return back down to the Second Floor following a scene. Second Floor ------------ Head east towards the northeast section of this floor, and go to the stairs over here near the northeast corner to go down to the First Floor. Follow along the First Floor flooded section, then head up to the Second Floor, and finally the Third Floor. Third Floor ----------- Go west through a door and north here. As long as one of your party members is at Level 10 Charisma or higher (and somebody should be), you can go through the door. Inside, you can open the chest for Promise Fruit 2x. Now, either use Escape, a Sigil, or trudge back down to the bottom floor to leave the Titan. Head to Lantana to finish up Quest 11, then return to Titan Slon. ---------- TITAN SLON ---------- First Floor ----------- Enemies: Mandrake, Ant General, Blood Slime, Orc From the start to the room, head east, and take the first south you come across to go down a short corridor. Head east a single panel, then south, west and south to find a permanent Harvest excavation location. Go back up a panel, then east east and south. Proceed west, then north at the end, east a bit and then north to find the stairs leading up. Unbar the door leading to the Titan entrance first before finally going upstairs. Second Floor ------------ Enemies: Garm, Marionette, Ant Gneeral, Ant King, Blood Slime, Lizard Lord, Wyvern The second floor of Titan Slon is an amazing mess, so you will need to do a lot of backtracking to get around. From the start, turn south and head into a room which has a Red Earring in a chest. Exit back out, then proceed east and west, and follow the flashing light on your mini-map to encounter a permanent Mining Excavation spot. Proceed south from there and then west into the first teleporter. On the map, you will be taken a few panels west. Walk west a couple more panels, then head up to find two doors in a smaller corridor. Enter to east room and press on the switch inside, then go to the west room and press down on the switch here to hear a click. Exit out, then continue west from the main chamber to be able to open another door. Head west some more and north in the next room to another teleporter. From where you land, head west, down a panel, and then west again to press down on a switch. Return to where the panel was, and go north into another small room to trigger a second switch. From the panel again, go west, north, west, north and around and east to a third and final panel. Following the click, from the panel, go west, north and west to a door, and enter through it. Take the next teleporter to continue onwards deeper into the Second Floor. Go north through the first door from the next teleporter, then up, east and to the next door. Inside a larger room, press against the east wall and go north to a teleporter. You will land in a small hallway. Go north and west through a door, then west a panel and south into a small room. Open the chest in here for 3x Antidote. Head back out and west down the hallway. SAVE before entering the next room - this is basically a trap room where you fight 3x Marionette on one screen and 3x Garm on the other side, with no other real purpose to this room. Following the battle, return to the teleporter to head back to the big room near the northwest. Head north into another large room, and take the teleporter on the west side of the room. From where you land, go north and take the teleporter on the west side of this room. On the centre-east end of the map, go down, and west. Enter the first room to the north for a trap battle with 3 Garms on one side and an Ant King anchoring 4 Ant Generals on the other screen. Exiting out of the room, SAVE, head west for a scene. DO NOT FIGHT THIS BATTLE RIGHT NOW, you will want to wait until you are at least early level 30s before fighting this. Just keep this point in mind as a reference; the boss strategy for this optional boss can be located at the bottom of this chapter. Instead, return to the teleporter to be warped back to the top-centre room. From the two chambers, head straight south through a door, then east and south through another door then west through a final door into a chamber approximately at the centre of the map. You will fight a preset battle in here with five Lizard Lords on the left and right side and four Ant Generals with an Ant King on the centre screen. Following the battle, head north into a small corridor with a teleporter to the west and the east. Take the teleporting pad to the east. In the southwest corner, go south and west and up into a chamber to find a chest that holds a Traveler's Cloak. Go back into the main corridor and go south to access a permanent Mining point. Continue south and go downstairs, then immediately head back upstairs so that you can mark a staircase being there. Return to the teleporter to go to the corridor in the centre of the room, then take the west teleporter. In the room you plop down in, go west and then explore the three roms moving around in a clockwise or counterclockwise fashion. Press the three switches in the order of the lower left, then the upper right, and finally the lower right switches to hear a click. Take the door to the right of the upper switch and move to the Third Floor of Titan Slon. Third Floor ----------- Enemies: Dryad, Jotunn, Lizard Lord, Spiker, Garm, Spirit Fox Move west around the pillar. As you approach the door, you shall get a brief scene, and pick up Sylvie as a playable character in Fang's party. Now, most of the Third Floor is currently inaccessible, so you can only explore a small part for the moment being. Head south down a long corridor, then east. Go south again when the opportunity is presented into a small chamber, then west through a door. Open up the chest in this southwest room for Elixir x2. Move back into the eastern room, and shuffle along north, then east. Head east all the way, winding around a bit, to find a permanent Timber spot. Move back a bit west, then head north and go east along the northern corridor to find some stairs leading upstairs. Fourth Floor ------------ Enemies: Spirit Fox, Cerberus, Lizard Lord, Hundred-Arms, Jotunn, Minotaur You will notice the area is dark. More on that later. From where you enter, go west through a door, then immediately turn to go south, head west a panel in the next corridor, then go south into a room with a chest. Open it up for a Holy Flame key item. As you can guess, you will use the Holy Flame to light the room up, but you need to find a torch first to do it. Head back north up to the corridor next to the staircase, then head west and up into a large room near the northwest corner. Light the torch in here to light up the surrounding environment. Now, go back south a couple of corridors, then east and through what would have previously been a locked door before you lit the torch up. Head east and north for a cutscene, in which you will recruit Nico. From where you encountered the foxgirl, head south, west and south to locate the crystal core of Titan Slon. Activate it - however, you shall only have activated the western quarter of the Crystal Core, and so a large part of the next section of slog will be activated the other tree sides. From the crystal, go north, east, all the way north, then east a bit to find a permanent Timber point. Continue east through a door. Head up slightly and east into the northeast corner room, and open the chest for Vitality Seed x2. From there, head west, up a panel, then west through a door to lead to the map of the Fourth Floor section where Lucius was crusading. Fourth Floor - Lying Jaw ------------------------ Go up for a scene to encounter Tiana and recruit her. You will get all the girls' Followers now in your army and can have up to 60. You will get a tutorial on Anima and Leaving Followers behind that you should probably have had three chapters ago. Of use is that you can now also accept Quest 13 in Lantana. If you complete this, you get access to a storehouse where you can stash away an unlimited variety of items, up to 99 of each item, at no charge. All the items the three girls had from Chapter Two will be available in the Storehouse once you finish Quest 13. More importantly though, the Key Items Tiana, Selvie and Niko had with them from Chapter Two passes over to you automaticallym so when leaving to refresh or do the Storehouse quest, also make a trip over to the Temple of Trials. ---------------- TEMPLE OF TRIALS ---------------- First Floor ----------- You may recall that there were some doors that could not be unlocked here on your first trek through. With the combined parties of Fang and Tiana, you can go through two of them now. You may wish to wait until the Storehouse has been repaired so you can dump most of your items in there, as you will pick up a number here. First, from the entrance, head north through the door, then west and north to the northwest corner. Head east through the locked door using the Blue Temple Key that Tiana and associates picked up from the depths of Titan Tortuga to enter, and fight a Judgement Battle with 30 enemies. Compared to how many you may have with the combined forces from Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 (up to a total of 60), this should be a relative breeze. Following the battle, reward yourself with a Yellow Earring from the chest. Again from the entrance, head through the left corridor in the southern room. Take the right of the two doors in here using the Red Temple Key, gotten from Titan Darius, and you will be required to complete another Judgement Battle of 30 enemies if you wish to plunder this room. The reward this time is a Green Earring. Once all is said and done, return to Titan Slon, back up to 4F - Lying Jaw (where you got Tiana from). ---------- TITAN SLON ---------- Fourth Floor - Lying Jaw ------------------------ Head west from where the scene took place that you recruited Tiana from to go up to the Fifth Floor. Fifth Floor ----------- You can use the Camp here if you want to change out one or more of your current active party members for one of the three girls you just recruited. However, when you rotate them in, you must add Followers onto them, as they will not have any pre-equipped (conversely, rotating one of your active members out, they hold onto the Followers they have if you do not de-equip them). Afterwards, continue north, and head into a large chamber area for a battle with six Arachne, two per screen. Following the battle, you will get a lengthy, hefty cutscene. Proceed south and unbar the door to leave via the south side from this room. Continue south and unbar the door next to the stairs you took up here (yes, these were a door you could not have accessed the other side of before and a door with only a very small distance to travel to go around). Do NOT go back the way you came from. Instead, walk east and into a swamp room, south and down a staircase back down to the Fourth Floor via a separate staircase. Fourth Floor ------------ Open the chest inside for a Holy Flame. After, backtrack to the Fourth Floor Suspicious Bosom section via the first way you came in. From the Fourth Floor, go down to the Second Floor. Head to the corridor at the centre with the teleporter on either end of the hallway, and take the eastern teleporter to the southwest corner of the map, then head south and down to the First Floor. First Floor ----------- Walk east from the staircase and north, east and north some more, then head west at the top to come to a dead end with a Timber permanent excavation point. Move back south, then head west through the center of this corner section of the floor and through the door. Inside, you will face off against an army of 40 enemy Followers in a Judgement Battle. However, this time around, you have an army capacity of 60 Followers, and you should be approaching close to that figure with the combined armies of Fang's group and Tiana's group at hand. Following the battle, open the two chests for Mind Seed x2 and a Shortsword, then return back up to the Fourth Floor entrance. Fourth Floor ------------ Walk south and east of where you found Nico to locate a second torch up against the wall. Continue east and you will get a scene. Following that, make note of the door, but instead head up at the end and east to a permanent Timber spot. Go back a little bit, then head south and wind your way around to a chest which holds a Traveler's Cloack inside. Return to the door just directly east of where the second torch of the room so far was, and enter south through the door. Head west, south, and then west some more to be able to trigger the northern side of the crystal core. By this time, you should have activated two sections - the north and west sides. From the north side of the crystal, exit out the door. Go east, south, west, south, then east, south and west down to a dead end with a permanent Timber spot. From the permanent Timber point, head east, south, east, south and north into a room in the southeast corner for a chest that contains another Holy Flame. Head back south, west, north, north some more, then east, looping around to the torch which is only a couple of panels north of the Holy Flame on the floor map. With the torch lit, head back around to where the Timber point was, go south past the Timber point, then west and to a door. Enter through the door. Through the door, immediately move west, and go south. Head west to a chamber which has a Sica in a chest, and examine the door to the east. While it is locked, at least it will be indicated on the map so you know it is there. Now, head north.. Loop around and head west and then north at the first opportunity again to be able to unlock the third, east side of the crystal core. Return south, then head west. Once you cannot go any further directly west, the door to your north will be locked. Instead, head south a panel and then straight west for a Holy Flame. Move back far east, then south and around in a backwards S-shape. Head east some more to the door that is south of the permanent Timber spot, and then contiue east past it. Go south, then walk a long stretch west until you hit a torch. Light it up. Move far east, then south and around in a backwards S-shape, then east some more and south and west a long ways to the torch. Return back to the door just to the east and north of the chest that you obtained the Holy Flame from, and you can now enter. Go east through a second door to unlock the south side of the crystal. While this powers the two elevators in the Titan Slon, it also makes the entire Third Floor now accessible. For now, ignore the effects of the crystal being activated. Instead, head back out west from the south side of the crystal, then go north. Proceed west some more, and take the first north you get to grab a Holy Flame. Back in the corridor, continue west until you hit the western end of the room. Walk south a couple of panels, then move east down to a dead end with a permanent Harvest spot. Return to the western corridor. Go south a few more panels, and then head east down another corridor that leads to the torch. Use your Holy Flame up on the torch to light the surroundings, then return to the corridor. Go all the way north, then loop around to the door. Open the door and head up into a room. Open the chest in here for Elixir x2. Continue north and east to disbar a door that will lead you to the room near the stairs you took to get up here from the Third Floor. From the Third Floor stairs, go west, south, and west through a door just north of where you opened the first chest in here. You will find an elevator. Take it downstairs to the First Floor. First Floor ----------- Head north, east, and south, and you will find a permanent Timber spot in the southeast corner of this northwestern quadrant of the first floor. Head north to enter a corridor, and loop through it counterclockwise until you come to a room to the south. A chest in here contains an Energy Drink. Once you are done, return to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ In here, head over to the upper right corner. There is an elevator located at the southern end of the hallway next to the room with the chest. Take it to get to the First Floor. First Floor ----------- Down here, if you go south, west, and loop around counterclockwise, you will find a permanent Harvest spot. From the elevator, if you go down, right and up the end, you can open a chest up for Magic Crystal x2. This area, the upper right quadrant of the First Floor, also has an unusually high number of spots temporary Excavation marks may occur - at least three that I could spot. This can be useful if you intend to screen scum to be able to mine, harvest and timber a lot of random items quick. Once done down here, head up to the Second Floor next. Second Floor ------------ Head north, east, and south through a door to be able to take on another Judgement Battle. This time you will be playing against 50 enemies instead of 40 enemies, so you should hopefully have been releasing your weakest Followers and Unchaining newer, tougher enemies. After you win the battle, take the other door going north into a smaller room that has a chest with Recovery Bead x2 inside. Return to the elevator and head back up to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ Head west and return to the Third Floor staircase and back downstairs. Third Floor ----------- Proceed west, south, west and south to the middle-south corridor of the area you have so far explored. You may have seen an area with a lot of poisonous swamp tiles you could not explore earlier. You can now go across them via magic bridge created once the crystal core for Titan Slon was activated. Upon landing on the other end, watch a scene, followed by a preset battle. Three Garm occupy one side of the screen, with four Ant Generals anchored by a Union Boss Ant King on the other. After the fight, go north and west across a second bridge. Head south through the door, then south a little more. Going east, immediately head north for a permanent Timber spot. Go back south, then head all the way and north across a third bridge. Head east some more and south through a door. Following a scene at the Camp, you can assign 2SP by having a conversation with one of your party members. Once that is done, head east and immediately north outside. Walk north, circling around either side to get past the pillar, then head west. Take the southern path to go west across a bridge. Go through the door to find a permanent Mining spot in the centre of this room. Backtrack east across the bridge, go up a few panels, then west and north across another bridge to find a chest with a Composite Bow inside. Return to the southeast quadrant of the room, just east of where the camp was. Proceed east to the corner and then north past another long bridge. From there, head north some more and west across still another bridge, and then north through a room and across one last bridge. In the northeast corner room, open the chest here for a Fang Crest Key. Go west and unbar the door to be able to access the staircase leading up to the Fourth Floor, and in fact return back upstairs to progress through the Titan Slon. Fourth Floor ------------ Move west and north into the northwest chamber with the torch, and head west through a door you earlier unbarred. Head south and through another door. Loop around into the western corridor, then proceed to walk all the way south. Once you hit the corner, go east a few panels and use the Fang Crest Key to open the door. Continue east and south and upstairs outside to the Fifth Floor. Fifth Floor ----------- Enemies: Chimera, Dragon, Blood Eye, Nosferatu Proceed north a few panels, then east and north to where a chest is for Knowledge Seed x2. Go back down to where the stairs are, and head north while facing the west wall (strafe to do this) to see a switch against the wall. Press the switch to cause the block up ahead to move, then continue straight north now that the block is no longer in the way. Proceed west at the first chance, north, west and south to a permanent Harvest Spot. After using your Trowel or Trowels here, continue north to the northwest corner. Press the switch on both sides, then head south down the eastern corridor. At the southern end of the long stretch of walking, move east a few panels, south a few panels, east a few panels, then north all the way until you hit the end. Head east, press the switch to your north twice just so you have it on your map, and then continue east to a camp for a scene. You will get +2SP afterwards from talking with one of your team members. From the camp, walk east, south, west a bit, trigger the switch. Go west and disbar the west door. Return east, and trigger the switch to reset the block back to normal. Loop around through the camp counterclockwise through the door you disbarred earlier. Press the switch to the left of the camp before going through the door south of there to move another block. Go south from the west door to a permanent Harvest spot, then continue east down where the block was formerly. Open the chest in the next chamber for a Poison Bangle. Continue east and disbar the door here from the west side so you can go into the eastern corridor. Proceed north and then east and north to the northern corner. A permanent Timber spot is to the up-left, while a switch is to the right. Press the switch. From here, go down, and you will have two long stretches of hallway. If you go south down the right corridor, you can come to a permanent Timber excavation spot. Meanwhile, going south down the left corridor brings you to a switch. Press the switch at the end, then return north, this time using the west corridor. Once you hit a block, face the east to flip a switch so you can continue. Going up some more, head west, and then south down another long corridor. Proceed all the waest from here, and you shall get a scene occurring at the end. Head down a panel and disbar the door next to the staircase that lead up here from the Fourth Floor. Go back through the door, then head south and east through another door, and find yourself a second staircase leading back down to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ Head west and disbar the door here, then go back up to the Fifth Floor. Fifth Floor ----------- Return west all the way to the end, then head north through the door and all the way north. Proceed east down another long corridor. Go south a few panels and then west for a permanent Mining spot. Return east, then head north to a staircase at the end which will take you down to the Fourth Floor. Down below, loop around and take the elevator up to the Sixth Floor. Sixth Floor ----------- Enemies: Blood Eye, Nosferatu, Wearbear, Dragon, Chimera There is a crystal at the start of the next area, so ignore fighting around here for a few minutes so you can go and heal up at the crystal and then come back. While most of the enemies here are just repeated from 5F, of note is the Wearbear enemy, a rare encounter who shows up all by himself. The Wearbear drops two items: Rock Pumpkin, which is used for forging some advanced equipment (but is dropped by enemies on the floor above), and a Vitality Stone, which is used to complete Quest 3 out of Lantana. However, the Wearbear also has a very low item drop rate. It may be worth bringing Niko into your party if she is not already and learning her 'I Spy Treasure' passive skill, which is found on the grid just southwest of her upper-right most grid on the Skill Map. The Wearbear is only one of three enemies to my knowledge in the game that drops the Vitality Stone, along with the Qilin found on the Titan Slon Third Floor where Lucius went through, accessible by going over to that side's Fourth Floor and going down, and the Kaitos, located on one of the Third Floor sections of a later Titan. However, if you get frustrated with farming, do not fret - the boss of this chapter drops a Vitality Stone, and quests DO NOT terminate once a chapter ends, so you can simply complete the quest after defeating the boss. Once you are completed, head on into the Arc First Floor. Arc First Floor --------------- Enemies: Evil Eye, Skeleton Lord, Nosferatu, Angry Alarm Walk north up the hallway to start for a cutscene, then continue north into a room with a Healing Crystal. Following that, go back out into the corridor, head east a little, and then south into a room where you will have to go through a Judgement Battle if you wish to proceed deeper into the dungeon. Following the Judgement battle, continue east out the next door. Head all the way east to the corner and follow that around north to come to a dead end with a permanent Timber excavation spot. Backtrack west through the corridor to find a door headed north. Past the door, go east, north, east and north into a long corridor. Head west all the way to the end until you hit a dead end. Walk back east a couple of spaces and go north a few spaces, continue east followed by north a couple more panels. You should land in another long hallway that stretches all the way from the west end of the floor to the east end. Go west, taking the only path headed north here, then west again and north again. This is another corridor that stretches all the way from west to east. In this corridor, go east and then north near the east end of the corridor. Proceed west to a dead end with a permanent Harvest excavation spot. Walk back down to the long corridor, then walk all the way west to the western end. Go north, east, up at the first opportunity, then east all the way to the northeast corner where the stairs to Arc 2F are located. Arc 2F ------ Enemies: Gargoyle, Raven, Jabberwok, Evil Eye, Skeleton Lord, Argos Of the enemies on this floor, of note is the Gargoyle foe - one of its spells can petrify your character. This does not outright kill you, so you cannot just revive your person. Instead, you need a spell like Lapis' Cure to get rid of the status, or to carry some Softeners around (these can be purchased from Sakalla Sundries or the Dryas Depot in the towns). In any case, from where you come out, head west a couple of panels, then go south down a long stretch. Go east a couple of panels when you get the chance, then continue down south to the southeast corner. From there, head west. Ignore the first path going up, which leads to a dead end, and instead take the second north. Circle around either way to continue the plunge north until you get back up all the way to the northern end of the room. Head west and then straight south right away to find a permanent Mining excavation point. Head back up to the northern corridor, then go all the way to the northwest corner. From the northwest corner, backtrack east a few panels, then head south down a very long corridor, unbroken, until you get to the southern end of the floor map. From here, head west slightly and then up from the southwest corner to another permanent Mining spot. Return south, then head east past the long north-south hallway. At the next point leading north, take it. Once you hit the wall after walking north for some time, go east a little bit, and north into a room with a treasure chest. Open it up for the Green Temple Key, then head back out into the hallway. Head east a panel, then south and loop around counterclockwise into a chamber. Explore around, then SAVE as you approach the door. Upon entering, you shall be thrust into battle with the boss of this dungeon. ---------------- BOSS: TITAN SLON ---------------- Vitality Stone, Mind Seed, Promise Fruit, Magic Needle You should by now be beginning to sense a pattern to the Titan bosses, where they go in multiple stages, with the middle stage typically being the toughest phase, with several body parts, each of which can attack once per turn. In any case, if Lucius is a mainstay of your party, I recommend he _not_ be a part of this battle. The main reason is that he seems to be particularly weak to magic attacks, of which the Titan Slon boss has many. Additionally, his Burst Attacks, causing instant death, do not affect the Titans themselves. You should by now have several spells that raise your characters' stats, some of which are instrinsic to a party member, some of which are link spells that require specific Anima. Start using these spells all on the very first part of Titan Slon, its bottom trunk part. Even if your spells only affect one person at a time, cast them anyways and roll through four turns to get the stats of all your party members boosted. The trunk does not seem to do anything other than regular attacks of one person at a time (the author has played through these boss fights twice each, so he is fairly confident he has seen all the attacks each boss has to offer). Once you defeat the trunk, you will roll up to the middle, main phase of Titan Slon. Four body parts, two tusks and two missile protusions from the sides of its body are on the bottom screen, while its head is on the top. The side missiles can use Quad-Winder, a wind attack that hits all four of your party members, while the head up top can use Volcano Hail, a fire attack that hits one party member thrice. The tusks do not seem to have any special attacks, and all five body parts can make regular attacks. Start off this stage by using all your offensive Burst Gauges on the bottom screen to quickly deal damage to the four lower parts, then focus on the side missiles to remove them and their pesky ability to cast Quad-Winder. Once they are out of the way, focus on the tusks, then move up to the head and disable it. The final body part is the face down below of the Titan Slon. You will want to heal if you have not done so already, as the face can use Mass Blaster (though this appears to be a rare attack), a nasty hit-all electric attack that typically does 400+ damage at a minimum to each person, and that is with Magic Defense upped for the author. Other than that, the face typically just does a regular attack against a single person, so hammer away at it until it cracks. Once the battle is finished, head north through the next door for a lengthy scene, where you will have to perform an Unchain near the start (the motion of the ring shutting close occurs very slowly, so you have plenty of time!). Afterwards, take the teleporter in this room to leave to the world map. From there, head to Lantana to start a scene. Quest 1: Thorny Problem ----------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Locate the Titan Darius' Healing Crystal Reward: Cat's Claw, Trowel x2 Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon You can first pick this quest up from Lantana after having visited Titan Slon for the first time with Fang's party. In the Titan Darius, head south and east from the entrance, and take the elevator to go up to the Fourth Floor. Circle around the room to the northeast corner to find the Healing Crystal for the Titan. Inside, battle a host of six Bramblers, two to a screen. Following a cutscene, you can return to Lantana and claim your reward. Quest 2: Amo's Irritation ------------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Defeat 3 Skeleton Lords in Titan Slon Reward: Life Seed, Recovery Bead Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon You can first pick this quest up from Lantana after having visited Titan Slon for the first time with Fang's party. Skeleton Lords are first found on Arc 1F of the Titan Slon, so you will need to explore quite a bit before you can get up there, and then defeat the Skeleton Lords, who show up fairly commonly. Quest 3: Good Old Days 1 ------------------------ Where: Lantana Condition(s): Collect 1 Vitality Stone Reward: Power Seed, Elixir x2 Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon You can first pick this quest up from Lantana after having visited Titan Slon for the first time with Fang's party. To get a Vitality Stone, you need to get it as a drop from what I believe is a total of four enemies in the game: the Wearbear, a rare encounter on the Sixth Floor of Titan Slon, the Qilin, a rare encounter on Titan Slon's Third Floor from where Lucius was going through in Chapter 3, Kaitos, an enemy in a later Titan (Aguila), and from the boss of Chapter 4. Quests do NOT terminate at the end of a Chapter, so you can get a Vitality Stone from the Chapter 4 boss instead and then complete Quest 3. If you do try to get it from a Werebear or Qilin, it is recommended you have Niko in your party with her 'I Spy Treasure' passive skill, which increases the odds of an enemy dropping an item. Quest 4: Adventure Starts ------------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Map 80% of Titan Slon 2F, Trampling Legs Reward: Sleeping Gas x3, Sedative x3 Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon You can first pick this quest up from Ipey after having visited Titan Slon for the first time with Fang's party. There is an optional boss battle on Floor 2F, but the area you can explore after winning the battle takes up less than 5% of the map. The rest of the area is just moving around through the teleporters, eventually making headway past the dead ends and getting to the two sets of staircases; one at the southwest end leading downstairs to 1F with a Judgement Battle, and the other leading up to the Third Floor. Once you get to both stairs, you should have well more than 80% of the floor mapped. Quest 5: Awesome Dragons! ------------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Raise 1 Lizard Lord to MAX level Reward: Horn-Rim Glasses Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon You can first pick this quest up from Ipey after having visited Titan Slon for the first time with Fang's party. To complete this quest, you need to Unchain a Lizard Lord from the Titan Slon, who is found on Floors Two, Three and Four from the regular side. Once you have one, you need to slot it into an active character's party. Once you have ranked it up to its max level (in the after-battle screen, the Lizard Lord should have a MAX over its experience bar), you can return to Ipey or Lantana to hand in your quest. Quest 6: Curious Son -------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect Lump of Iron 3x and Whitebark Wood 2x Reward: Jumonji Spear Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon You can first pick this quest up from Ipey after having visited Titan Slon for the first time with Fang's party. You can get Lump of Iron from mining points at any floor on the Titan Slon as a fairly common item. Whitebark Wood, to the best of my knowledge, are only found from Timber points starting on the Fourth Floor and upwards of Titan Slon, and are a rarer item to excavate. Quest 7: Catgirl's Whim ----------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect Iron Ore x3 and Ironwood x3 Reward: Falchion Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon You can first pick this quest up from Ipey after having visited Titan Slon for the first time with Fang's party. You can get Lump of Iron from mining points at any floor on the Titan Slon as a fairly common item. Ironwood, to the best of my knowledge, are only found from Timber points starting on the Fourth Floor and upwards of Titan Slon, and are a rarer item to excavate. Quest 8: Coin Collector ----------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect Rusty Coin x4 Reward: Refreshing Tonic, Power Seed Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon You can first pick this quest up from Ipey after having visited Titan Slon for the first time with Fang's party. Rusty Coins are a drop of the Hundred-Arms enemy, who seem to only show up on the Fourth Floor of Titan Slon. They show up usually at least in pairs, so it can be a little quicker to get drops from them than other items. Quest 9: Obvious Question ------------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect Gorgeous Pin Reward: Recovery Pearl, Vitality Seed Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon You can first pick this quest up from Ipey after having visited Titan Slon for the first time with Fang's party. A Gorgeous Pin can be synthesised in Lantana at Garnet's Crafts, and needs Huge Horn 2x, Ironwood 2x, and a single Living Amber. Huge Horns are dropped by numerous enemies who show up in the Titan Slon starting on the Fifth Floor. Living Amber is gotten as an item drop from the Evil Eye enemy who shows up on Arc 1F and Arc 2F of the Titan Slon. Ironwood, to the best of my knowledge, are only found from Timber points starting on the Fourth Floor and upwards of Titan Slon, and are a rarer item to excavate. As always, save before doing Synthesis so you do not need to gather ingredients again if you fail, and instead just reload. Quest 10: Master's Reply ------------------------ Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect Iron Carapace x3 Reward: 7-String Harp Requirement: Have entered Titan Slon You can first pick this quest up from Ipey after having visited Titan Slon for the first time with Fang's party. Iron Carapaces are a drop of the Jotunn enemy, who appear to show up on the Third and Fourth Floor of Titan Slon. They show up usually at least in pairs, so it can be a little quicker to get drops from them than other items. Quest 11: Slippery Problem -------------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Destroy the horde of Slimes in Titan Tortuga Reward: Corsesca, Saw x2 Requirement: Quest 1 Complete You can get this quest once you have completed Quest 1 and reported it back to Lantana. To complete it, head to Titan Tortuga. Take the stairs at the centre of the second floor up to the Third Floor. Circle around the map to the room near the northwest corner separated by a door (not the extreme northwest, where you go to the next floor, but just a little bit east). You will have to battle fifteen Slimes, with five Slimes to a screen. Following the battle, you can return to Lantana or Ipey and complete the quest. Quest 12: Adventure Stalls -------------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Map 60% of Titan Slon 3F, Gut of Turmoil Reward: Mazuba Candy x3, Mind Fruit x2 Requirement: Quest 4 Complete You can get this quest once you have completed Quest 4 and reported it back to Ipey. You will _not_ be able to complete this Quest on an initial run of the Third Floor, as a significant amount of the floor is barred to start. Later, when you activate all four sides of the crystal core located on Titan Slon's Fourth Floor, you will have to return back down to the Third Floor as part of story progression and circle around the area. There are a lot of dead end spots, so be sure to explore every nook and cranny of the Floor map to get your exploration percentage above the 70% cutoff. Quest 13: Storage Repairs ------------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Collect 1 Ironwood, Collect 1 Rune Stone Reward: Energy Drink x2, Mind Seed Requirement: Must have recruited Selvie, Nico and Tiana You can get this quest from the Tarnished Goblet as soon as you have recruited Tiana during the normal course of exploration throughout Titan Slon. To complete this, you must obtain 1 Ironwood and 1 Rune Stone. Rune Stones can be mined from every floor of the Titan Slon. Ironwood, to the best of my knowledge, are only found from Timber points starting on the Fourth Floor and upwards of Titan Slon, and are a rarer item to excavate. Once you get this Quest complete, you can access the Storehouse, where you can deposit up to 99 of every type of item, as well as withdraw whatever Tiana's party had earlier when they completed Chapter 2. Quest 14: Adventure Ends ------------------------ Where: Ipey Condition(s): Map 60% of Titan Slon 5F, Spine of Regret Reward: Recovery Bead, Incense Requirement: Quest 12 Complete You can get this quest once you have completed Quest 12 and reported it back to Ipey. The Fifth Floor of Titan Slon is an outdoor roof area. There are several long corridors that result in dead ends, so be sure to explore them, as well as going around in all the large 3x3 or 4x3 rooms to get your percentage up. However, basically the entire floor is covered during the course of the storyline, so there are no secret areas that you can only get to by going off the track to find them or anything of that sort. Quest 15: Good Old Days 2 ------------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Collect 3 Thorn Apple Reward: Poison Gas x3, Softener x3 Requirement: Quest 3 Complete You can get this quest once you have completed Quest 3 and reported it back to Lantana. Thorn Apples can be harvested from Titan Slon on the First Floor and Second Floor, but no higher than that. ---------------------- OPTIONAL BOSS: ECHIDNA ---------------------- The recommended level to start thinking about Echidna is early 30s, and no lower. Also bring along a couple of Restoration Beads, as she can still take out characters with one hit. Now, Echidna has a very fatal flaw to her attacks: they all hit one person only, and she only attacks once per turn. Keep that in mind, as you do not need to worry about having Area High Heal on hand, just High Heal. That having been said, the key to this battle is to bring in a person who can cast a Defense-All spell (ie. Hector with Guardian Earth) AND a person who can cast a Magic Defense-All spell (ie. Lapis with Wall of Mercy). The aforementioned two skills are both intrinsic spells, meaning they can use them as soon as they get them off the Skill Map with no need for specific Anima, but other characters have the same types of spells. Other regular or Link Spells that are of use are Attack/Magic-Up spells, and powerful single-character attacks that both can deal damage to Echidna and reduce her stats. For example, Fang's and Hector's Arm Breaker, a Claw-only attack, will damage Echidna and also reduce her Attack. As for Echidna herself, there are no surprises beyond the fact she can deal out tough hits: no surprise status effects, no hit-all spells. After the battle, you will be able to pick up Echidna as a Follower. Even if you already had a full army of Followers, you will be able to add her as your army space is expanded by a total of 1, and she makes a very tough extra. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Chapter Five - The Fires of War ________________________________________________________________________________ [CHP5] ------- LANTANA ------- One scene later, you will now have Lucius in your party. All his items from Chapter 3 are automatically deposited into the Storehouse. Even more important than that, with the full roster of characters in the game altogether, you now can have an army of 100 Followers, with an additional four extra slots you can add on by beating optional bosses. In Lantana, go to the Tarnished Goblet for a scene with Mireille, then pick up Quest 1 for the Chapter. If you did not get a Vitality Stone until defeating the Titan Slon, you can now complete Quest 3, and hopefully Quest 15 from the last chapter. If you picked up Quest 1, you shall have a scene upon coming out. Make the rest of you trips that you need to. In particular, be sure to heal up as you are not automatically healed upon going to the next chapter, as this time around you retain the same batch of characters as the previous chapter. From the world map, head on to Semania. ------- SEMANIA ------- Watch a brief scene, and then you will get access to Semania. Sophia's Crafts is the local synthesis place, complete with Storehouse. Your synthesis proficiency and storehouse items carry over to Sophia's Crafts, though you can synthesise a few items here that you cannot in Lantana. Meanwhile, the Golden Chalice is the local Quest spot, though you cannot yet get a Quest here. Upon leaving to the world map, head out to Titan Aguila to the east. ------------ TITAN AGUILA ------------ First Floor ----------- Enemies: Pterosaur, Mummy, Bloody Bandage, Griffin, Pharoah's Corpse, Phoenix You can walk around a bit and fight some enemies in here, but quickly leave the place. Now that you have entered, you can return to Semania to pick up Quests 2 to 4, get Quests 5 to 7 from Lantana, and then Quests 8 to 11 out of Ipey. Head to the Titan Slon first. ---------- TITAN SLON ---------- First Floor ----------- Take the bypass near the entrance to immediately access the Second Floor staircase, and go up. Wander through the teleporters to make your way upstairs to the Third Floor (or go and take on the optional boss on 2F if you have not already - the strategy for this boss can be found at the end of Chapter 4 section or in the Optional Bosses section). Continue up to 4F - Suspicious Bosom. You specifically want to go to 4F - Lying Jaw. To get there, head to the northeast corner of this floor, then go west along the northern corridor and through the door to connect to Lying Jaw. In this area, go up the stairs, then head west and south on the Fifth Floor back downstairs into a small chamber. Open the chest here for a Holy Flame. You can now Escape or use a Sigil or walk out manually and return to any of the towns to complete your quest. Next, return to the Temple of Trials. ---------------- TEMPLE OF TRIALS ---------------- First Floor ----------- With the Green Key in hand, head to the door second-from-the right of the four lower doors on the First Floor screen. Inside, you shall have to fight another Judgement Battle, this one significantly tougher than the last batch of enemies from the preceding two battles in here. The opposing force has 70 Followers, some who go up to Level 35. Your reward will be an Eye Patch. Following the battle, go to Semania. I am not *precisely* sure of the trigger, but at some point in time shortly after entering the Titan Aguila you should see a scene involving a blonde-haired man. Whatever the case, return to Titan Aguila (if you do not see him, then you may need to move deeper into the Titan Aguila first). ------------ TITAN AGUILA ------------ First Floor ----------- Enemies: Pterosaur, Mummy, Bloody Bandage, Griffin, Pharoah's Corpse, Phoenix Note that the Phoenix enemy is only available at the far south side of the room. In any case, head south, west, south and west to the staircase to go up to the Second Floor. If you saw the blonde-haired man in Semania, he shall show up again here. Second Floor ------------ Enemies: Flying Bunny, Flying Cat, Mummy, Bloody Bandage There is a very large amount of crossover with the First Floor and the Second Floor, with multiple stairs. Additionally, when travelling through the Second Floor, there will be several holes in the floor that will drop you down to the First Floor. You can spot these holes by the floor tiles, which will have cracks in them (you need to fall down a couple though to be ablle to disbar doors on the first and second floors). There are also multiple sand tiles in here which will push you one way or another, as indicated by an arrow tile on the floor map, or the direction of sand floor if you look at it in first person view on the top screen. Start off by going north, east, and south from the northern staircase. Head east and go down a corridor. A sand tile will push you north, blocking you from further progress. Head west for a permanent Mining spot, then go north a few tiles and go down a hallway with sand tiles that shall carry you westwards. Once you are dropped off, head north, then west, south a few panels, west, and north to the north corner. Go east and open the chest in here for Sedative x3. Go to the northwest corner and head up the stairs to the western map of the Second Floor so you have it marked on your map. Immediately return back downstairs, then head down to the First Floor via stairs to the map's right while travelling down the west corridor. First Floor ----------- Down here, travel south through the open area to a permanent Harvest spot at the southern end. Afterwards, travel back north and up to the Second Floor. Second Floor ------------ Continue south, and stop just shy of the sand tiles, which will take you to a hole that lands you right where you were prior on the First Floor. Instead, head east two panels, then head south down a long hallway, coming to a dead end with a chest containing a Magic Bell. From the Magic Bell-holding chest, head north, then east when you first have the chance. Open a door to your north and take the stairs to return back down to the First Floor. First Floor ----------- From where you enter, head north, then go west down a long stretch of corridor to the northwest corner of most of the Floor map (excluding the entrance area). This is a permanent Timber excavation spot. Next, head east and through a door. Move around the centre of the room, and you will find four doors that require shaped slates to open, in addition to a locked door to the left- hand side. You cannot do anything in here for now, so return to the staircase you took to come down here and go back upstairs. Second Floor ------------ Past the door, head south two panels, then go east and north into a chamber with a chest. Tip-toe carefully around a cracked panel in this room that covers a hole and open the chest for a Sword Crest Key. Next, step over the cracked panel to fall down to the floor below. First Floor ----------- Open the chest in the room that you land down in for Throat Lozenge x2. Go and walk onto the sand panels, and it will take you south. From here, head all the way south, then proceed east, and north through a door. Step on the sand panel in here so it shows up on your map, though you will not be able to get past it right now. Exit out the door back into the panel, then head straight west until you find a staircase that leads up. The rest of this chunk of the First Floor has no staircase, and no other items to secure or permanent Excavation points, but you should explore around regardless to fill your mapping percentage of the floor up to reach 60% for Quest 2. Once done, take the stairs back up to the Second Floor. Second Floor ------------ From where you come up, head east two panels, then go north and follow your flashing lights on the map to discover a permanent Timber excavation spot in a niche. Back in the corridor, head straight south to the southern end of the room, then west and down to a treasure chest. Open it up for Mazuba Candy x2. Go north, east, and north a panel each, then head east and look to the south for a door. Examine it. You cannot yet open it, but head east another panel to fall back down to the First Floor to continue exploring the dungeon. First Floor ----------- You will land in a southern corridor area that has three points to it - it allows you to add on to your exploration percentage of the First Floor, it has a permanent Timber excavation spot to the west, and it is the only part of this floor where you can fight the Phoenix enemy (and, indeed, _only_ Phoenix enemies it seems, one at a time). When you are done on this floor, move east and north to head back upstairs. Second Floor ------------ From the stairs going back up from the southern corridor of the first floor, head west a panel, north two panels, east one stride, then straight north. Go west and past a single sand panel that will carry you west. Follow the flashing map west into a small room with a permanent Mining spot. Go east back into the corridor, south, and east to return to just north of the staircase. From here, head east and then north into a Camp area. You will get a long scene, and then you will be able to have a conversation with one of your members and get +2SP towards that person. starting at the camp area, go north, then west, and north and west until you hit a dead end. Wander through the small niches to find a hole to fall down to the First Floor. First Floor ----------- From where you land, head through the door to find a room with a permanent Timber spot. Exit out the door and take the stairs back up to the Second Floor. Second Floor ------------ Go south from the stairs and open the chest for the Triangle Slate. Proceed east from here and over two sand tiles leading right. Go up and right to the northeast corner, watching out for the cracked floor tile, then head up the stairs to the eastern segment of the Second Floor. Go back down immediately, just so you have the floor tiles marked on your map, then head south into the chamber to fall back down to the First Floor. First Floor ----------- In the small room you fall in, open the chest to your east for a Jumonji Spear, and open the south door to disbar it from the north side. Before approaching the west door, SAVE. You can take on an optional battle when you approach. For your levels, you may have an easier time of it than the optional battle in the Titan Slon in Chapter 4, but you should nonetheless save. The strategy for this boss can be found at the bottom of this Chapter section in the walkthrough below all the Quests, or in the Optional Bosses section. Regardless of whether or not you fight, head south and out the door. Loop clockwise or counterclockwise around a long corridor to get your map percentage up, and head up the small hallway from the south side to a permanent Timber excavation spot. From there, head south and west, and open the door. Loop around clockwise or counterclockwise again to the west end and open the chest for Healing Potion x2. Take the southern door in this room to fight a Judgement Battle. Unlike previous Judgement Battles, this fight should be fairly easy to win, particularly if you have fought both the Optional Bosses and have them as Followers. Your reward for the Judgement Battle will be a chest containing Mind Elixir x2. From here, head north back through the door, east back through the second door, and then south to the staircases. Most of the First Floor is now explored - the only spots that you may not have covered is a small ring room to the centre-east that has nothing in it and is only accessed by falling from a hole above, a small room you can get to with the Symbol Slates, and the hallway leading to Arc 1F. Once you have all four Symbol Slates is when you return down here to continue the story. Second Floor ------------ Back above, head north, east and north to return to the camp. Head north and east past the arrows. Go east and south to the end to disbar a door from the north side. Go BACK up north, then west when you get the chance, and head south to a dead end with a switch. Trigger the switch. With the switch triggered, what you need to do is head back all the way to the centre-south side of the room. Here, a locked door that was previously open can now be entered. You will not have to fight a battle, but you will have to answer correctly a two-answer quiz. Everybody will fail up until the point that Niko goes to answer it, so deliberately choose some of the other people first to see some funny reactions :) Once you get it correctly, head east through the door and open the chest for the Round Slate. You should now have the entire Second Floor explored and everything worthwhile excavated and all chests open. You now need to explore the left and right sides of the Second Floor, of which there are two sections with two separate maps. You may also wish to complete Quest 12 (requiring either Quest 2 or Quest 3, which one the author is unsure of - if you can confirm, please email him!), involving defeating 3 Griffons, as Quest 18 requires defeating three of the Plague Dragon, an enemy that shows up on the east section of the Second Floor. The first 'Second - Sinning Right Wing' section following involves the part of the Second you access taking the NORTHWEST stairs from the centre section of the Second Floor, while the second 'Second Floor - Punishing Left Wing' chunk of walkthrough is from the NORTHEAST stairs of the Second Floor. Second Floor - Sinning Right Wing --------------------------------- Enemies: Micron, Kaitos, Avarice Dragon, Gyula, Caladrius 2F - Sinning Right Wing, along with its opposite side, Punishing Left Wing, has a very high concentration of moving sand tiles, so if the directions in this guide confuses you, it may be worth taking some time to move around and map out the floor on your lonesome. From where you enter, head south. Go east and then south a few panels, and west through the door. Follow the path to a dead end that has a permanent Mining excavation spot. Exit back out into the eastern corridor. Walk south a couple of panels, then proceed west onto the sand tiles that will cart you westwards onto a lone panel surrounded by sand tiles on all four sides. Take the west sand tile to go directly west. Head south and west onto another tile that carts you west and north. From there, head west, up a single panel, and then west to skip over a single panel going west. From here, go north over a sand tile, then east, then north over another sand tile. Head west from here, then north, and west into the northwest corner. You will find a permanent Harvest excavation point here. From the northwest corner, go directly east onto some sand tiles that take you south and east. Continue east and then south over a lone tile, and continue south for a permanent Timber location. Go west and down a tile into a larger area. From here, go south and east to the southeast corner of the area to return back south into a small parcel of land you were in earlier. Take the southwest arrows here to go back orth and west. Take the western arrow here, then go west and down around counterclockwise to the south side to find an arrow leading a tile leading southwards. Take it down, then go east and down again, east and down again. Head east one more time still, but be careful not go onto an eastern-leading tile; instead, head south. You should be near the bottom section of the map. Head east and south to find a chest that contains a Square Slate. Go back north and west, and take the arrow to your east to be carted off east and north. Move east a panel, then head south into a room with a chest that holds a Scale Helm instead. Go east across a row of sand tiles that carts you towards the east corridor. Head back north to the stairs and proceed downstairs. Second Floor - Punishing Right Wing ----------------------------------- Enemies: Plague Dragon, Caladrius, Cockatrice, Stolas, Grizzly, Flying Cat You will often get a dangerous three screen battle here, 5 Stolas on left, 5 Caladrius on right, 3 Caladrius and 2 Cockatrice on centre. Focus on 5 Stolas since they can cast Dex Up which affects all three screens. The Cockatrice are also dangerous as they can petrify your characters. From the start, head down, go west a panel, then head south along the long corridor. Take the second door to the east that you spot. Go east, and ignore the sand tiles to the north. Instead, continue east until you hit about the centre of the map, with sand tiles to the south, west, and east. Take the western sand tiles to go up and left. Walk left and up for a permanent Timber excavation spot. Head east from here, east, east, pressing east until you get to some arrows that will take you north, then east. Go north past a single sand tile and head up and east into the northeast corner. Continue south into a chamber to find a chest with the Pentagon Slate inside. Head back north from the chest, and head west over some arrows that will take you west. Continue west to be dropped off just south of the staircase. Go back down to the second doorway, enter, and head all the way east to the three- way fork of possible sand tiles you can take, and this time, take the east path to go up and right. Amble on over to some sand tiles that drop you south, next to a Timber excavation spot. From the Timber excavation spot, Go south and west onto some more sand tiles. Go left a total of two panels and then south to go down and left. Head left, up, and left here to find a treasure chest with Scale Slippers. Go back east and then head down to go down and left on some sand tiles. Finally, head west and you will be brought down close to the southwest corner. Walk west to get Power Elixir x2 from a chest. Backtrack east and walk north onto some more sand tiles to be brought back into the western corridor. You can now walk north and head back downstairs. Return to the First Floor via the staircase behind the door to the centre-west part of the Second Floor. First Floor ----------- Head north and east from the centre-west to get to the area with the four doors that you could not unlock earlier. Examine each of the doors for the Triangle Slate to automatically be applied to the north door, the Square Slate to the east door, the Pentagon Slate to the south door, and finally the Round Slate to the west door. Inside each small room, unlock one side of the crystal core. When all four sides are unlocked, you will get a brief blurb. Return back up the stairs to the Second Floor and go straight south to fall down to the southern corridor of the main area of the First Floor (not the extreme south corridor). Walk east and through a door. Where there was originally a sand tile that would push you away from walking past it (a down arrow on the map), the floor is now still. You can walk over the sand and enter through the door that takes you down to Arc 2F. Arc Second Floor ---------------- Enemies: Chaos Eye, Spartoi, Specter, Moloch You will notice this is classified as 'Arc 2F' as opposed to 'Arc 1F'. This is because you are going down instead of up, so 1F is still 'lower' than 2F. In any case, walk forth for a scene to occur. Once done, head north at the end, and east to spot a healing crystal. Walk west through the door into a very large chamber where you must take on a Judgement Battle to progress. The amount of enemies on the opposing army begins to expand significantly, and you shall have to fight 80 enemies to win this Judgement Battle. Following the fight, go through the northern door, then amble on over eastwards to come to a chest that contains an Amakusa weapon. Retreat back to the door, then go west and north a few panels, then head directly east through the centre of the map until you can go no further east. From here, head north, then west and loop around to discover a permanent Harvest spot. Return back west, and head north up the west end. Continue north and east, and go through a door to the south wall when you find it. Open the chest inside for a Bind Bangle. Outside the room again, continue east, then south down a long corridor. Walk east again, then north. At the split, take the west path to go up to a second permanent Harvest excavation location for the floor, then backtrack south, and take the eastern path going north and eventually west to the staircase down to Arc 1F. Arc 1F ------ Enemies: Specter, Joker, Chaos Eye, Caladrius, Havoc Hawk, Spartoi From where you come in, move around west south, west, and south, then eventually east. At the spot where you can move east and up or south, take the south corridor and wind down a long stretch of corridor and eventually west and north, working your way around to the west wall to a dead end that has a permanent Mining spot. Return east and north to the split, and continue east and north. Move into the northeast corner chamber when you approach nearby and move east to get to a permanent Timber excavation spot. Exit out, then head east and south, eventually winding your way around and moving west. At a final split, head south a long distance and loop around counterclockwise into a room to the far eastern end of the room that has a chest containing the Tan Temple Key. Return south, west, and north, then continue north and west through a door into a small chamber. Continue south into a large chamber. SAVE as you approach the southern door, as you will fight the boss of the Titan upon entering. ------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: TITAN AGUILA ------------------------ 5000G, Wisdom Stone, Grace Stone, Magic Ring, Promise Fruit As always, start the battle off by casting spells to get all of your party member's stats up, preferably Party-All spells, such as Fang's Dragon Victory, or Shell Formation to increase Magic Defense, etc. Of particular interest is getting your Magic Defense up right during the first turn, as the two 'hands' of the Titan Aguila are both capable of casting Hexa-Winder, an all -member magic spell that can be fairly nasty, in addition to their regular attacks. Once you take out the two hands, you will be forced to contend with four more body parts of the Titan Aguila. On the bottom screen, you will get two wings and a chest region, and on the top screen, a lone upper wing. Ignore the lower screen to start, and instead focus your attacks on the upper screen wing. This is because the upper wing is capable of using Full Heal, which it can use on any of the body parts, not just itself. Following the demise of the upper wing, use your Burst Gauge attacks against the lower parts. They can use Force Storm (the author *believes* this is an electric attack), Hailstorm (an ice attack), and a normal attack, all of which attack one character only. The final segment is the Titan Aguila's head. In addition to a normal attack, it can also use Sleep Song and Bind Spell, which respectively put a character to sleep or paralyses him or her. Use Smelling Salts and a Relaxant respectively to take your characters out of these states if they get attacked by one of these status-causing attacks. On the very rare occasion, Aguila will also use Sonic Drive, a hit-all attack (the element the author does not know), so watch out for it and do not let any character's HP fall too low. Following a scene, head south into the next chamber for another scene. Exit out via the teleporter and head to Lantana for some more scenes. Quest 1: Final Holy Flame ------------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Locate a Holy Flame in Slon Reward: Cinquedea, Fleet Seed Requirement: Chapter 4 Quest 11 Complete You can get this quest from Lantana right away at the start to the chapter, even before visiting this chapter's Titan, so long as you completed Quest 11 from the last chapter (clearing out the Slimes in Titan Tortuga). Once you accept the scene, you will have a scene with the Thief upon leaving. In Titan Slon, take the bypass to go up to the second floor right away, then continue trudging up to the Fourth Floor. On 4F - Suspicious Bosom, go up to the northeast corner, and head west along the northern-most corridor to take the door that leads into 4F - Lying Jaw, the part of the dungeon that Lucius went through. Move up to the Fifth Floor, then head east through what should be a disbarred door and then south to take a second staircase back down to 4F - Lying Jaw. In here, open the chest which will have a new item in it if you previously opened it to retrieve the Holy Flame. Quest 2: Racer's Route 1 ------------------------ Where: Semania Condition(s): Map 60% of Titan Aguila 1F Reward: Refreshing Tonic, Relaxant x4 Requirement: Have entered Titan Aguila To accept this quest, you must first have entered the Titan Aguila at least once. Most of the First Floor of Titan Aguila is disconnected from each other in about five or six separate chunks. You will have to travel around on the Second Floor, either taking stairs down to the first floor, or falling down cracked panels through holes down to 1F. Be sure to explore around each spot you fall down in to raise your level up high. There are a couple of spots on the First Floor you cannot get to right away until you find some items, but they as a whole make up less than 5% of the map, so you can easily complete this quest right away. Quest 2: Reaper's Skill ----------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Raise Lucius to Level 48 Reward: Karma Requirement: Have entered Titan Aguila To accept this quest, you must first have entered the Titan Aguila at least once. The Quest is pretty much what is written in the conditions. You can either park yourself out of the Camp on the Second Floor and grind enemies from there, or wait until you get down to Arc 1F (the amount you need to move around and explore in Titan Aguila is nowhere near as bad as Titan Slon and possibly even Titan Tortuga) and use the Healing Crystal there to restore HP in between battles with foes, so as to slowly get Lucius's level up to Level 48. Quest 4: Fox's Potential ------------------------ Where: Semania Condition(s): Raise Niko up to Level 48 Reward: Winged Bow Requirement: Have entered Titan Aguila To accept this quest, you must first have entered the Titan Aguila at least once. The Quest is pretty much what is written in the conditions. You can either park yourself out of the Camp on the Second Floor and grind enemies from there, or wait until you get down to Arc 1F (the amount you need to move around and explore in Titan Aguila is nowhere near as bad as Titan Slon and possibly even Titan Tortuga) and use the Healing Crystal there to restore HP in between battles with foes, so as to slowly get Niko's level up to Level 48. Quest 5: Sofia's Request ------------------------ Where: Lantana Condition(s): Defeat 3 Bloody Bandages Reward: Mind Seed, Life Fruit x2 Requirement: Have entered Titan Aguila To accept this quest, you must first have entered the Titan Aguila at least once. Bloody Bandages can be fought on both the First Floor and the centre Second Floor segment of the Titan Aguila. They typically come in groups of three, four, or five, sometimes with another enemy they anchor that is the central Union Guard. They occasionally show up on the Second Floor as a single Bloody Bandage to four Mummies. At any rate, they show up fairly commonly, so it should not take very long for you to fill out your hunting quota. Quest 6: Hot Spring Hunt 3 -------------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Map 90% of Titan Tortuga 2F Reward: Recovery Pearl, Bitter Tonic Requirement: Have entered Titan Aguila, Completed Chapter 2 Quest 6 To accept this quest, you must first have entered the Titan Aguila at least once. Titan Tortuga 2F only refers to the centre indoor section of the Second Floor, not the two outdoor wing sections. It is imperative that you take sand tiles as often as you can on this floor - some of them can result in seven or eight directions of tile paths which will quickly fill up your map exploration percent. As you need 90% to complete the quest, you shall be required to walk over multiple sand tiles to get that number. Quest 7: National Fame ---------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Collect 60 Followers Reward: Energy Drink x2, Silence Gas x3 Requirement: Have entered Titan Aguila To accept this quest, you must first have entered the Titan Aguila at least once. Doing this quest is really precisely what it calls for, Unchaining and having a full 60 active Followers in your party at once. As Lucius will have just joined your party, he will probably bring in a large number of low level monsters with him, but your army capacity will have expanded up to 100/101. Keep the low level monsters regardless of whether they have maxed out or not until you can cross the 60 Follower threshold to complete the quest. Quest 8: Dragons are Cool ------------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Raise 1 Pterosaur to MAX Level Reward: Wind Earring Requirement: Have entered Titan Aguila To accept this quest, you must first have entered the Titan Aguila at least once. To complete this quest, you need to Unchain a Pterosaur, who is found only on the First Floor of Titan Aguila. Once you have one, you need to slot it into an active character's party. Once you have ranked it up to its max level (in the after-battle screen, the Pterosaur should have a MAX over its experience bar), you can return to Ipey or Lantana or Semania to hand in your quest. Quest 9: Ambitious Son ---------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 3x Bloodtree Twig, 2x Alraune Vine, 5x Iron Rod Reward: Pipes Requirement: Have entered Titan Aguila To accept this quest, you must first have entered the Titan Aguila at least once. Bloodtree Twigs can be harvested on 2F - Left Wing of Punishment (take the northeast stairs from the main Second Floor section) and Arc 1F, Alraune Vine are harvested on the Arc Second Floor of the dungeon (remember, this is the *first* floor you come through, not the second, as the dungeon is from top to bottom), and you should collect PLENTY of Iron Rods from the Stolas enemies when going through 2F - Sinning Left Wing. Quest 10: Catgirl's Plan ------------------------ Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 2x High Quality Ore, 3x Chunk of Ore, 3x Steel Rod Reward: Zweihaender Requirement: Have entered Titan Aguila To accept this quest, you must first have entered the Titan Aguila at least once. High Quality Ore can be mined from all four regular floors of the temple (1F, and the three segments of 2F), though it is a rare mining item, so having Niko in wiht her passive may be helpful. Chunk of Ore is found on Titan Slon 2F, 3F, and 4F, specifically on the Chapter 4 side, as a common mining item. Steel Rods are dropped by the Caladrius enemy, found on the left and right sides of 2F, and on Arc 1F. Quest 11: Mummy Fashion ----------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 5x Pharoah Bandages Reward: Yueya Cibo Requirement: Have entered Titan Aguila To accept this quest, you must first have entered the Titan Aguila at least once. Pharoah Bandages are a drop by the Pharoah's Corpse, who only shows up on the First Floor. Stay away from the far south corridor, where only Phoenixes will show up. Unfortunately, you will have to grind it out to accumulate Pharoah Bandages - Pharoah's Corpses do not show up in battle often, they only show up one at a time, and Pharoah Bandages are a rather rare drop. Quest 12: Gaston's Test 1 ------------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Defeat 3 Griffins Reward: Recovery Bead, Petrifying Gas x4 Requirement: Quest 2 Complete (Maybe Quest 3? Email author if you know) To accept this Quest, either Quest 2 or Quest 3 must be completed (the author is not quite sure). Griffins can be encountered on the First Floor of the Titan Aguila. Stay away from the far south corridor, where only Phoenixes will show up. They typically show up as a Union Guard for four other enemies, and are about an uncommon encounter. Quest 13: Racer's Route 2 ------------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Map 60% of Titan Aguila 2F, Left Wing Reward: Incense x2, Stimulant x4 Requirement: Quest 3 Complete To accept this Quest, either Quest 2 or Quest 3 must be completed. Left Wing specifically refers to the Punishing Left Wing, the outdoor section of the Titan that you access by taking the northeast stairs from the centre part of 2F. To get to the excavation points and chests on the Left Wing, you will probably not reach 60%. Instead, you will need to wander around a bit, hunt out dead ends, and especially go sliding across sand tiles - a single long stretch of sand tiles can quickly accumulate to your total. Quest 14: Reaper's Promise -------------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Raise Selvie up to Level 48 Reward: Magic Mace Requirement: Quest 3 Complete To accept this quest, you must first have completed Quest 3, which involves getting Lucius up to Level 48. You may as well put her, Lucius and Niko in at the same time so you can complete this quest right after Quest 3 has been handed in. The Quest is pretty much what is written in the conditions. You can either park yourself out of the Camp on the Second Floor and grind enemies from there, or wait until you get down to Arc 1F (the amount you need to move around and explore in Titan Aguila is nowhere near as bad as Titan Slon and possibly even Titan Tortuga) and use the Healing Crystal there to restore HP in between battles with foes, so as to slowly get Selvie's level up to Level 48. Quest 15: Racer's Route 3 ------------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Map 80% of Titan Aguila 2F, Right Wing Reward: Plate Armor, Shrapnel Bomb x3 Requirement: Quest 13 Complete To accept this Quest, Quest 13 must be completed. Right Wing specifically refers to the Sinning Right Wing, the outdoor section of the Titan that you access by taking the northwest stairs from the centre part of 2F. Much like with the Left Wing side, simply finding all the Excavation points and chests will not get you past 80%. Instead, you will need to wander around a bit, hunt out dead ends, and especially go sliding across sand tiles - a single long stretch of sand tiles can quickly accumulate to your total. Quest 16: Rescued Runner ------------------------ Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 5x Sharpening Stone Reward: Recovery Pearl x2, Power Fruit x2 Requirement: Quest 8 Complete (possibly Quest 15?) To accept this Quest, Quest 13 must be completed. Sharpening Stones can be mined from spots on the First Floor, Left and Right Wings of 2F, and Arc 1F. Quest 17: Captain's Plea ------------------------ Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 5x Garnet Reward: Knight's Medal Requirement: Quest 16 Complete To accept this Quest, Quest 13 must be completed. Garnets are a rare mining item that you can get from either 2F Sinning Right Wing or from Arc 1F of Titan Aguila. Quest 18: Gaston's Test 2 ------------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Defeat 3 Plague Dragons Reward: Recovery Pearl, Knowlege Seed Requirement: Quest 12 Complete To accept this quest, you must first have completed Quest 12. Plague Dragons are located on the Second Floor - Punishing Left Wing, which is the outdoor section you get to from the northeast stairs of the centre Second Floor segment of Titan Slon. They are a rarer encounter compared to the other enemies on the floor, and each Plague Dragon comes into battle all by itself. --------------------- OPTIONAL BOSS: CANHEL --------------------- Canhel has a wicked number of magic attacks on him, and so it is for that reason I recommend you do not bring in Lucius, who seems to be especially weak to magic. Canhel's magic attacks are all electric-based, so you would do good to bring in both Lapis and Selvie, who share electric elements, and so see some reduced damage from Canhel's attacks. An absolute must first-round spell is something that increases the Magic Defense of all your characters, such as Shell Formation. Canhel loves to use Hexa-Bolter, which attacks all characters, and hits for several times against each person. Additionally, he also uses Thunder Blast, a more powerful electric attack that only hits one person at a time. On the occasion, he will restrict himself to just attacking one person with a regular attack. Other than that, as always, use any other skills you have on hand to up your character stats, whether they are character-internal or require Anima (link skills). As always, a favourite of the author is Fang's Dragon Victory to raise the party's attack, and, if you have to use him, Lucius' Eyes in Darkness, which increases the chance of landing a critical hit on Canhel. 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Afterwards, head off next to Titan Darius, NOT Temple of the Skies. ------------ TITAN DARIUS ------------ First Floor ----------- Head south, east and south and take the elevator up to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ From where you hop off, head north, loop around clockwise back south, then head east to the southeast corner and north to the stairs that go up to the Fifth Floor. Fifth Floor ----------- Enemies: Nemhain, Roc, Nightmare, Heat Lion NEW: Sword Maiden Go around the top passageway counterclockwise. Getting past the first trap panel, go east through the first door. Use the Sword Crest Key you should have picked up in the Titan Aguila to get through the second door. Loop around clockwise to the north end and enter back into the Fourth Floor east side. Fourth Floor ------------ Enemies: Sword Maiden Head east from the stairs and loop around to the south side, then go up from the centre of the south corridor to take another staircase to the Third Floor. Third Floor ----------- Enemies: Sword Maiden Go left from the staircase and loop around the passageway going around clockwise to come to a chamber with the chest. Open the box for a Poison Bangle. Now, walk your way out, use Escape, or use a Sigil to leave. Next, move to Titan Aguila. ------------ TITAN AGUILA ------------ Move up to 2F - Sinning Right Wing (take the northwest stairs from the second floor). Second Floor - Sinning Right Wing --------------------------------- Over here, head west past all the sand tile traps to get to the far west. There is a dead end at the west end, not the far northwest corner, but just south of it. Go up the dead end and you should encounter the thief girl if you took Quest 1 (it is possible that you may need to also explore a specific percentage of this map first). With that done, you can hand in your quest, then finally head over to the Temple of the Skies. ------------------- TEMPLE OF THE SKIES ------------------- First Floor ----------- Enemies: Pegasus, Hresvelgr, White Lion, Will o' Wisp Unlike prior dungeons, you will not get any scene to start as you enter. Move and shuffle around a little bit if you would like in the area, then return to Lantana for Quests 2-4. You can also pick up Quests 4-8 from Ipey, along with Quest 9 from Semania. Start moving west from the front entrance until you hit the wall, then move north through the door. Proceed east immediately for a permanent Harvest excavation point, then go west, and loop around counterclockwise to the south corner for a staircase up to the second floor. Second Floor ------------ Enemies: Hresvelgr, Moby D., Alumen, Kael, Kesa-Pasa Head west, north, and west for stairs up to the Third Floor. Third Floor ----------- Enemies: Danel, Zachiel, Sleipnir, Unicorn, Quetzalcoatl Continue east to find a permanent Harvest spot in lieu of a dead end. Return down to the First Floor from here. First Floor ----------- Head back north and east, and stop shy of the door that you came through from the entrance to the Temple of the Skies. Walk north to find a door that will lead you into an empty chamber, then head west through another door. Continue west and north through the corridor, and take the door to the east when you cross by it into another room. Examine the pillar and the eastern door in here. You will NOT be able to do the puzzle for this thing right now, so just leave it marked on your map as a curiosity and exit back out into the western hallway (for those curious on the eventual solution, check the beginning of the walkthrough on the Aftergame section). Continue north, then east down a lengthy hallway. If you go south, you will run into another door that you cannot pass. Instead, head north, east a single panel, and then north a door. Open the chest in here for a Gladius weapon. Exit out, and head east and north for a permanent Timber Excavation spot. From the Timber point, head south, west a panel, and then south into another empty chamber. Enter through the southwest door into a very large chamber that anchors the approximate centre of the First Floor map. Go directly south and unbar the door here, and you can walk a few more panels to go south to the entrance (and leave and heal up if you need to). Move back into the large chamber, and head through the west door. You will be blocked again by another solid door (you should notice a convergence of three doors you cannot go pass yet here, with one of them being right next to the puzzle pillar). Backtrack into the large chamber, and take the eastern door into another empty room. Go south a door, and then east a door. Circle around to the southeast corner and you will find another locked door you do not yet possess the key for. Instead, go north, and you will be presented with the option of going west and north or east and north. Going west and north takes you to a dead end with a permanent Mining point, whereas heading east and north results in a chest that contains Life Elixir x2. Proceed to the room just east of the large central chamber, and head north through two doors to find a Healing Crystal. Using this as your base, head south and east into a corridor. Head east through the first door to find a permanent Harvest excavation spot inside, then return into the corridor and proceed through the next door north. Head up the right side. If you go east here, you will find a door which triggers a cutscene, and you can fight the optional Dragon boss of this chapter inside the room. As always, strategy is provided at the bottom of the chapter or in the Optional bosses section. Otherwise, circle around to the door and head west up a staircase to the Second Floor. Second Floor ------------ Head south and east to take another staircase up to the Third Floor. Third Floor ----------- Walk up and left into a room with a chest. Open the chest for Ambrosia x15 (yes, 15 of them). Return down to the First Floor now. First Floor ----------- From the stairs, head back down south a little bit, then go west through a door into another 3x3 panel room. Continue north inside still another 3x3 panel chamber, then west into a narrower but longer hallway, and take the stairs at the end here up to the Second Floor. Second Floor ------------ Enemies: Hresvelgr, Moby D., Alumen, Kael, Kesa-Pasa This main section of the Second Floor has multiple lighting traps over doorways. If you cross through a lightning trap, *some* (but not all) of them will strike you and cause ~100HP damage to each party member. Fortunately, you can navigate your way around most, but not all of the lightning traps. Start from the northern stairs by going south, and either south through two straight lightning traps, or east, south, and back west via a longer path, and open the next door leading south. You can go through or around two more lightning traps, but you will be required to go through a third lightning trap - there is no workaround for this last one. From where you come out, head west several panels, then north through a lightning trap into a room with a chest that contains Ambrosia x2. Exit back out via the trap, then walk west and south through a door. Go east in here through a lightning trap, then go north again and unbar a door from the south side to come back into the corridor you were in just earlier. Walk west a few panels, then head all the way north and through a door, unbarring it in the process. Continue north, west a few steps, then up and right to unbar a door from the south side just to the west of the north stairs back to 2F. Go back through the door, then head west and south and go through a lightning trap to the west wall. Continue south through a door, west through a lightning trap, then head north and down the stairs back to the First Floor. First Floor ----------- Head north through a door, then east and through another door, and finally south through a third door. Inside, open the chest for Animal Pheromone x2. Exit back out north, then head west through the middle door, and walk west all the way down the corridor. At the end, head north and east up a second set of staircases to the northwest corner of Floor Two. Second Floor ------------ Walk south, west and around to find the third floor staircase. Third Floor ----------- Proceed west from where you come out to find a permanent Mining spot, then continue south to find another set of staircases that will see you going upstairs to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ Follow the flashing icon on the map to find a permanent Harvest excavation spot. Once you have gotten the spoils of excavation, head back all the way down to 1F, then return to the main segment of 2F using the southeast of the two staircases on the northwest corner of 1F. Second Floor ------------ Enemies: Hresvelgr, Moby D., Alumen, Kael, Kesa-Pasa From the stairs, head down and left and down through a lightning trap. Head west and follow the flashing map icon south to locate a permanent Mining excavation spot. From that last lightning trap, head south, then east down a hallway and south through a door. Go east a few panels and then down through another lightning trap. Continue east all the way through still another lightning trap at the end of the room. Go south through a door and take the stairs up to the Third Floor, then immediately go back down. With these stairs in mind so you know where to go when the author refers to the staircase at the south end of the Second Floor, go back into the large room right above the southern stairs. Locate yourself a permanent Harvest spot at the northeast corner of this room, unbar the northern door from the south side, then head through the door at the eastern end of this room. Head north and east either through a lightning trap or circle around it, then continue east. Press right against the wall while going up to find a lightning trap. Continue along to a dead end with a chest that has Honey x3. Return back through the lightning trap, then head north through a door. Go west from here and unbar another door from the north side, then return back through that same door. Continue north to find yourself a second set of stairs on this main section of 2F that leads up to the Third Floor. Third Floor ----------- Enemies: Danel, Zachiel, Sleipnir, Unicorn, Quetzalcoatl, Legacy Dragon Coming onto the Third Floor, you get a whole new batch of enemies. Of the five listed above, the one you really need to be worried about is the Unicorn enemy, as it can cast Area Full Heal. If you are fighting a battle with enemies spread out over three screens, Area Full Heal fully heals every enemy over all ALL three screens, so it is imperative that you kill the Unicorns in basically any battle before they get a chance to use Area Full Heal. The Legacy Dragon in this room, to the author's knowledge, spawns on a total of two squares. These two squares are in the room right north of the camp chamber on the map, in the two right squares. Also on this floor, you will see the return of spike traps that were last seen several dungeons ago. Fortunately, you can dodge and walk around every one of these. From the stairs, head basically straight south, occasionally moving left and right around the spike traps, to get to the southeast end of the room. Here, open a chest for some Shell Boots. Return back to the Second Floor, then go down to the southern stairs and take it up back to the Third Floor. From the south end of the Third Floor, head east, up, and east and up some more, following the blinking lights of your map icon to discover a permanent Mining spot. Go west from here, and loop around some passageways and you shall come into a Camp area. Watch some scenes, and you will get to have another Master conversation, which shall allot +2 SP to the Master you have your conversation with. Head out west from the camp, and you will have two options to continue. You can either go straight north, where you will have to go through a mandatory spike trap, but enjoy a shorter trip, or you can go south, west and north for a longer trip that does not require stepping over any spikes. You may as well take both ways and do a full walk around counterclockwise (doing clockwise is impossible as the mandatory spike trap is a chokehold that will launch you north every time you step over it), and return back to the camp to heal up after exploring and getting your mapping percentage up for Quest 14. On the west side of the large corridors you will find a chest with Incense x3, and a mining point north of the mandatory spike trap in a dead end. From the northwestern door, head north into another area with some more spike traps, then east. From here, you can go straight north to the Fourth Floor stairs. However, if you go south through some more space with spike traps, you should come to a chamber just north of the Camp site. In the two right-most tiles of this chamber, you can fight and Unchain a Legacy Dragon, needed for Quest 5 to be MAXed out. Should you continue east through a narrow passageway, then north, you can come to a dead end with a permanent Timber spot. Once you get your spoilers there, then head up to the north staircase and to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ Enemies: Behka, Talel, Thunderbird, Gedael 4F of the Temple of the Skies has multiple teleporters, something you may recall was the case with 2F of Titan Slon in Chapter 4. Start off by heading all the way east down the corridor from the northern stairs, and enter the teleporter at the south side of the room here. Where you land, head south through another door, and continue down until you find a chest that holds a Scale Helm inside it. Return to the northern staircase, then go west and down the hallway to a dead end with a permanent Harvest point. Go back to the stairs again, and this time head straight down, then west, and down into a short corridor with a panel teleporter on the west and east ends of the hallway. Take the eastern teleporter, and you should land to the southeast (though not the southeaster corner of the room). Head east into another teleporter right after to be transported to a spread out eastern end of the room. Go north and east to the centre-east end of the room, and then south. The teleporter here will drop you off in the far northeast corner of the room, which has a Healing Crystal. Make use of the Healing Crystal, then return back through the teleporter to go directly south. From where you return, head north and into another teleporter. You should be taken to the southwest corner. Go south into a second teleporter to be taken to a large western chunk of the floor. Head west a few panels and then north up some stairs to the Fifth Floor. Fifth Floor ----------- Enemies: Reaper Open up the chest in here for a Gold Key, then return back downstairs. Fourth Floor ------------ From the stairs, head west. If you go north, the teleporter will eventually lead you back to the north side of the room, to the teleporter opposite the one you took of the north corridor. Ignore this teleporter unless you want to get 100% map completion, and instead go south. You will be taken to the far south end of the room. Go up and east to find a permanent Timber spot. Return to the teleporter to go back to the west end of the room, then go east to the teleporter just south of the Fifth Floor stairs to return to the east side of the room. Take the south teleporter again here to return to the northeast corner for the Healing Crystal. Moving away from the Healing Crystal and into the teleporter to that same eastern corridor again, go up a bit, then head all the way west, and north into a fourth teleporter in the eastern section. It will take you to the southeast corner of the room, so go south and into another teleporter. SAVE once you get to a south-centre hallway. Once you go through the door, you will be forced into a trap battle. There are three screens of enemies, with a Gedael at the centre, and a Talel anchoring four Thunderbirds on the left and right screens. Once you win, collect the reward of Vitality Elixir x2 from the east chest, then go through the teleporter in the room. Walk south and then east from where you are teleported to for a second set of stairs that leads up to the Fifth Floor, this one being the one required to navigate the main segment of the floor. Fifth Floor ----------- Enemies: Reaper, Gedael, Batrael, Tiamat You should try to explore this initial chamber you step into. The Fifth Floor is relatively small with fewer panels than the other ones, so if you want to complete Quest 15, the relevant 'map a certain percentage of a floor' Quest for this floor, exploring the 5x5 room is a major boost. You will encounter the Tiamat in this room in one panel, the exact centre tile of the room. From the initial large chamber, head east, through or around the first lighting trap, and through the second lightning trap. Your reward from the chest here is a Shell Armor. Return back west to the front entrance of the floor, then head east, and north. Either loop around or bum-rush straight through four lightning traps. Once you get to the north end, walk west a few panels and head south to a dead end with a permanent Mining spot. Return back up north, then walk east. SAVE before entering the door - inside the large chamber is a trap battle with a Gedael on the centre and two Batrael enemies on either side. Past the east chamber doors, continue right to a dead end with another permanent Mining excavation location. Head back to the door, then south, either looping around or going straight through two more lighting traps. Head south and west around or through one final lightning spot and into another large chamber. Explore this large chamber as well to tally up more panels to your exploration percentage. The centre of this 5x5 room, the exact centre tile, is also the centre tile of the entire floor. It is also the ONLY tile in the entire game where you can battle the Tiamat, who drop the Dragon Claws required for Quest 7 and Dragon Fangs required for Quest 17. Bringing along Niko for her I Spy Treasure passive skill to increase drop rates is recommended. SAVE before heading through the northern door. --------------------- BOSS BATTLE: SEPHIROT --------------------- 10000G, Resistance Stone, Protective Stone, Magic Bracelet, Promise Fruit Sephirot has only two phases to its fight, unlike other bosses, which can stretch on for three or four stages. In its initial stage, it has 8 heads. After a first round of using status-buffs, this makes the first round the obvious target for using your Burst Gauge attacks, so go ahead and do precisely that, firing off all you have got. Following the use of Burst Gauge techniques, set your mage or mages to using multi-screen attacks (Penta, Hexa spells) while your fighters focus on specific heads to whittle them down one at a time. The 8 heads normally each attack, for up to 8 attacks per turn while all 8 are active. However, each head may occasionally use Penta-Frost, not so bad so long as Fang or Tiana have high defense and good Followers, or Hexa-Winder, rather a more nasty attack given it is a level higher than Penta-Frost and hits all of your party members. Again, Lucius is not recommended for boss battles given his weakness to magic attacks. With the destruction of the 8 heads, you will have to fight the centre head. When fighting this central head, be careful, as it will use Stigmata. Stigmata is a nasty hit-all attack capable of dealing 800+ damage to each of your characters. Something that may be of help is to have two people guarding at a time while the other two attack Sephirot's centre head to assure the two guarding do not die to a Stigmata attack, and heal in the turn following a Stigmata use. After the battle, return to Lantana for a scene and the next chapter. Quest 1: Stolen Sign -------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Retrieve the Rusty Signpost Sword Reward: Dirk, Vitality Fruit Requirement: Chapter 5 Quest 1 Complete To get this quest, you must first have completed Quest 1 from Chapter 5, and you must also visit Sakalla Sundries in Lantana to activate the quest for pick-up at the Tarnished Goblet. Once you accept it, proceed to the Titan Aguila, and go up to 2F - Sinning Right Wing (take the northwest stairs from the centre Second Floor map area). In the Sinning Right Wing portion of the Titan, head all the way west to slightly south of the northwest corner, where there should be a dead end with the passage-way shaped like an L. You should have a scene with the thief there, at which point you can return to any of the quest guilds and hand this one in. You *may* need to have a certain amount of 2F Sinning Right Wing mapped out, according to GameFAQs board testimony. Quest 2: Temple Lion -------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Defeat 3 White Lions in Temple of the Skies Reward: Bardiche Requirement: Have entered Temple of the Skies To accept this quest, you must have first entered the Temple of the Skies at least once. White Lions are an uncommon encounter on the first floor of the Temple, and they will come into battle one at a time, all by themselves, so you will need to complete three battles with White Lions before you can finish the quest. Quest 3: Bard in Love --------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Collect 3 Shirigame Flowers Reward: Silver Harp Requirement: Have entered Temple of the Skies To accept this quest, you must have first entered the Temple of the Skies at least once. Shirigame Flowers are common items that can be harvested from at least the first four floors of Temple of the Skies, possibly the Fifth Floor as well. With two permanent Harvest spots on the First Floor alone, you should be able to fill up your quota quickly. Quest 4: World-wide Fame ------------------------ Where: Lantana Condition(s): Collect 100 Followers Reward: Ambrosia Requirement: Have entered Temple of the Skies To accept this quest, you must have first entered the Temple of the Skies at least once. The requirements for this quest is pretty much as is written on the tin - you must collect and have 100 active Followers, and then hand in this quest. Quest 5: Dragons are Okay ------------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Raise 1 Legacy Dragon to MAX Reward: Flame Earring Requirement: Have entered Temple of the Skies To accept this quest, you must have first entered the Temple of the Skies at least once. The Legacy Dragon is one of those enemy types that spawn on only a handful of panels in the game. In this case, they are only located on the third floor. On 3F, from the Camp located slightly south-centre on the map, you need to head west, north, east, and south of the stairs to 4F to a central chamber that is just above where the camp is on the map. Furthermore, the Legacy Dragon will spawn only on the two panels that make up the far east column of this room (NOT the one-panel passageway leading east), so move north and south along these two panels until the Legacy Dragon appears and then Unchain it after whittling its HP down enough. Quest 6: Father's Dignity ------------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 2x Blacklight Stone, 2x Chouchun Log Reward: Ninja-to Requirement: Have entered Temple of the Skies To accept this quest, you must have first entered the Temple of the Skies at least once. Blacklight Stones are dropped by the Alumen enemy, which shows up ONLY on 2F of Temple of the Skies, and no other floor. Chouchun Log are a rare Timber item, which can be sawed from Timber spots on 1F and 3F of Temple of the Skies. Quest 7: A Little Idea ---------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect Trumpet Nut, 2x Dragon Claw Reward: Squeak Hammer Requirement: Have entered Temple of the Skies To accept this quest, you must have first entered the Temple of the Skies at least once. Trumpet Nuts are rare Timber items found only on 3F and 4F of the Temple of the Skies. Dragon Claws are even rarer than that - they are dropped by a single enemy in the game, the Tiamat. The Tiamat is located on the Fifth Floor, and only spawns on one single panel - the centre tile of the map, which is also the centre tile of the 5x5 chamber where the door to the boss fight is located. Wander back and forth past the centre tile to spawn battles with the Tiamat and kill it several times over until you get enough Dragon Claws to wrap up the quest. Quest 8: Blatant Question ------------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect a Weird Statue Reward: Elixir x2, Promise Fruit x2 Requirement: Have entered Temple of the Skies To accept this quest, you must have first entered the Temple of the Skies at least once. A Weird Statue can be synthesised at Garnet's shop starting at Level 4 Proficiency for the miscellaneous objects at the bottom of her list. You will probably need to forge a few of the end items (ie. Stone Bowl, Gourmet Soup) over again to get up to 4 stars before you can forge the Weird Statue. The Gourmet Soup is probably your best try, as you only need two ingredients to synthesise it, and they are semi-common Harvests from Titan Slon on the Chapter 3 side. The actual materials to synthesise the Weird Statue is Ancient Treeroot x2, Metal Decoration x3, and a single Chime Stone. Metal Decorations are dropped by Bloody Bandages and Mummies in the Titan Aguila, Ancient Treewood is a Timber item from most of the floors of Temple of the Sky, and Chime Stone are Mining items from the bottom three floors of the Temple of the Sky as well. Quest 9: Temple Dreams ---------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Map 60% of Temple of the Skies 1F Reward: Mazuba Candy x8, Fleet Seed Requirement: Have entered Temple of the Skies To accept this quest, you must have first entered the Temple of the Skies at least once. You can initially map around 80% of the First Floor of Temple of the Skies, with one large chamber being blocked off, and another 2x3 space requiring you to fight the optional boss of this chapter to explore. Other than that, be sure to explore all the dead ends and make your way to the southwest and northeast corners, where there are stairs leading up to 2F that also result in eventual dead ends. Quest 10: Temple Guardian ------------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Defeat 2 Bekha Reward: Hawk's Talon Requirement: Quest 2 Complete To accept this quest, you must first have completed Quest 2. Behka are located on the Fourth Floor. It *might* be possible that Behka are only located in the northwest corner, accessible by taking the northwest stairs on the main segment of 2F, going down to 1F, then taking the other set of stairs up to 4F to get there. Behka typically show up in pairs, so a single battle will satisfy your hunting quota. Quest 11: Temple Illusions -------------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Map 60% of Temple of the Skies 2F Reward: Ambrosia, Life Seed Requirement: Quest 9 Complete To accept this quest, you must first have completed Quest 9. The Second Floor is divided into four segments, with three corner spots accessible by taking stairs from the First Floor's corners, and a main segment that makes up the vast majority of the map, and will more than cover the 60% mapping minimum required for the Quest. Quest 12: Painful Reality ------------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Collect 2x Otogiri Grass Reward: Silver Axe Requirement: Quest 3 Complete To accept this quest, you must first have completed Quest 9. Otogiri Grass are Harvested on literally just about every floor since starting Titan Slon, so you should easily have more than enough stored away for this by now. Quest 13: Holy Hobby -------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Collect 1 Sacred Tree Reward: Balmung Requirement: Quest 10 Complete To accept this quest, you must first have completed Quest 10. A Sacred Tree is one of the Ornaments that can be synthesised at Garnett's Crafts, but it can only be synthesised once you have a Level 5 proficiency in ornamental crafts, so you will be required to craft a large number of the lower-tier crafts. Once you get to Level 5 Proficiency, the Sacred Tree requires one each of a Chouchun Leaf, Chouchun Twig, Chouchun Branch and Chouchun Log. Chouchun Leafs are a Harvest item, found on at least the first two floors of the Temple of the Skies. Chouchun Twigs, Branches and Logs are all Timber items, on the other hand, all which can be found on at least the First and Third Floors where there ARE permanent Timber excavation marks, although the Logs are far rarer items than the Twigs and Branches are. As always, save before synthesis so you do not have to go out and recollect the materials if synthesis fails. Quest 14: Temple Romance ------------------------ Where: Semania Condition(s): Map 60% of Temple of the Skies 3F Reward: Chain Plate Requirement: Quest 11 Complete To accept this quest, you must first have completed Quest 11. It should be noted that the Third Floor has five distinct sections. Three of them are corner sections for going up and down from the first floor for items or excavation points. These take up a minor amount of the third floor, but if you access the stairs in the northeast part of the main section of 2F, there is a large chunk of 3F to the east that is explorable (albeit with traps) with just a single chest, so be sure to walk around there to get your mapping percent up. Quest 15: Temple Healing ------------------------ Where: Semania Condition(s): Map 60% of Temple of the Skies 4F Reward: Strange Robe Requirement: Quest 14 Complete To accept this quest, you must first have completed Quest 14. 4F of Temple of the Skies is a floor with multiple teleporters. Near the entrance, just southwest of the stairs leading up from the Third Floor is a set of two teleporters across from each other in a short corridor. If you go through one and wander around through more teleporters, eventually you will come back through the other, so it is a bit of a recursive loop of teleporters with a single one in between allowing you to continue. As a result, you will need to move to and fro through all the teleporters to get your mapping percentage up. Quest 16: Temple Poison ----------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Map 60% of Temple of the Skies 5F Reward: Angel's Robe, Bitter Tonic Requirement: Quest 15 Complete To accept this quest, you must first have completed Quest 15. There is no gimmicks to the Fifth Floor - there is one way in from the Fourth Floor, no locked doors, and the teleporter to get out. As a result, just explore everything that you come across as you spiral around the room clockwise, and especially be sure to explore the 5x5 chamber at the middle of the room. Quest 17: Father's Pride ------------------------ Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect Dragon Fang, Chouchun Log x2 Reward: Nanatsusaya Requirement: Quest 7 Complete, possibly Quest 8 Complete To accept this quest, you must first have Quest 7 complete, and the author believes Quest 8 might be needed as well. Chouchun Log are a rare Timber item, which can be sawed from Timber spots on 1F and 3F of Temple of the Skies. Dragon Fangs are even rarer than that - they are dropped by a single enemy in the game, the Tiamat. The Tiamat is located on the Fifth Floor, and only spawns on one single panel - the centre tile of the map, which is also the centre tile of the 5x5 chamber where the door to the boss fight is located. Wander back and forth past the centre tile to spawn battles with the Tiamat and kill it several times over until you get your Dragon Fang. --------------------- OPTIONAL BOSS: BALAUR --------------------- As you should be figuring out right now, your first turn should be to start out with Status Buffs, preferably ones that are cast on everybody if possible, in roughly the order of Magic Defense Up, Defense Up, Attack Up, Critical Hits Up, and Magic Attack Up. Pulling the first two off in the first turn especially makes the fight significantly easier. Balaur makes use of Wind attacks. Hexa-Winder hits everybody and deals multiple blows per person, and he appears to spam this attack greatly when you reduce his HP to less than half of his full life. He also occasionally uses Force Storm, a powerful single-person attack, along with regular attacks. As always, heal when necessary to avoid getting KOed by a Hexa-Winder. 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Starting at the entrance, go south, and then east across a warp bridge. Where you get off, head north and west for a permanent mining excavation point found just east of the entrance location on the map. Walk south from the mining point, then east. Head south again and go west when you get the chance to move across another warp bridge to come to a chamber with a Recovery Pearl in a chest. Return back east across the bridge, then head south, and loop around counterclockwise until you get to a split. If you go north from here, you will eventually reach the northeast corner, a dead end area with nothing of interest. Proceed south instead, move a little bit east, then move south towards the southeast corner. Once you hit the door at the end and go inside, you will be required to fight a Judgement Battle should you wish to move past the area. There will be 100 enemies in this battle. Once you win, walk through the west door, and pick up a Mirage Helm from the chest. Continue west over another bridge, and then head north to disbar a door from its south side. From here, head east and north over a bridge, then east and south over a bridge, and down and around up the centre corridor to a permanent Mining spot. Head back over the briges back ewst to near the door you disbarred earlier. From that door, head up, left a bit, then up some more and to a dead end for a permanent Timber excavation spot. Head back down, then west all the way to the western corridor. Go north across a warp bridge, then continue north and across a second warp bridge into the northwest corridor. Head east and up to locate a permanent Harvest point. Return south across the bridge, then head east through a door. You need a specific Charisma level to open this - presumably Level 15. After, head north through another door, and then open a third and final door, disbarring it from the side you came in, to have easy, quick access to the front entrance to the Titan. Head back through the three doors, go south across the bridge, then head all the way south into the southwest corner. Open the chest here for a Holy Bow, then proceed east. You should have a short scene in here. Continue north up the stairs to the Second Floor. Second Floor ------------ Enemies: Ant King, Great Wall, Phantom, Lifeless King, Abyssal Slime, Killer Doll, Manticore, Fenrir Head south, west and north from the stairs to come into a chamber with a chest containing Bitter Tonic x2. Go out the southwest door down to the southwest corner, then head east and north through a door. This floor has a ton of small chambers, many of which result in dead end leads, though each dead end has something of use. From the first chamber, go north again, then west into another chamber, and north again. Of the two doors here, go east, then east again, and finally south through three more doors to get to a chest in a dead-end room for Knowledge Elixir x2. Return north through three doors, then west a door, then head north through two more doors and east three rooms over to come to a second chest. Open it up for a Petrify Bangle. From that chest, backtrack three doors west, two doors south, and a door west. Now, head three doors north, a door west, a door north, and a door east to come to a camp. You will get a camp scene, followed by a personal Master conversation with +2SP alloted to the person who you choose to converse with. Afterwards, go east a door, north a door, then west a door to find a chest with Mazuba Candy x2 inside. Return to the camp, move east a door again, then go south a door, east two doors, north through a door, east over into the next chamber, north, east, and north. On the far north end of the floor, go west a room, then south, west, and south to a chest that contains the Tusk Crest Key for the third floor in the Titan Slon. Return north, east, and north, then head west two doors. SAVE here as if you try to go west into the last door, you will have to fight the last of four optional bosses. Strategy is as always at the bottom of this chapter or found in the Optional Bosses section. Return east three doors after the fight if you so choose to partake in it, then head south a door, south again as opposed to west, south another door still and then west into a dead end room with a permanent Harvest spot. Return east and north a door, then go east through two doors and north to the northeast corner for a permanent Timber spot. Go all the way down from the Timber spot and west through a door, then go south through two more doors. Head west here instead of south, then west again through another door, and south through three more doors. Walk east and up through a second north-facing door and go down the stairs to the bottom floor. First Floor ----------- Head west and open up the chest for a Rune Plate, then return to the Second Floor. Second Floor ------------ From the stairs, head back south, north through the other door, north two more doors, walk east through another two set of doors, south a door, then west into a room with a chest that holds a Runic Robe. Go east through two doors, then south through two more. Proceed west through one last doot to find a Mining spot, then go east to the southeast corner to locate the stairs up to the Third Floor. Third Floor ----------- Enemies: Guivre, Atomic Jewel, Phantom, Hecatonchire, Medusa, Scylla From where you go over, head west. Ignore the set of stairs at about the centre-south part of the map, and continue west to find a permanent Timber spot. Return east and then go upstairs to the Fourth Floor. Fourth Floor ------------ Enemies: Atomic Jewel, Jewel Turtle, Guivre, Hippogriff, Mushnahhu, Urmahlullu, Scylla, Basilisk, Greater Imp The Fourth Floor is like 2F of Titan Aguila in that you have a lot of cracked tiles which, if you walk over them, will drop you down to 3F. You can actually look at the tiles ahead of you in your first-person view to spot these cracked tiles and then simply move around them. As going down to 3F is not 'mandatory' at all, a detailing of 3F and the various items and excavation marks is written right after this section on the Fourth Floor. As you head out into the hallway, you should get a scene. From the stairs, head all the way east to the southeast corner, then go up, west, and north. Head east a panel, north a few panels, east, north, west, north, east and north. Go west and take the first north again, then east and north, west and north once more. You should be in about a central corridor on the map where you can go straight west or east and find a set of stairs at either end down to the third floor. In this corridor, take the second north from the east end (the first north has a cracked tile), then go east a panel, then north through a door. Inside, open the chest for Night Sandals, a useful piece of equipment for mages that both increases their defense and gives them +80MP to work around with. Exit out south, then go east, take the first north, then go west when you get the chance to find a permanent Mining excavation spot, the only permanent excavation spot on this map. Return to that central corridor with a stair at either end of the hallway. From the west end, go east and take the first north you get, then head left a few panels, north, west some more and north into a donut-shaped northwest chamber. From this location, head east, up, and loop around clockwise to go up to the Fifth Floor. Third Floor ----------- Enemies: Guivre, Atomic Jewel, Phantom, Hecatonchire, Medusa, Scylla The Third Floor has fifth distinct sections. The first is the far south section that links the Second and Fourth floors, while there are a remaining four quadrants that you can access either by stairs from 4F, or more likely by falling through a hole. In the southeast quadrant, move south and east from wherever you fell to find the stairs very close by a chest that contains a Morning Star weapon in the southeast corner. In the southwest quadrant, go to the northeast corner of the northeast room to locate a chest with Promise Fruit x2. If you go into the small northwest room of this quadrant, you will find a permanent Harvest spot. 3F is the only floor in the entire tower where you can Harvest Black Flowers required for the Black Bouquet for Quest 5, and this is the only permanent Harvest spot on this floor, so you may want to save scum to make sure you get some Black Flowers (you will need a total of 5 for the Black Bouquet). The stairs are located in the southwest chamber of this quadrant. The northeast quadrant is rich with chests. If you go to the northwest corner and loop around to a dead end, you will find yourself a permanent Mining spot. Go east into a large chamber with two chests that contain an Ambrosia and a Shadow Coat. The stairs out of here are located in the southeast corner, but right due north of there is a chest with Fleet Elixir x2. The northwest quadrant has a single chest, located if you go east and north to the northeast corner of the area to find a Titan Axe. The stairs are found at the polar opposite end in the southwest corner. Fifth Floor ----------- Enemies: Mushussu, Azazel, Hecatonchire, Ultros, Blade Talos, Atomic Jewel, Emethroid You will need to Unchain a Mushussu on this floor and raise it to MAX level for Quest 7 to be completed. Head east from the stairs to find a Healing Crystal. Next, SAVE before you continue south through the door, as you will be forced into a surprise battle with a Mushussu enemy on the centre screen and an Azazel acting as a Union Guard for four Hecatonchire on both the left and right screens. Open the chest in this chamber for a Metal Helm, then go south through the door into the next room for a short scene. Enter east through the door and you will find a sequence of switches that you must press down on in order to open the next set of doors to lead further south. In order, press on the switches from the bottom left, then the top left, and finally the centre right. Open the far east chest located due east from the top left chest, then head west through the door from the bottom left chest. In this chamber, unbar the northern door, and heal up at the Heal Crystal as necessary. Next, head through the west door. If you took Quest 1 for this chapter and have it active, go left into the dead end to trigger a scene with Rachelle. In the far centre-west room, go left some more to battle a Mushussu and receive a Recovery Pearl and Magic Bracelet after. Move back east to head back into the main part of Floor Five, and you will have another set of three switches that you need to press down, one to your south, one to your north, and one to the far north. Press the bottom switch first, then the centre one, then the top one. Head through the next door in the centre line of chambers. In the next south chamber, go through the east door, and head straight east to find a permanent Timber spot. Go south just a few panels right from the door, then west through a door. Unbar the north door in here, then go west to find another door. From the far south large chamber, go through the southeast door as well to find a Rinne weapon in a chest. Now, you have one last set of blocks that you must press in order, but they are fairly spread out. In order, you must take the west door, ignore the tile here, go north and west and north some more over multiple spike traps and press down on a tile. Then, back in the large south chamber, take the northeast door, and go east and press on the tile in here. Finally, take the southwest door of the large chamber and press on the tile right in front of the door to finally trigger the switch. Finally, head south through the last door and up the stairs to the Fifth Floor. Sixth Floor ----------- A Healing Crystal will be present at the start for your use. Examine the doors to the side - they cannot be opened now, but you may as well examine them now so they are marked on your map for future reference. Head north and past the bridge, and you will get a brief scene. Continue up and head upstairs to 7F. Seventh Floor ------------- Move south through the large chamber and watch a long scene followed by the boss battle. -------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: CLUNEA THE DESTROYER -------------------------------- 15000G, Protective Stone, Calming Stone, Promise Fruit, Magic Bracelet Use a Saw on the Creator to win. Hah, you wish. In all seriousness, start off as always with status buffing. Clunea the Destroyer starts off with two hands and a middle eye which, to the author's knowledge, do not share the same skillset. Usually each body part will do a regular attack a turn. On the occasion, one of the parts may also use Arcana Break, an attack that does one hit against all members. More rare is the use of Petrifying Stare solely by the eye, which can petrify one of your party members (but does no damage), so have a Softener or Cure ready. Do NOT use Burst Gauge attacks here, because after you defeat the three body parts, you will get an intermission and cutscene. Following the scene, you DO have to recast your status buffs, so do so. This is also the pertinent time to use your Burst Gauge attacks, as the next and final phase has only one body part. The two hands and the face that are in this phase of Clunea the Destroyer seem to only have their regular attack as capable of causing damage - they do not have any multiple-character attacks or magical attacks. What the hands and face lack in power, they more than make up for in status effects. They can use Confusing Mumble, which confuses one character at a time, Shell Leak, which reduces the magic defense of a single character (when none of them use magic attacks, just the final part of this fight...), Immunity Down, which reduces resistance to status effects of one character, and Area High Heal, which greatly restores health to all three body parts. It is for that latter spell that once you are done with your Burst Gauges you will wish to focus on one body part at a time instead of trying to cause general damage to all three. The final body part to contend with is the middle eye of Clunea the Destroyer. There is no scene in between, so no need to recast status buffs. The middle eye has its regular attack, which is what you hope it will use the entire time. Its two magical attacks can be extremely nasty, especially if the last phase of body parts was spamming Shell Leak and Immunity Down. These two attacks are Dark Void, a magic attack which hits everybody can is extremely powerful (talking up to 1000 damage per character here, so have an Area High Heal or Area Full Heal at the ready if you have a character with those skills), and Tornado, which attacks each of your party members five times and is capable of causing Fear. Quest 1: Mystery Attacks ------------------------ Where: Ipey Condition(s): Find the mystery monster in Loewe Reward: Romphair, Life Fruit Requirement: Have entered Titan Loewe, Chapter 6 Quest 1 Complete To do this quest, you must have first entered Titan Loewe at least once, and have also completed Quest 1 from Chapter 6. On the Fifth Floor, in the third or fourth central chamber from the north, go through the west door, and go west into the dead end niche for an encounter with Rachelle. Afterwards, walk a few more steps west to fight a Mussushu enemy and you will receive a Recovery Pearl and Magic Bracelet thereafter and also complete the quest. Quest 2: Special Request ------------------------ Where: Lantana Condition(s): Defeat 3 Ultros Reward: Gothic Dress Requirement: Have entered Titan Loewe To do this quest, you must have first entered Titan Loewe. Ultros are encountered on the Fifth Floor only, and they usually show up in pairs, so you will have to fight at least a couple of battles before you can satisfy the hunting quota to finish this quest up. Quest 3: Bard's Talent ---------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Raise Mari up to Level 57 Reward: Nocturne Requirement: Have entered Titan Loewe To do this quest, you must have first entered Titan Loewe at least once. Fulfilling this quest is pretty much exactly what is written in the conditions - get Mari up to Level 57. Fortunately, none of the remaining quests from this chapter require Quest 3 to be completed, so if you have not been using her and getting her up that last 5 or so levels is a drudge, you can simply wait until the aftergame content when enemies start giving out more experience again so you do not have to grind still more before the final boss. Quest 4: Golem's Dignity ------------------------ Where: Semania Condition(s): Raise Hector up to Level 57 Reward: Titan Axe Requirement: Have entered Titan Loewe To do this quest, you must have first entered Titan Loewe at least once. Fulfilling this quest is pretty much exactly what is written in the conditions - get Hector up to Level 57. Fortunately, none of the remaining quests from this chapter require Quest 4 to be completed, so if you have not been using him and getting him up that last 5 or so levels is a drudge, you can simply wait until the aftergame content when enemies start giving out more experience again so you do not have to grind still more before the final boss. Quest 5: First Love ------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Collect a Black Bouquet Reward: Rinne Requirement: Chapter 6 Quest 13 Complete As you must have already completed Quest 13 of Chapter 6 to be able to do this quest, you will already have the Level 5 Synthesis Proficiency required to create a Black Bouquet. That is acceptable, but it is the ingredients to synthesise the Black Bouquet that makes it rather more annoying. Specifically, a Black Bouquet needs 5x Black Flower and a single Legendary Frill. Legendary Frills are dropped by two enemies in Titan Loewe: Medusa, found on Floors One and Three, and Scylla, located on Floors Three and Four. Easy enough. However, the Black Flower is found _ONLY_ on Floor Three, and Floor Three has a single permanent harvest spot, in the northwest corner of the southwest quadrant. Since you have to exit and re-enter the entire Titan to regenerate this Harvest spot each time, it can be quite a slog to collect 5 Black Flowers. Be sure to save right before Harvesting so you can at least get a couple of Black Flowers each trip. As always, especially in this case, save before you go to the synthesis place in either Lantana or Semania so if the synthesis is a failure, you can just reload instead of having to recollect the materials. Quest 6: Extra Special ---------------------- Where: Lantana Condition(s): Defeat 3x Scylla Reward: Lolita Dress Requirement: Quest 2 Complete Quest 2 needs to be completed before you can attempt this quest. Scylla are located on 3F and 4F of Titan Loewe as a semi-common encounter. They usually show up at least three at a time to a battle, so a single encounter will be enough to fill out the hunting quota for this quest. Quest 7: Overrated Dragon ------------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Raise a Mushussu to MAX Level Reward: Scissor Hands, Vitality Seed Requirement: Chapter 6 Quest 5 Complete Quest 5 from Chapter 6 needs to be completed before you can attempt this Quest, though you can fulfill the condition before taking the quest and then just hand it in right afterwards. To complete this quest, you need to Unchain a Mushussu from the Titan Loewe, who is found only on Floor Five. Once you have one, you need to slot it into an active character's party. Once you have ranked it up to its max level (in the after-battle screen, the Mushussu should have a MAX over its experience bar), you can return to Ipey or Lantana or Semania to hand in your quest. Quest 8: Followers Care ----------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Map 60% of Titan Loewe 3F Reward: Shadow Coat, Energy Drink Requirement: Quest 5 Complete To obtain this quest, you must first have completed Quest 5. Only about 5% of Floor 3F is mandatory to explore during the course of the game, so you will have to go out of your way to get up to 60%. There are numerous treasure chests and permanent excavation points, as marked out in the walkthrough for this chapter, so shuffle around and fill out tiles on your maps as you grab the items and excavate synthesis items. Floor Three is divided into four optional quadrants, which you get to either by falling down holes from 4F or by taking the stairs, and a short southern corridor that links 2F to 4F. Quest 9: Unexpected Gift ------------------------ Where: Semania Condition(s): Collect 1 Fairy Dust, 5x Chouchun Leaf Reward: Rhongomyniad Requirement: Quest 5 Complete ---------------------- OPTIONAL BOSS: NIDHOGG ---------------------- 1500G Be sure to get a Defense Formation or Guardian Earth or what-have you off in the first round of battle, as Nidhogg can use Rampage, a pretty intense physical skill that deals five straight physical attacks to a single character. Nidhogg is also capable of using Fearful Howl, which causes fear to the character it hits for the duration of the battle (or just a few turns...). Finally, he can use Penta-Rocker, which deals multiple Earth-elemental attacks to each of your party members. These three skills are all in addition to his regular, run-of-the-mill normal attack. Not much else to say here. If you have run the gamut of the other Dragon bosses already, you should know the process by now: get off status-buff spells in the first round to make the battle significantly easier, have a healer ready in case of any vicious attacks, then press the advantage until Nidhogg goes down. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Aftergame ________________________________________________________________________________ [AFTG] Reloading your completed game save, you will get a scene, along with a tutorial on the Infinite Ark. The Infinite Ark is explained below, but first, make a trip to Titan Slon. ---------- TITAN SLON ---------- From the First Floor, head up to the Third Floor (Chapter 4 side). Third Floor ----------- Enemies: Dryad, Jotunn, Lizard Lord, Spiker, Garm, Spirit Fox Walk over east to where the Fourth Floor stairs are, and go west a few panels to a locked door. With the Tusk Crest Key from Titan Loewe, you can now open this door. There are no new enemies that are exclusive to this area behind the door, so you will fight the same set of foes that have always been found on 3F. Proceed east and over the poisonous swamp tiles via use of a bridge warp, then east and south through the first chamber, north and east through a second room, and finally south over another land bridge. Head south through the door and go over still another bridge to the far southeast corner of the room. Open the chest at the south end of this room for Paralysis Bangle x2. Return north over the bridge and through the door, and take the power bridge at the northwest corner of this room (you came in here initially from the northeast corner). Head west and south over another bridge, and then east through a door into a final chamber. There is a permanent Timber spot in here, and that is the final item of interest on this floor, and for the dungeon as a whole. You can use Escape or a Sigil to leave, or walk out manually. Also, go to Temple of the Skies. ------------------- Temple of the Skies ------------------- First Floor ----------- For those of you curious about that puzzle in the west end, with the pillar, here is how to solve it. You need to have five Follower types in your party (not specifically equipped to a Master, I believe, just in your army). These are: Blade Talos Hippogriff Ultros Mushussu Jewel Turtle Blade Talos, Ultros, and Mushussu all show up on 5F of Titan Loewe, while the Jewel Turtle and Hippogriff are both located on 4F of the same Titan. Your reward for this is a Silver Cross accessory. When equipped, a person regains 1MP for every 20HP of damage they take, useful for certain treks up Infinite Ark, though you also can get more Silver Crosses randomly from chests in Infinite Ark. Credits to the GameFAQs user Teslavi for providing the solution. ------------ Infinite Ark ------------ The Infinite Ark is a 100-floor tower with random floor layouts. Every time you enter the Infinite Ark, you must make your way to the teleporter on each floor to advance a floor. At the top of the tower, you will fight a boss and get an item in the process. Blue teleporters take you up a single floor of the tower. Red teleporters transport you UP to a maximum of 10 floors - specifically, they take you to the next 'x0' floor, such as Floor 30, Floor 40, Floor 50, etc. Travelling through the tower, you will encounter a multitude of enemy varieties that you have previously fought. Every enemy will be significantly buffed up over their regular stats from the normal dungeons, even the Brownies and Gremlins from the Temple of Trials. The quality of the monsters you face also appear to increase the higher you go. You can still Unchain enemies in Infinite Ark, and they start out at very high levels. However, Unchaining them can be very difficult - even at Charisma Level 15, the Unchain rings close by far quicker than they do outside of Infinite Ark. Enemies in the Infinite Ark do NOT drop their normal drops; instead, they drop some specific Synthesis items needed for Level 4 and Level 5 items in Sophia's and Garnett's craft shops. These are items such as Oricalchum, Dusk Jewels, Fey Ambers, Dragonegg Jewels, and Dragonegg Gems and Holy Gems and Ogre King Horns, though the last few items appear to be dropped only by enemies on very high floors. Foes also drop other useful items, such as Honey, which you can use to Synthesise over time using regular Harvest items into Refreshing Tonic, Elixirs, and Ambrosia. To conquer the Infinite Ark, you will eventually wish to have lots of MP-restoring item, and enemy drops here are the only place you will get Honey in the game after you have done all the Judgement Battles already. Other useful drops by enemies include such items as the Stone items (Protective Stone, Vitality Stone, etc.), as well as Fruit items (Life Fruit, Power Fruit, Promise Fruit), which are used to increase the attributes of your Followers. As a result, grinding in Infinite Ark becomes useful for accumulating Fruit items and upgrading your Followers. It should also be noted that there are NO excavation points in the entire Infinite Ark, so leave your Saws, Pickaxes and Trowels at the Storehouse before attempting a climb up the Infinite Ark. You will want the extra room offered by freeing them up from your inventory, as you can very quickly accumulate a large amount of items. You are recommended to bring at least Softeners to the Ark, as there ARE Medusas crawling around, along with Cockatrice. Treasure chests will also appear on floors. If you have Niko along, get in the habit of using her Treasure Search skill (and make sure not to accidentally use the Escape skill by accident!) to see if there is a treasure chest before going up. The rate of treasure appearing on a floor *appears* to increase the higher you go, though this is entirely anecdotal and from author observation. The quality of treasure that you get for certain seems to increase the higher you go. On lower floors, the equipment is around middling status relative to the equipment you picked up in Titan Loewe. The higher you go, however, the better the quality of the equipment and item drops you get from the chests, such as an Elixir. Of special note is that you can pick up status-increasing Seeds from these chests, which increase the attributes of the Masters, such as Life Seeds or Fleet Seeds or Vitality Seeds. However, they do not show up in chests right away (from author observation, they appear to start appearing in the treasure chests from about the 30th floor onwards). Of special interest is that once you find yourself in front of a treasure chest, you can SAVE SCUM, meaning save, and reload if the treasure you get is undesirable. The treasure content is randomised and only finalises once you open a chest, not when you appear on a floor. You can easily save scum to pick up on lots of Seed items, and then synthesise them into Elixir items at Garnett's or Sophia's synthesis places once you have Level 5 Synthesis proficiency. Interestingly, it appears there is a glitch of some sort to this. The author once, while save scumming, encountered a treasure that had a button on it. Proceeding to press it, he got a replay of a Chapter 2 scene (specifically noted by the presence of only Tiana, Selvie, and Niko, with Niko mentioning she hoped her dumbness would be solved when she got to the Goddess - a scene that occurred already!), followed by a battle with three Mermaids (which is one of the trap battles from Chapter 2), and was then able to open the chest normally thereafter. It should be noted he had also hooked up a charger to the 3DS right before doing this, as well. Now, it should be specifically noted, floors are NOT specifically randomly generated. There is a finite number of floor layouts, but the type you get will be randomly chosen every time you head to a new floor. For example, one floor layout you will see often is two large chambers side by side with four doors, with one leading to an empty chamber, one leading to a chamber with a surprise one-screen battle, one leading to a chamber with a treasure chest, and one leading to the teleporter. However, the location of the teleport pad changes each time for floors, so it will never be in the same place all the time. Additionally, whether a chest appears or not is also randomised (though for some floors, such as the aforementioned layout, a chest ALWAYS appears). The location of the chest is also randomised, hence why you see so many empty chest pillars. There ARE Healing Crystals in the Infinite Ark, but they only exist on a few of the floor configurations. A useful thing to do is park yourself near the Healing Crystals and wage a few battles to fill out your Burst Gauges, as you will want to keep them at at least Level 2 while dungeon trekking. Now, as for traversing the actual floors themselves. When going around, be careful when you come to a door. Behind a door, you will sometimes be thrown into a battle with a single screen full of enemies. Behind other doors, however, you will be thrown into far more intense, 3-screen battles with up to a full army of 15 enemies to take on. It is these fights you want to save your Level 2 and Level 3 Burst Gauge attacks for. After a few runs through Infinite Ark, however, you should be able to recognise the 3-screen battle doors, as they do NOT change. One-screen battles are, to some extent, randomised however. Once you get to the 100th Floor, you will fight the boss of that run once you go through a chamber door. The boss of the first run is a Titan Darius, who retains all the same attacks and phases as it did in Chapter 1, just with increases stats. Titan Darius gives 10000G, Promise Fruit x2, Vitality Seed, Life Seed x2, Ambrosia after the battle, which is repeated again by Titan Tortuga, the boss of the second run, which also keeps the same attacks and phases. After the battle, go through the teleporter to Floor F1, then head through the last teleporter for a results screen. On your first run, you shall receive the Winged Crest, which you can use to open up the locked door in Titan Aguila (see below). For reference, here are five locked doors remaining that should be opened after getting specific crests. Titan Tortuga - Turtle Shell-shaped key Titan Aguila - Pair of wings shaped key Temple of the Sky - Pillar puzzle Temple of the Sky - Sun engraving 6th floor of Titan Loewe - glittering shell, skull Now, there is a special boss that you fight after completing Infinite Ark 50 times, as well as Crest items you get for fighting more bosses on more runs. However, those will not be covered because, honestly, the author is not interested in sinking another one hundred hours into the game to document all that stuff. If you have information and would like to contribute it, please see the bottom of this guide for the author's email, or the section on 'Info to contribute'. Thanks for reading this guide! ~Darkstar Ripclaw ------------ TITAN AGUILA ------------ First Floor ----------- Enemies: Pterosaur, Mummy, Bloody Bandage, Griffin, Pharoah's Corpse, Phoenix Go up the stairs to the second floor, then return back down to the First Floor via the centre-west set of stairs to head over to the area where the Crystal Core is. Open the locked door just west of the Crystal Core using the Winged Crest. Head south and down the narrow corridor. Go through the door and you will face a preset battle with a Pharoah's Corpse surrounded by four Bloody Bandages on the middle screen, and a Bloody Bandage surrounded by four Mummies on the left and right screens. Following the battle, go west through the door and open the chest for a Seal Bangle. You are finished in this Titan now, so Escape or use a Sigil. Quest 1: Proof of Power ----------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Complete the Infinite Ark once Reward: Twilight Armor, Twilight Hood Requirement: Have entered Infinite Ark Quest 2: A Better Idea ---------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 2x Fey Amber, 2x Dragonegg Jewel, 3x Dragoneye Gem Reward: Enchanted Rod Requirement: Have entered Infinite Ark Quest 3: Inspiration Hits ------------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 3x Scholar's Stone Reward: God Hand Requirement: Quest 2 Complete Quest 4: Jealous Rival ---------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 10x Calming Stone Reward: Silver Rapier Requirement: Quest 2 Complete Quest 5: Big Brainstorm ----------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 3x Orichalcum Reward: Chameleon Dagger Requirement: Quest 3 Complete Quest 6: Odd Delivery --------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Collect 1 Pegasus Hoof, 3x Iridium Shard Reward: Silver Mace Requirement: Quest 4 Complete Quest 7: A Powerful Idea ------------------------ Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 3x Dust Jewel Reward: Laevateinn Requirement: Quest 5 Complete Quest 8: The Best Idea ---------------------- Where: Ipey Condition(s): Collect 2x Holy Gem, Collect 2x Ogre King Horn Reward: Vajrayudha Requirement: Quest 7 Complete Quest 9: Legend's Birth ----------------------- Where: Semania Condition(s): Clear Infinite Ark without using Items Reward: Night Sandals, Twilight Greaves Requirement: Quest 1 Complete Precisely what it says on the tin, go through the entire tower without once using any items. Your best bet for this is probably to go through on prior runs and attempt to pick up at least a couple of Silver Cross items from the chests on higher floors in Infinite Ark. Silver Crosses are accessories which restore 1MP for every 20 damage the holder takes, so your characters can use Heal spells as necessary, and magicians can restore MP for spell usage. If you ever find a Heal Crystal, grinding battles around there is even more imperative, as you can just heal at the crystal in between battles while getting your MP back up. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Optional Bosses ________________________________________________________________________________ [OPTB] ---------------------- OPTIONAL BOSS: ECHIDNA ---------------------- Where: Titan Slon, Second Floor Chapter 4 Side, Eastern Chamber (Take right teleporter from top-right large chamber) The recommended level to start thinking about Echidna is early 30s, and no lower. Also bring along a couple of Restoration Beads, as she can still take out characters with one hit. Now, Echidna has a very fatal flaw to her attacks: they all hit one person only, and she only attacks once per turn. Keep that in mind, as you do not need to worry about having Area High Heal on hand, just High Heal. That having been said, the key to this battle is to bring in a person who can cast a Defense-All spell (ie. Hector with Guardian Earth) AND a person who can cast a Magic Defense-All spell (ie. Lapis with Wall of Mercy). The aforementioned two skills are both intrinsic spells, meaning they can use them as soon as they get them off the Skill Map with no need for specific Anima, but other characters have the same types of spells. Other regular or Link Spells that are of use are Attack/Magic-Up spells, and powerful single-character attacks that both can deal damage to Echidna and reduce her stats. For example, Fang's and Hector's Arm Breaker, a Claw-only attack, will damage Echidna and also reduce her Attack. As for Echidna herself, there are no surprises beyond the fact she can deal out tough hits: no surprise status effects, no hit-all spells. --------------------- OPTIONAL BOSS: CANHEL --------------------- Where: Titan Aguila, First Floor, Upper-Right Chamber (Fall down a hole from 2F) Canhel has a wicked number of magic attacks on him, and so it is for that reason I recommend you do not bring in Lucius, who seems to be especially weak to magic. Canhel's magic attacks are all electric-based, so you would do good to bring in both Lapis and Selvie, who share electric elements, and so see some reduced damage from Canhel's attacks. An absolute must first-round spell is something that increases the Magic Defense of all your characters, such as Shell Formation. Canhel loves to use Hexa-Bolter, which attacks all characters, and hits for several times against each person. Additionally, he also uses Thunder Blast, a more powerful electric attack that only hits one person at a time. On the occasion, he will restrict himself to just attacking one person with a regular attack. Other than that, as always, use any other skills you have on hand to up your character stats, whether they are character-internal or require Anima (link skills). As always, a favourite of the author is Fang's Dragon Victory to raise the party's attack, and, if you have to use him, Lucius' Eyes in Darkness, which increases the chance of landing a critical hit on Canhel. --------------------- OPTIONAL BOSS: BALAUR --------------------- Where: Temple of the Skies, First Floor, Northeast Corner Chamber As you should be figuring out right now, your first turn should be to start out with Status Buffs, preferably ones that are cast on everybody if possible, in roughly the order of Magic Defense Up, Defense Up, Attack Up, Critical Hits Up, and Magic Attack Up. Pulling the first two off in the first turn especially makes the fight significantly easier. Balaur makes use of Wind attacks. Hexa-Winder hits everybody and deals multiple blows per person, and he appears to spam this attack greatly when you reduce his HP to less than half of his full life. He also occasionally uses Force Storm, a powerful single-person attack, along with regular attacks. As always, heal when necessary to avoid getting KOed by a Hexa-Winder. ---------------------- OPTIONAL BOSS: NIDHOGG ---------------------- Where: Titan Loewe, Second Floor, Centre-North Dead End Room 1500G Be sure to get a Defense Formation or Guardian Earth or what-have you off in the first round of battle, as Nidhogg can use Rampage, a pretty intense physical skill that deals five straight physical attacks to a single character. Nidhogg is also capable of using Fearful Howl, which causes fear to the character it hits for the duration of the battle (or just a few turns...). Finally, he can use Penta-Rocker, which deals multiple Earth-elemental attacks to each of your party members. These three skills are all in addition to his regular, run-of-the-mill normal attack. Not much else to say here. If you have run the gamut of the other Dragon bosses already, you should know the process by now: get off status-buff spells in the first round to make the battle significantly easier, have a healer ready in case of any vicious attacks, then press the advantage until Nidhogg goes down. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Desired Information ________________________________________________________________________________ [DESR] In an ideal world in which he had infinite time, the author would love to get every detail of this game written down in this guide. Unfortunately, the author does not have infinite time. This is assorted information that the author would love to have, if possible. Some of this is probably stuff that only a developer or a hacker would have, so if you are a developer for this game and reading it, such information would be MASSIVELY helpful; -What is the actual element system of the game as far as weaknesses and strengths go? Electricity > Sky and for sure attacks of the same element against an enemy does less damage -Sea of Fire technique - is Fang able to relearn this at any point? -Attacks, phases, of the supposed last boss after clearing Infinite Ark 50 times, and if this is a legit fact and this secret last boss is not just a rumor -Remaining Quests for Infinite Ark -Number of runs to get specific items, Crests, etc. from Infinite Ark -Items, etc. behind the locked doors that you need the remaining Crests to unlock in the Titans and Temple of the Skies -Infinite Ark - do specific monsters drop specific items? And what are the floor ranges for all the monsters? -Fill in the blanks for Monster Conversations -Money drops by all the bosses that do not have money drop listed already TO-DO LIST ---------- Stuff the author actually intends to still do on his own -Gameplay Explanations -Monster Anima, Locations, Drops lists -Excavation Lists -Monster Conversations -Character Skills, Bios CREDITS ------- Credits go to the following websites that I made use of for data in writing this guide http://wiki.mmo-station.com/wiki/unchainbr/ http://unchainedblades.wikia.com/wiki/Follower_Conversations http://xseedgames.com/forums/showthread.php?2087-Unchained-Blades- Monster-Anima-List-Drops-Data Credits also go to the following people: Teslavi off the GameFAQs board for providing a solution to the Temple of the Skies puzzle _______________________________________________________________________________ Need help with something that's not in this FAQ? Got a comment to make? Find something wrong in this FAQ, or else just want to contribute something extra? Email me at darkstar.ripclaw AT gmail DOT com if you need any of these things. Do NOT ask stuff that is answered in this guide; unless the wording is truly ambiguous, a bit of toying around never hurts. Please refer to the actual in-guide FAQ first before asking a question. If you are reading this document from a site that is NOT GameFAQs.com, please go and examine the version on GameFAQs.com and see if it is the same version as the one you are reading. If it is not, then you may yet be able to find the answer you are looking for in the GameFAQs.com version. If you wish to ask whether or not you can host this on your site, go right ahead in hosting it. The only thing that I ask you to do is to keep the 'The most recent version of this FAQ may always be found at GameFAQs.com' line at the top completely intact as well as the paragraph right above this one, as that is the main site that I always update to. If your site's version gets even one version out of date, I would like for people to be aware of a more up-to-date version. Wish Upon A Darkstar ;;ff LLKK.. ..WW##ii tt####LL DD####DD ii########ii LL########LL ..WW########EE ff############;; ..KK############ff ii##############DD GG################;; ;;WW################jj LLKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKWW####################KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKLL.. ,,GG###############################################################ii ..EE###########################################################EEttttii,, ttKK######################################################WWLL;;,,;;jjffjj;; ..ttKK################################################KKtt::::::::ttjjjjff ..ttKK##########################################LL::::::::::::::::::LL ;;LLKK####################################jj ::ii;;;;;;..;;ii;; ii;; ;ttGGKK##############################GG::::::::;;,,;;;;.. ..iiii iiii .ii############################KKtt iiii ;;;;;; .tt##########################WWtt tttt ;;, ::DD########################WWii ;; ,;;;; .;;;;WW############EE##########WW.. ;i;; ii;;jj############ff..GG##########;; .. ;;ii....LL##########GG.. ;;KK########;; ii.. 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